Television The Propgropthrop

Bryan's got fecked over here and the crowd are letting them know it!
How disappointing.

They've left out Bryan, Wyatt, Big Show, Lesnar, they could have added some star power to this.
Does that mean Kane ties HBK's overall record now? :P

I saw Kane before when JBL was getting in the ring, fecking knew it haha

I think Reigns is out next tbh..
Winner: Batista
Last person to be eliminated: Bryan
2nd to last person to be eliminated: Lesnar
2nd Entrant (CM Punk is No.1): Road Dogg
Entrant number 30: Lesnar
Longest Stint: Roman Reigns
Shortest Stint: Santino Marella

Who gets the most eliminations: Reigns
How many eliminations will they make?: 8
Name one surprise entrant (can't be on the active roster i.e Sheamus, and not Jake the Snake): Jimmy Wang Yang