Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
I mostly play it on weekends. It's the kind of game I don't like playing for 15-20 minutes.I didn't take my time at all, finished it in about 3 / 4 days.
I mostly play it on weekends. It's the kind of game I don't like playing for 15-20 minutes.I didn't take my time at all, finished it in about 3 / 4 days.
If you have a PS5 i think you can just upgrade it for 10-15 pounds right? that's what I was planning to do so i hope i'm rightOnly now realize that Death Stranding Director's Cut is a full game and not a DLC Like GoT Iki island expansion. Ffs I'm not paying full price for a game I already own. Shame, I wanted to play with the extra stuff.
I have the PS5 myself. But I looked on the store and there's no option to just buy the DLC.If you have a PS5 i think you can just upgrade it for 10-15 pounds right? that's what I was planning to do so i hope i'm right
Been a real slow couple of months for games but I have Alan Wake (never played) and House of Ashes in October.
I have the PS5 myself. But I looked on the store and there's no option to just buy the DLC.
If you already own the PS4 version of Death Stranding, you can get the PS5 Death Stranding Director’s Cut Digital Deluxe Edition Upgrade for only [$10, €10]. This option will be available at launch.
Not enough games do this and I wish there were more. Firewatch did it a bit, The Forest too but I suppose that was a horror game.what are the best games that have that feeling of isolation or being in a really surreal or lonely environment (and that aren't really horror games either).
Good call; It's not quite Journey or Shadow of the Colossus but it has that weird surreal vibe and it's pretty lonely. I wouldn't really call it a traditional horror game either, although some would disagree.Soma. There is a setting to turn off the monsters and embrace just the existential dread instead.
Can't seem to get into RDR2... Tried it on the PS4 but decided to wait as I had the base and it didn't perform too well. Just got the PS5 so decided to give it another go but I just don't think it's that fun of a game. Lots of riding a horse, the shooting is pretty bad and well... I don't know if I should stick with it or buy something else.
Set up camp close to Valentine I think it's called? Done a fair few missions from there. Just not sure what to do. Seems like there's so much side stuff like hunting, saving up money for camps etc that makes it a bit overwhelming.How far in are you? I think it starts fairly slow while it's showing you what's what, once you set up camp, and then get a couple more hours in its brilliant.
Set up camp close to Valentine I think it's called? Done a fair few missions from there. Just not sure what to do. Seems like there's so much side stuff like hunting, saving up money for camps etc that makes it a bit overwhelming.
Yeah I'll probably try to get into it, right now just not feeling it.I'd probably give it another few hours atleast. Things are just starting to open up properly from where youre at I think. Plus the tutorial part is about over too.
Can't seem to get into RDR2... Tried it on the PS4 but decided to wait as I had the base and it didn't perform too well. Just got the PS5 so decided to give it another go but I just don't think it's that fun of a game. Lots of riding a horse, the shooting is pretty bad and well... I don't know if I should stick with it or buy something else.
Depends on what you want from a game. If it's narrative and a lovely world to explore then this is the game for you. If it's game play, then it's very mediocre.Can't seem to get into RDR2... Tried it on the PS4 but decided to wait as I had the base and it didn't perform too well. Just got the PS5 so decided to give it another go but I just don't think it's that fun of a game. Lots of riding a horse, the shooting is pretty bad and well... I don't know if I should stick with it or buy something else.
Same here I’m shite at playing games and would get destroyed on hard but I love killing guys and stuff.Anyone here who’s more concerned with the storytelling in games than the actual gameplay? I enjoy games like I enjoy movies - gameplay-wise I have terrible skills and stick to the easy stuff.
It’s easily a 10/10 game for me. People just don’t like the slow pacing but that’s what a western is and always should be.Its not a very good game, its visually fantastic, great storytelling and atmosphere but as an actual game its really boring.
The shooting mechanic means it requires basically no skill at all and the game is barely a challenge.
RDR2 as a visual showcase one of the best of all time, as a game a 6/10.
Same here I’m shite at playing games and would get destroyed on hard but I love killing guys and stuff.
I'm becoming more and more about a game play person with time. Tbf there are exceptions like Witcher 3 which is among my top 3 of all time where story and writing triumphs gameplay but even in that I enjoyed the gameplay.Anyone here who’s more concerned with the storytelling in games than the actual gameplay? I enjoy games like I enjoy movies - gameplay-wise I have terrible skills and stick to the easy stuff.
I'm becoming more and more about a game play person with time. Tbf there are exceptions like Witcher 3 which is among my top 3 of all time where story and writing triumphs gameplay but even in that I enjoyed the gameplay.
For me the most important thing is for a game to grab me, something I can get lost in but theres a minimum bar of quality the gameplay should have. RDR2 was a bit to weak in its gameplay for my tastes.
I should add that I can't start any game on normal difficulty and switching (to be fair it's only happened a couple of times) from hard to normal covers me with shameYeah I think you’re more normalI’ve always been more of a story person. And I suppose my skills are just so bad that I have gotten used to enjoying games vicariously - by watching others play - so I really don’t care too much about the gameplay as long as it looks good when someone else plays it. The hardest game I’ve ever managed was probably Batman: Arkham Knight, which…wasn’t hard.
I should add that I can't start any game on normal difficulty and switching (to be fair it's only happened a couple of times) from hard to normal covers me with shame
Although I'm not actually that good at games. You have people here who have fully completed Hollow Knight, killed the Valkeries in GoW and didn't take 50 attempts to beat bosses in Sekiro.
My brother is your kind of gamer. For him it's about two things - narrative and visuals. He refused to play Witcher 3 on account of it having aged by a year or two by the time he got around to give it a go despite my constant nagging.
Bought Alan Wake as it was only 25 pounds and i've heard good things about it. Don't really know what to expect though as i'm going into the game pretty much blind in terms of what type of game it is.
It's one of gaming's greatest. Rivals the original Deus Ex for my favourite game. The writing, world, lore, characters and music are all just brilliant. Definitely time-consuming, but it's a game you (or, me at least) can just feel you're living in.Witcher 3’s on my list. Heard only great things about it. It’s just so long that I can’t seem to dedicate the time to immerse in it (and tbh I don’t like the Gwent parts, hate card games of all sorts).
Excellent choice. Another that I consider among the best I've played over the last decade or so. Such a unique experience but there's one thing to have to not mind (can't say right now) to get the most out of it.I’m probably going to give NieR: Automata a go next. Probably not everyone’s cup of tea, but it doesn’t seem too difficult and I already love the story and characters. The visuals don’t hurt either - battle animations are fairly gorgeous.
Excellent choice. Another that I consider among the best I've played over the last decade or so. Such a unique experience but there's one thing to have to not mind (can't say right now) to get the most out of it.
So bored of remasters