Television The Propgropthrop

These tributes really happening too much recently.

Also im sure people were talking during the bell toll and got booed.
Ooooh, title vs title, winner takes all match. Wasnt expecting that tbh.
Logically, Stardust should run out and help Neville win the title. and then challenge him at Summerslam...
Neville is fantastic. Does everything at lightning speed and does it flawlessly.

Feck! That rope break actually caught me off-guard.
Fantastic match. That ending reminded me very much of a HHH match when he was champion lol
Don't really like Neville in the main roster, his matches proceed very repetitively - even more so than other roster members because his moveset is mostly aerial and that requires a certain kind of set-up - and his gimmick is slightly cartoonish and not in an interesting way.
I think Neville is destined for a Bryan/Ziggler type career where he'll be upper midcard, and maybe get a short title run if the fans demand it after years of him putting on great matches.

Which is not a bad career at all for him. TBF, I never even thought he would make it onto the main roster (or even be signed by WWE) years ago. He doesnt have the promo skills to be main eventer tbh, but hes great in the ring and always gets fans on his side during his matches.
Which is not a bad career at all for him. TBF, I never even thought he would make it onto the main roster (or even be signed by WWE) years ago. He doesnt have the promo skills to be main eventer tbh, but hes great in the ring and always gets fans on his side during his matches.

Yeah, I said it in a complimentary way. A Ziggler career is a very good thing in my opinion. He's always enjoyable to watch which will get fans onside, and Ziggler and Bryan are both pretty poor promos as well.
They arent bad. but Neville just has that awful geordie accent. haha
I remember reading a Q&A with somebody who had worked in the WWE once and apparently the refs are to to count to 3 and if somebody doesn't kick out, that's their problem.

If the ref had of given Neville the WWE title, he would have received his P45 before the end of the show.
Well it obviously is fake

But I don't doubt for a moment Dana knows it is a tough profession to be involved in. He just doesn't happen to be a fan of it

What Phelan Shorts says basically.

Fake implies wrestling incurs no injuries and there being no physical aspect to pro wrestling. What happens bell to bell is a physically grueling experience and the physical toll it takes on their bodies is quite incredible. Still we have many guys and gals working injured as they are worried about losing their spot on the card. More severe injuries of course are protected these days as WWE won't risk lawsuits anymore.

@Sylar & @Guy summed it up, he is back tracking because he wants to keep Ronda happy as she is the most marketable star he currently has and she is a WWE mark. Honestly wouldn't be surprised to see her work a few matches with WWE in the next few years, she'll most likely demand it in her next UFC contract.
Fake is a word with entirely negative connotations (as far as I can think of anyway). If he said 'scripted' nobody would blink an eye.
Also he said "fake shit". Two words together that make it worse and dismissive.

Also Green Arrow :D
Fake is a word with entirely negative connotations (as far as I can think of anyway). If he said 'scripted' nobody would blink an eye.

Also he said "fake shit". Two words together that make it worse and dismissive.

Also Green Arrow :D

Bang on the money, he was being insulting and degrading WWE / Pro wrestling in general.

Just finished watching RAW, Damn that was a great match between Rollins & Neville! Did they feck up the pin? that close 3 count? looked like they may have.

Oh and that Heyman promo... Just WOW! Genuinely got chills and tingles. Perfect delivery.
I agree, but it's what they're told. for example, below, this clearly wasn't meant to be the finish at 2 minutes in

Jimmy Korderas a former WWE ref wrote a book where he said similar

Swagger's shoulder looks to be up in time for any two-count you'd regularly see in WWE. I'd guess it was either a referee feck-up or Punk calling an audible and asking the ref to finish the match early (which wouldn't be surprising either as Swagger has a reputation for being sloppy and causing injuries and concussions).

WWE still has a lot of stuff built around maintaining keyfabe, like the referee power we're discussing, champions publicly carrying around their belt with them, or heels and babyfaces travelling separately (although this one probably isn't done as much anymore).
Swagger's shoulder looks to be up in time for any two-count you'd regularly see in WWE. I'd guess it was either a referee feck-up or Punk calling an audible and asking the ref to finish the match early (which wouldn't be surprising either as Swagger has a reputation for being sloppy and causing injuries and concussions).

WWE still has a lot of stuff built around maintaining keyfabe, like the referee power we're discussing, champions publicly carrying around their belt with them, or heels and babyfaces travelling separately (although this one probably isn't done as much anymore).

In hindsight not the best video, but maybe best example would be Mickie James accidentally winning the divas title, then them instantly having the champion cash in her rematch clause to regain
In hindsight not the best video, but maybe best example would be Mickie James accidentally winning the divas title, then them instantly having the champion cash in her rematch clause to regain
Batista and Cena in the 2005 Royal Rumble where both went over the ropes and Vince running down and tearing his quads :lol:
Enjoyed the Austin/Paige podcast although expect it won't be everyone's cup of tea.

Decent enough Raw. Opener was really good but the Heyman promo was the highlight of the night (outside of the beautiful Piper tribute video).
How can you tear both your quads, sit there and act like it doesnt even pain?! Tough ol bastard.
Don't think the "Submission Sorority" name will last too long.

What do you think will effect it most, that neither Paige or Becky will have any idea what a Sorority is? The initials? Or that if you google it you get a shitload of porn as results?

How can you tear both your quads, sit there and act like it doesnt even pain?! Tough ol bastard.

Vince gonna Vince. He was far too angry to be in any pain, he's show weakness by doing something involuntary. I'm sure we've all heard the stories of him and sneezing.

I would love a film about the life of Vince McMahon so much, the only problem is absolutely nobody would believe most of it, and they probably wouldn't even scratch the surface.
This would be the coolest movie ever! :drool::lol:

Imagine how much eye rolling you'd get from a non-wrestling fan with scenes like the Blue Dot discussion, Vince shitting himself in Gorilla then going out to do his promo anyway (and the whole Jerry Brisco incident that followed), the Kofi Kingston fight, saying he'd take Frank Shamrock. That stuff can't be real, yet it's only the beginning.