Television The Propgropthrop

I think the real giveaway is the name "Payback"

Eh? Two weeks away? Really? They are cramming the PPV events in this year then. Won't it be PPV on Sky too? I've got the Network so it doesn't matter, just be strange for it not to be on Sky.
No it's exclusive to the network, like the king of the ring was.
Eh? Two weeks away? Really? They are cramming the PPV events in this year then. Won't it be PPV on Sky too? I've got the Network so it doesn't matter, just be strange for it not to be on Sky.

Nah, its smart imo to give people who are subscribed to the network a special whilst telling people who dont buy the network, buy it!
In fact, given its focusing on the other titles (IC and tag), they shouldnt focus the WWE title on it.
Nah, its smart imo to give people who are subscribed to the network a special whilst telling people who dont buy the network, buy it!
In fact, given its focusing on the other titles (IC and tag), they shouldnt focus the WWE title on it.

Yeah that makes sense, sorry, I just hadn't read any info about it.
I just had a room phone down and ask if there was any way he could order the ppv on SBO, i was like no but i'm watching it behind reception. :lol:
Decent Sheamus vs Ziggler match. Are they now 1-1? Could see them two being the last two in the chamber

:lol: I had blocked that from my memory.

It was like 2 hours, it was just all kinds of terrible. iirc, the show started with MNM vs Hardys which I really enjoyed. Then it just became total BS. Didnt Heyman want Punk to start out, eliminate Big Show then win the title? (Big Show loved the idea as well). But Vince said it was shit and the fans would love Lashley winning. rofl.
No I didn't see that. I presume a Network Exclusive?

Oh, I predict a sneaky Seth victory tonight, think that's pretty nailed on.

haha no, it was in 2006 when WWE brought back ECW. Probably the worst PPV I can think of.
The New Day are such good heels. I cant believe it took WWE that long to turn them lol.
I do love to hate them, but Kidd and cesaro are so good.

enjoying the feud between the two. Their matches have been fantastic. If they can incorporate other teams, they have a good tag division. Cesaro and Kidd work so well together, fun to watch.
I want to say Bray will win strongly, but I dont think it will happen. I think WWE has blown a huge opportunity with both men in this match.

They're like a massive upgrade on Bo Dallas.

Yeah, he needs some momentum badly.

They were like how Bo was in NXT. Guy played the "ultimate face" and was jeered, much like New Day lol.
They're like a massive upgrade on Bo Dallas.

Yeah, he needs some momentum badly.
Have you noticed how much bigger Bo Dallas is getting in recent weeks? plus that beard he appears to be growing, Joining his brother maybe? It was just after Bo's match with Ryback that Bray attacked for the first time too.
I want to say Bray will win strongly, but I dont think it will happen. I think WWE has blown a huge opportunity with both men in this match.

They were like how Bo was in NXT. Guy played the "ultimate face" and was jeered, much like New Day lol.
He was great in NXT, hasn't really carried over, IMO.
Have you noticed how much bigger Bo Dallas is getting in recent weeks? plus that beard he appears to be growing, Joining his brother maybe? It was just after Bo's match with Ryback that Bray attacked for the first time too.
Now that you mention it.... He's definitely bulking up, Would be interesting to have them in the same group, not sure how they'd make it happen though!
Dunno man, i spotted it while Wyatt was in the ring, and i'm guessing the director did too as the shot changed pretty sharpish.
Did you see the ref shove the 'X' up then?

No, I wasn't really watching, I presume Ryback's ribs though, Bray landed hard and Ryback was laid awkwardly.

NXT this Wednesday, Elimination Chamber in two weeks time and then Money in the Bank two weeks after that. :drool::drool::drool:

Looking forward to Wednesday, not watched an NXT event before.
No, I wasn't really watching, I presume Ryback's ribs though, Bray landed hard and Ryback was laid awkwardly.

NXT this Wednesday, Elimination Chamber in two weeks time and then Money in the Bank two weeks after that. :drool::drool::drool:

Looking forward to Wednesday, not watched an NXT event before.
Mate, NXT is brilliant, i am genuinely looking forward to wednesdays show more then the EC and MITB.

Here we go, Rocky 4 the third....or forth i guess.
Dunno man, i spotted it while Wyatt was in the ring, and i'm guessing the director did too as the shot changed pretty sharpish.
I remember when the splash happened, and he screamed, he was holding the arm he put between him and Bray out weirdly, and a few more times throughout the match.

Maybe a fractured wrist or forearm.