Television The Propgropthrop

Surely the biggest match. They can do at WM is Reigns v Drew?

Wrestlemania 38, would be bigger and better. At this point you'd be forcing the story, as someone has to drop the title and move brands, unless you do a title unification, for some reason?
I don’t know, I mean they put Flair against the NXT champ last year. No offence to Drew and Roman because I know they can put on great matches but I think the better quality match will come from Balor vs Edge. whichever way it goes I’ll be cool with but I just want to see that match.

A big scalp for Balor might also elevate his status within the WWE as he was used quite poorly when they did use him. I really want to see Lashley and Drew again and I wouldn’t be surprised to see Braun vs Roman at Mania.
If Edge doesn't face Roman they'll probably stick him against Bryan, and rightly so.
It's weird how the internet decides which wrestlers to pick on regarding this. They're all at it.

It's America, they're close to 500,000 Covid deaths. They just don't care. Add in the fact that wrestlers are generally young, attractive, rich, in peak physical condition and 50% are probably MAGA heads (Kacy probably being one judging by the company she keeps...) and it's hardly surprising.
There's places in America that are better at it and worse at it. And WWE is very high risk as we've seen with all the outbreaks. I very much doubt Kacy knew the woman was at the capitol, but no mask is just stupid. No defending it. 2 parties already and now this, she doesnt seem to care about covid so I guess her gimmick is that shes a super spreader
Might be the only time I'd agree with Cornette, if only to differentiate myself from the cringe monsters on Reddit and Twitter for the way they fawn over her.
It's weird how the internet decides which wrestlers to pick on regarding this. They're all at it.

It's America, they're close to 500,000 Covid deaths. They just don't care. Add in the fact that wrestlers are generally young, attractive, rich, in peak physical condition and 50% are probably MAGA heads (Kacy probably being one judging by the company she keeps...) and it's hardly surprising.
Not really picking on of theyre repeat offenders. That's literally calling out rather than picking on.
So I see on Twitter a fat lady shouted “my butt, my hole” on Raw. It’s shame there aren’t fans, you could have a great “are you chanting ‘My Hole’ or ‘Michael Cole’?” -boo-urns bit
Might be the only time I'd agree with Cornette, if only to differentiate myself from the cringe monsters on Reddit and Twitter for the way they fawn over her.

She's entertaining, not a particularly good wrestler. More of a personality. I don't really get your point though when theres cults for the likes of Alexa. Theres plenty of women who have these kind of fanclubs
I googled her. Apparently she’s related to the rock and injures people. I imagine the former helps her get away with the latter

I mean she did help one of the biggest stars of the past 5 years, Becky Lynch, create an iconic moment. She straight up punched her in the face but Becky did end up looking like an absolute baddass with blood all over her face after she beat everyone up. Of course the punch also broke Becky's nose meaning she had to miss probably her biggest match up until then.
I mean she did help one of the biggest stars of the past 5 years, Becky Lynch, create an iconic moment. She straight up punched her in the face but Becky did end up looking like an absolute baddass with blood all over her face after she beat everyone up. Of course the punch also broke Becky's nose meaning she had to miss probably her biggest match up until then.
Oh I remember this. Isn’t one of the OSW guys childhood friends with Becky.
Darby Alins current attire will never not be shit. Looks like something a teenage girl would wear.
Yeah best one in a while. Really enjoyed it. Seeing Kenta show up was a genuined shock. Hope there is more to come in terms of talent sharing and it's not solely to further the IWGP storyline with Mox.

There should be, but theres little that can be done right now because most likely people arent travelling and having a 2 week quarantine. I think Pac is the only one who is doing that out of WWE and AEW, he comes in for a bit then goes back to the UK. And the difference would be that NJPW want to use their talent so they dont want them in quarantine instead of on their shows. And vice versa if someone from AEW went to NJPW.

Kenta could be done because he lives in the US and was on the New Japan Strong US based shows. So that just made sense as long as the politics didnt get in the way.

So its probably a case of yes, but other than the US based NJPW talents it might take another 6 months before we have any chance of something like Okada or Ospreay doing something with AEW. Its progress but the world isnt in a state where wrestlers can wrestle in japan, then in the us, then are back and ready to wrestle in japan the next week.

I also think New Japan are not great financially because they did the double tokyo dome show with not many people in attendance. They would have been budgeted for a full attendance both nights. So the idea of them sending their best guys away and doing shows without them probably doesnt make sense at the moment
Turns out Donald Trump and an Impeachment hearing and news about it is a bigger draw than anyone else on Wednesdays. Who would have thought
There is always an excuse.

They've tried doing the WWE thing of bringing in pensioners.

They're cross-promoting with Impact, albeit with two shite tag team midcarders.

They're cross-promoting with NJPW, albeit with a 205 Live midcarder.

They've given away PPV cards with every title being defended on TV.

None of it works and there's always a "But..."
Turns out Donald Trump and an Impeachment hearing and news about it is a bigger draw than anyone else on Wednesdays. Who would have thought
There is always an excuse.

They've tried doing the WWE thing of bringing in pensioners.

They're cross-promoting with Impact, albeit with two shite tag team midcarders.

They're cross-promoting with NJPW, albeit with a 205 Live midcarder.

They've given away PPV cards with every title being defended on TV.

None of it works and there's always a "But..."
Have they tried bringing in Donald Trump?

I mean, it worked for WWE...
@Shane88 forgot celebs with Tyson and snoop

This is why it's stupid to have a go at nxt regarding ratings and say it's a bad week but then turn around and talk about aew match quality and shoot down ratings and having reasons why it is the way it is (basically regurgitating meltzer)

Aew is better than WWE overall (as it has the one show - dark is basically main event for WWE)
I don't really have a horse in this race (I'll watch both NXT and AEW), but I don't think "he was a midcarder in WWE" is a valid criticism of anybody. WWE has underpushed SO many great wrestlers.
Have they tried bringing in Donald Trump?

I mean, it worked for WWE...

I believe others are currently trying to "bring in" Donald Trump

But yeah if a tv show had him on right now im sure loads of people would watch. There would be a lot of negative publicity, as well as big ratings. So WWE or AEW (which I dont think would be able to get him) would have to weigh up the ratings vs negative blowback and which is going to make and cost more money. I wouldn't be at all surprised if WWE did it since Vince is friends with him, but you'd have to figure out what exactly to do. If there was a decent storyline it would probably piss the fans it pisses off less. But if he's just on the show to be on the show probably not good at all
I don't really have a horse in this race (I'll watch both NXT and AEW), but I don't think "he was a midcarder in WWE" is a valid criticism of anybody. WWE has underpushed SO many great wrestlers.

Yeah of course. WWE has huge amounts of talent and few stars, plenty of people in the company could do great elsewhere where Vince McMahon isnt deciding if they're what he wants from a star - height, moviestar looks, family ties to a former star, etc

Some make it without those things. Probably not without having to prove some people in the office wrong with huge crowd reactions or merch sales. For example AJ wasnt going to be a big deal in WWE, he had to prove them wrong. Daniel Bryan they've done everything possible to make him just a very good wrestler when he should have been the biggest babyface in the industry coming back from his retirement. Elsewhere they'd be rated purely based on what they can do in the ring and how over they can get with the audience. So most likely they'd be more successful in another company, but obviously a smaller company since WWE is by far the biggest
I believe others are currently trying to "bring in" Donald Trump

But yeah if a tv show had him on right now im sure loads of people would watch. There would be a lot of negative publicity, as well as big ratings. So WWE or AEW (which I dont think would be able to get him) would have to weigh up the ratings vs negative blowback and which is going to make and cost more money. I wouldn't be at all surprised if WWE did it since Vince is friends with him, but you'd have to figure out what exactly to do. If there was a decent storyline it would probably piss the fans it pisses off less. But if he's just on the show to be on the show probably not good at all
Full disclosure - at this point I'm more of an observer of wrestling fandom than a proper wrestling viewer, I tend to get snippets from promotions worldwide through the people I follow on Twitter and watch full matches based on how they rate it rather than watching full shows. It's why I don't really get involved in this thread for the most part but just offer my opinion as a hilarious neutral outsider (especially when I've had two bottles of prosecco). Out of curiosity, who have you heard is thinking of bringing in Trump? DM if you want, I'm genuinely curious.

I'd love to say that bringing him onto a show with the profile, reputation and clear affiliations he has at this point would permanently stain the promotion that did it but I would not be surprised one bit to see him appear on a WWE show or a UFC event. I don't think AEW would go near him on the basis that from what I've seen, they give the appearance of having a more progressive culture and Khan is savvy enough to know that being solidly linked with Trump would alienate a portion of the fanbase whereas WWE is large enough, lucrative enough and just big enough to ignore that shit. If we're honest, among wrestling fans it's basically expected and accepted that WWE will turn a blind eye to all sorts of shit without any real repercussion.
I don't really have a horse in this race (I'll watch both NXT and AEW), but I don't think "he was a midcarder in WWE" is a valid criticism of anybody. WWE has underpushed SO many great wrestlers.
Yeah man agreed. One size doesn't fit all, in the wrong situation even the best will struggle but with the right surroundings they'll shine. Always remember that Alan Pardew managed Tevez and Mascherano.
Yeah of course. WWE has huge amounts of talent and few stars, plenty of people in the company could do great elsewhere where Vince McMahon isnt deciding if they're what he wants from a star - height, moviestar looks, family ties to a former star, etc

Some make it without those things. Probably not without having to prove some people in the office wrong with huge crowd reactions or merch sales. For example AJ wasnt going to be a big deal in WWE, he had to prove them wrong. Daniel Bryan they've done everything possible to make him just a very good wrestler when he should have been the biggest babyface in the industry coming back from his retirement. Elsewhere they'd be rated purely based on what they can do in the ring and how over they can get with the audience. So most likely they'd be more successful in another company, but obviously a smaller company since WWE is by far the biggest
Sorry to quote again but I agree again. I'll always remember that they had to re-release Styles' debut on the Network because they fecked the camera cuts up first time :lol:

Right lads this took me near enough an hour to post so I'll see you all tomorrow, have a good weekend x
Have they tried bringing in Donald Trump?

I mean, it worked for WWE...

Why don’t you bring him into your own house? You always bleating on about him. Show him your TV and the license that you do not pay for. He could even give you tips on how to comb your ginger hair and maybe even more. Have a think about it.
Why don’t you bring him into your own house? You always bleating on about him. Show him your TV and the license that you do not pay for. He could even give you tips on how to comb your ginger hair and maybe even more. Have a think about it.
Mods, this is discrimination. Throw the book at him! (literally)