I've been watching quite a few films recently, it's been a mixed bag.
I thoroughly disliked
Possession, which was maybe the point, but I found it bleak to the extent that I just couldn't really get into it. I get the underlying themes at play here, but the overacting, the weird editing and the general vibe just didn't work for me.
For some reason I rewatched
Rounders, which wasn't as good as in my memory, but was a quintessential 90s film that works well and has the enjoyment of a terribly over-the-top Malkovich performance when Malkovich was still a film, and Damon and Norton both come up with decent performances. Perfectly watchable, but not quite as good as I recalled.
Speaking of quintessential 90s film,
The talented Mr Ripley worked better for me, the cast is fresh and charming (back then) and the whole film is bathed in an aura of elegance and coolness (helps that it's set on the Italian coast in the late 50s, with lazy sunny lightings and jazz to complement it all). The plot is fine and kinda holds up, and it's just a really enjoyable film to watch.
Fresh was... something else. Having not read anything about it before putting it on (I'd just seen a random dancing clip of Sebastian Stan and Daisy Edgar Jones on Instagram and assumed it was a romcom

), I was quite surprised by it but my girlfriend and I being a fan of the horror genre, we both really "enjoyed" it (as much as you can "enjoy" something like this). It's helped by a really good leading duo of actors, and some decent side performances (Jonica T Gibbs is great as Noa's best friend) and taking the whole dating scene as a premise to it works quite well. It's pretty gore-y so I'd not recommend it if that disturbs you, but for fans of the genre, I think it will be enjoyed.
@Dirty Schwein have you seen this one?
Still in the horror genre (but not gore),
The Lodge was decent with a very predictable twist, but some creepy atmosphe setting. It was not bad.
We saw
Kong x Godzilla or whatever it's called at the cinema and if you're in the mood for brainless, popcorn, monster genre nonsense, it's fine - not much else to say about it, it's not particularly pretty, the cast isn't particularly charismatic, some of the writing is proper lazy... but it's still a generally speaking fun ride.
Sleeping Dogs could've been a lot better than it was. It takes the premise of a former cop that suffers with Alzheimer's and is trying to reconstruct a former case he worked on, piecing everything together. The premise is kinda fun, but it very quickly delves into the usual tropes of the cop-movie genre with all its clichés and very few surprises. Perfectly forgettable.
Finally, we saw
Dune 2 again (second time for me and first time for her) in a greaaaat IMAX cinema and man, what an experience. I'd liked it the first time around in a very decent settting, but seeing it as it should be, in those conditions... wow. My ears were ringing for a little while after that. I have a couple of friends who watched it from an illegal bootleg or something on their computer screen and I want to punch them for viewing it like that. I'll probably just change friends.