Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Even the worlds themselves seem less and less interesting as you go because essentially they feel similar to one another - a couple of major people to talk two and problem solve for, a wildlands nearby where you get to do some crappy monster killing. I really thought it would be more interesting than this. I reckon I'll just bin this one and move on. Wasting free-time does me no good!Yeh I had the same thing with Outer Worlds it’s just not all that good. The environments are pretty, the characters can be good. The gameplay is really poor though and I think in a game like that, you have to rely on solid combat. That’s the reason a game like Days Gone or Rage 2 are pretty fun and playable, because their combat at least remains fun.
I really liked Days Gone. As you say, the combat was very enjoyable and satisfying. The world, and story were also pretty good.l