It’s funny reading the negative reviews(Of course audiences hated it at the time)as its the closest we’ve gotten to a modern day Showgirls in how misunderstood it is. Complaints about repeated dialogue as like it wasn’t a deliberate choice, the ambient vibe(Can really see the influence of Mann 2006 Miami Vice)is labelled “bad plotting” and someone like Mark Kermode seemed to think all the nudity was just Korine getting off rather than the director showing how much this nudity lack any eroticism.
James Franco double blows pistols and some critics think they are smarter than the film!?
I love that it isn’t a moral judgmental of the culture depicting or it’s characters. Instead the film only wants to reflex the culture back on to the screen to the audience in order to create a atmosphere which then raises interesting questions(There’s a tons of stuff about race, class, gun culture, masculinity, etc).
Style really is substance with Spring Breakers.
DDL would have really cut off his arm in 127 hours!