I recommend the forgotten city, the game started as a mod by one person for skyrim and it grew to be a standalone game, it's based around a time loop idea set in a roman city where if anyone sins everyone is punished.
It's a bit like majora's mask I guess but more story focused. It doesn't have the polish of an aaa game but it's worth a try so go for it if that's your thing.
Beat this last night and it's certainly interesting but not without its flaws.
I really like the concept of it being set in the classical world and the time travelling mechanics work well. When it first dropped me into the game, I went around picking up quests with the intention of doing them together, before figuring you should only focus on one at a time because it might require a loop. This broke my usual approach.
The writing can be good and it does a nice job bringing out the personalities of bigger characters like Equitia, Sentius and Gallerius. Other characters felt wooden and there wasn't much depth to them beyond the purpose of the immediate quest you're given. I'm thinking Ulpius, Lucretia, Iulia, Duli, and Dentius, the bastard. No back stories to learn.
What got me a bit was how I had this one puzzle early on where I needed a bow and it took me an hour to realise I was supposed to steal it from the assassin. It didn't give me the right dialogue option at first and I thought, there is
no way it's going to be as easy as talking to him multiple times. I went around the world looking for nooks and crannies thinking, well there must be something
hidden out of sight. Turns out it basically is a dialogue option, but one that only opens after you've been killed by him and done the loop.
After this, I realised most of the "puzzles" weren't actually puzzles but just dialogue options. It went from feeling like a puzzle game to more of like visual novel, or walking simulator. It made want to skip through a lot of dialogue because there's
lots to sit through and most of it is simply an exposition dump rather than being important stuff you need to know.
You're right that there's some jank - I had an annoying bug where I kept setting the subtitles to 'very large' and they kept resetting everytime I went into a new area.
Anyway, it's the kind of game I'd happily recommend because it's pretty novel and was made by only 3 people (impressive!).