Bryan Alvarez was gushing about the womens title match from Ring of Honor Death Before Dishonor from last night so I gave it a watch. Certainly a very good match overall from 19 year old Rok-C and Miranda Alize. Not perfect but some impressive sequences at times. Rok-C is going to be great and Alize is a very good heel. The tale of the tape had them at 5'9 and 5'10 but from watching I'm pretty sure thats not very close to true

Edit - Rok-c from looking online seems to be more like 5'1 so they added 8 inches

I'd be 6'4 in Ring of honor!
Anyway if you enjoy womens wrestling its definitely worth watching that match to see how good Rok-C already is. Overall it was better than most of the womens matches in WWE and AEW and as Alvarez asked the question "How did none of the bigger companies sign these 2 women before ROH did shortly before this?" Thats certainly the question to be asking after the match