Gaming The RedCafe General/Random Gaming Chat Thread

I've been meaning to revisit that at some point. The last time I played it was about 10 years ago, I'm curious to see how it has evolved since then. It was still missing all of the Xen stuff, which is supposed to be a major upgrade over the original Xen (not that hard to be fair).

Yep, the whole thing is entirely different.

I have my thoughts on it, but I would rather you now play it and tell me yours first. Trust me, for all the negative points I have, it's very much worth it. It pisses over most fps games to this day. It also makes a mockery of this gen and their love of remasters/remakes too.
I have somehow been roped into playing Destiny 2 with some mates. It's very fecking addictive, but I'm not even sure why. It's extremely monotonous and nothing about it is especially good, but I can't stop playing it.
Yeah when the ice one DLC came out(forgot the name). I was addicted to it. But I can't keep buying a new dlc and the old weapons become useless. Brilliant and fun gameplay though. Nothing better feeling like Palpatine flying around going full on "unlimited Power" :lol:. Only thing I dislike is how lost you are if you don't keel buying the dlc or still no matchmaking for Raids or weekly nightfall
I have somehow been roped into playing Destiny 2 with some mates. It's very fecking addictive, but I'm not even sure why. It's extremely monotonous and nothing about it is especially good, but I can't stop playing it.
Having people to play it with helps a lot. I dropped off D2 after people either moved on to different games or different raid groups but the initial experience of playing the first Destiny and the first raid (Vault of Glass) with a bunch of people from the caf was great.
Having people to play it with helps a lot. I dropped off D2 after people either moved on to different games or different raid groups but the initial experience of playing the first Destiny and the first raid (Vault of Glass) with a bunch of people from the caf was great.
Ah right, some people have a tagline mentioning this.
Those were the days! no mic wasn't even the difficult part, weren't you playing mainly on a PSP or something? the jumping puzzles were always a laugh :P
Ah yes, the jumping puzzles are a pain, especially since my mates have all played for ages and mock me while I lag behind falling to my death over and over.
Ah yes, the jumping puzzles are a pain, especially since my mates have all played for ages and mock me while I lag behind falling to my death over and over.
:lol: it's all part of the initiation to destiny. You'll get the hang of it eventually, the most confusing thing is the 3 classes all have different jumps so it takes some getting used to.
I have somehow been roped into playing Destiny 2 with some mates. It's very fecking addictive, but I'm not even sure why. It's extremely monotonous and nothing about it is especially good, but I can't stop playing it.
I started it a month or so back and it doesn't explain its campaign well at all so I went to a planet and largely enjoyed my hour there only to be told that this was the Witch Queen expansion and I'd have to buy it to play further. feckers. Could have told me up front.
I knew about it but the games have been released in countless collections over the years with the music included. What's changed now?
Michael Jackson died. The theory is he just waved them through previously but whoever owns the rights now wont. Or they wont at a price Sega are willing to pay.
I think the previous collections that were released were before 2009.
Another theory is that ice cap zone was basically stolen from another artist and they decided to dump it to avoid being sued, though i have no idea how they wouldn't for releasing it previously. Maybe it was that he 'stole' it from a band he played in and never expected the song to get released by the band.
There was an article on a week or two back about it.
Brigador is a fun time with the best gaming soundtrack outside of Hotline Miami.
Bought TMNT: Shredder's Revenge.

As soon as I saw it I was transported back 30 years so hope it lives up to my nostalgia.
Speaking about old games, Crapcom is bringing 10 - yes you read that right! - 10 of the classic Mega Man Battle Network games to Switch, PS4, PS5 and PC.

Not Xbox though. Get rekt Xbots.

Oh I loved Bloodstained. The gameplay is a bit clunky true but it's oozing with atmosphere. The difficulty is just right and it's really fun hunting round the map to find every nook and cranny.
I finished this now and did about everything I could. Not sure about that difficulty being just right, this game almost feels designed to be broken. :lol: It's just too much fun to farm the shit out of everything and see how absurdly overpowered you can become. By the end I was walking into optional boss rooms, face tanked them and melted them in under a minute. I took my character to ng+ on the newly unlocked hard difficulty and killed the first 3 bosses in 1 hit. :lol: I'm sure it's a different story on nightmare, but I've got more than my money's worth out of this game already, so I'm going to move on.

I did have a couple of complaints, the main one being the underwhelming level design, especially in late game areas. Those were seriously uninspired and even all the enemies were reskins. The second, more minor complaint is the ridiculous bloat in terms of weapons, spells and crafting and cooking materials. It throws so much stuff at you it becomes hard to filter out what's useful. I guess it does give a lot of build flexibility, but on the other hand certain spells are clearly superior, so the rest just becomes noise.

Still, it's a great game, if a little inconsistent.
I finished this now and did about everything I could. Not sure about that difficulty being just right, this game almost feels designed to be broken. :lol: It's just too much fun to farm the shit out of everything and see how absurdly overpowered you can become. By the end I was walking into optional boss rooms, face tanked them and melted them in under a minute. I took my character to ng+ on the newly unlocked hard difficulty and killed the first 3 bosses in 1 hit. :lol: I'm sure it's a different story on nightmare, but I've got more than my money's worth out of this game already, so I'm going to move on.

I did have a couple of complaints, the main one being the underwhelming level design, especially in late game areas. Those were seriously uninspired and even all the enemies were reskins. The second, more minor complaint is the ridiculous bloat in terms of weapons, spells and crafting and cooking materials. It throws so much stuff at you it becomes hard to filter out what's useful. I guess it does give a lot of build flexibility, but on the other hand certain spells are clearly superior, so the rest just becomes noise.

Still, it's a great game, if a little inconsistent.

Oh yeah definitely made to be OP. I was still struggling with some of the late game bosses but nothing compared with the early ones. I find that tends to be the way with Bloodstainvanias - the challenge is fun at first but later on its the brutal bodying that's most enjoyable :D
Bought TMNT: Shredder's Revenge.

As soon as I saw it I was transported back 30 years so hope it lives up to my nostalgia.
Supposed to be really good. The old TMNT games were a blast.
Okay Bloodstained is quite addictive. Hard to put this one down.
Being a Soulsborne aficionado, I thought I could waltz into Sekiro with minimal fuss.

Feck that. This is bastard hard.
Being a Soulsborne aficionado, I thought I could waltz into Sekiro with minimal fuss.

Feck that. This is bastard hard.
Yeah its their hardest game. It clicks after a while and you'll be amazed just how good you get by the end of the game.
Okay Bloodstained is quite addictive. Hard to put this one down.
It really is, playing through it convinced me to give Symphony of the Night a go at some point, as I never played that (or any other Castlevania game).

For now, I've moved onto Jedi: Fallen Order, which I picked up for €10 in a sale a while back. Seems decent enough so far, but I'm not completely sold on it yet. There's very little to do and discover off the beaten path, outside of some inconsequential lore and cosmetic stuff. It's a bit boring.

The Dark Souls inspiration is obvious, but at the same time it has 4 difficulty settings, which makes me worried about the balance. I've always thought these types of games only work well with a single difficulty setting that is finely tuned. Hard to do that with 4 settings. For some reason the devs chose the setting that is described in the game as being intended for players who are "new to action games" as the default, which is just weird. So I've moved it one tick up to Jedi Master. It's fine so far, I guess.
Hey guys,
I need a bit of buying advice regarding VR headsets for gaming. If there's a more suitable (active) thread, please point me there.

My girlfriends little brother turns 18 this month and we want to get him a VR headset. Problem is, he doesn't have a beastly computer to go with it. His parents are getting him a laptop for his birthday. I don't know the specs yet, but wouldn't expect it to be a gaming machine. He does have a PS4.

So I tried to read up a bit since I have zero experience with VR gear. Are there alternatives to Oculus Quest 2 when it comes to standalone VR gaming? Is it even good in standalone? Are there alternatives that run on moderate hardware? Is the PS VR thingy any good?

Our budget is somewhere around 400€ (which I think is way too much for the little shit, but here we are)
Hey guys,
I need a bit of buying advice regarding VR headsets for gaming. If there's a more suitable (active) thread, please point me there.

My girlfriends little brother turns 18 this month and we want to get him a VR headset. Problem is, he doesn't have a beastly computer to go with it. His parents are getting him a laptop for his birthday. I don't know the specs yet, but wouldn't expect it to be a gaming machine. He does have a PS4.

So I tried to read up a bit since I have zero experience with VR gear. Are there alternatives to Oculus Quest 2 when it comes to standalone VR gaming? Is it even good in standalone? Are there alternatives that run on moderate hardware? Is the PS VR thingy any good?

Our budget is somewhere around 400€ (which I think is way too much for the little shit, but here we are)

The Quest 2 is the only option. But it's a very good one and is better in many ways than the PSVR in standalone anyway.

Then if he does get a PC (or the laptop can handle it, there are a lot of things the PCVR side can do other than games) it will be compatible with that too.
The Quest 2 is the only option. But it's a very good one and is better in many ways than the PSVR in standalone anyway.

Then if he does get a PC (or the laptop can handle it, there are a lot of things the PCVR side can do other than games) it will be compatible with that too.
Thanks mate, seems like it's going to be the Oculus.

Oh and it's not just a laptop, it's a MacBook I learned. Spoilt little fecker :lol:
I wouldn't be playing games if I'm turning 18 and have just received a VR headset.
The AI in Jedi: Fallen Order has to be the dumbest I've ever seen. A rocket trooper will indiscriminately blow up his mates who're in melee range around you and even worse, blow up himself if you're right in front of him. :lol: I suppose they have the lazy excuse of following existing lore that stormtroopers are dumb as a brick.

On other occasions the AI just seems to break down completely. Enemies will suddenly get stuck between decisions and basically do nothing, waiting for you to cut them down. Or they will de-aggro when you're a couple meters away, turn around and walk away. You sometimes get this in From Soft titles as well, but not nearly as frequently as here.

It's not a bad game but these things really detract from the experience.
Is Mario Football any good? I did download the demo but missed the weekend it was payable. I did enjoy the older ones.
I haven't played it yet but the guys I usually play online with love it and we pretty much like the same games.

The only prob is you can't go online and play against other people as one team like we do in rocket league... Hopefully they change that...
Think i'm about halfway through Far Cry 3 and I get the feeling it was probably amazing when it first came out but it feels very samey in this open world era. It's not bad by any means but, meh, I probably should be playing something else :lol: . Vaas is pretty cool, the rest of the cast are not doing much for me though.