Television The Propgropthrop

Great WM I thought. Divas match was the only shit one.

I'm not counting Bryan, because I'm genuinely happy. Everyone bums him, I know he's talented but his character is supposed to piss you off, and it pisses me off, so I'm happy to see him get pwned.

So true, the smark in me has to give him credit, but the childish part of me wants him to lose all the time. Which means he is probably the best heel alongside Jericho right now, I want them to lose. I'm a 21 year old watching a scripted match that I probably shouldn't be invested in and I want them to lose. Hats off.
Delighted The Great One won - even though Cena must surely win any subsequent rematch, The Rock winning in Miami was a good booking move.
:lol: Behave. I know you seemingly love your boy, but it makes sense. You said 'I suppose this is true' to AN who said pretty much the exact same thing as I did.

I said all the way through why the Rock would win.

Even Porto won it though.

It would be stupid for the best to just win every time. No point anyone else turning up.

He had to beat Cena because the world is sick of Cena beating everyone. What's the point in The Rock coming back, to save the world from Superman Cena beating everyone, if he's just going to win again. Look at it sensibly.

Generic Cena bashing.

Because, if Cena won... why should anyone remotely be interested in a rematch between the two? If part-time Rock can't beat full-time Cena at Wrestlemania, in his hometown... why should anyone remotely believe he can beat him at Summerslam??

Cena can use the hometown argument, use the underestimated Rock, Rock was on a first match high excuses to justify why he would win a rematch... and he's got 4 months of TV time to do it.

From a business and logic standpoint, this move makes the most sense. If there was no rematch planned, then yes, Cena should have won.

Sensible and logical theory.

Yes, you posted EXACTLY the same thing.
Sheamus/Bryan was surprising but good (I loved all the 'yes' signs). Orton/Kane & Show/Cody were decent at best. Divas were meh, Team Johnny/Team Teddy was alright.

CM Punk/Jericho was great. Rock/Cena was brilliant, I'm so glad Rock won.

I won't even comment on that silly Funk segment.

Undertaker, HHH and :eek: I'm not ashamed to say I filled up slightly when the 3 men all walked together up the ramp, and hugged each other. I've grown up watching them - HBK is retired, and I don't think HHH or Taker will be too far behind. It makes you realise how blessed you are to see these guys and to have watched them for years.

Great show.
Leroy could you sound any more bitter? Ignoring the scriptedness of the whole thing, Cena lost to arguably the greatest ever wrestler. Ever.

Stop being a little pansy and pull yourself together!
If you read the thread, you would have seen me post what he said about 7 times before and during WM.

Whether you said it or not, you eventually reverted to type.

Leroy could you sound any more bitter? Ignoring the scriptedness of the whole thing, Cena lost to arguably the greatest ever wrestler. Ever.

Stop being a little pansy and pull yourself together!

Leroy could you sound any more bitter? Ignoring the scriptedness of the whole thing, Cena lost to arguably the greatest ever wrestler. Ever.Stop being a little pansy and pull yourself together!

I love The Rock, I've been a fan of his for 14 years but no way.

You have your opinion, that's fine but mine is Undertaker is the greatest ever. The Undertaker's recent matches at Wrestlemania have just been out of this world.

His longevity, his ability to tell a story in the ring, his character, his entrance........goodness, the man just has everything.

It'll be a sad, sad day when he retires.
^^^ Not the greatest ever but definitely their biggest icon if you ask me.

So glad I grew up during the Attitude era. The Rock was the centre point. Even that period where people disliked The Rock for being "The Corporate Champion" (i think thats right) where Austin beat him at WM after The Rock beat Mankind in the I Quit match at the Royal Rumble and the Rock fecked over Austin by distracting him and then Vince eliminated him from the Rumble. Think that was 1999.

Anyone know where i can watch the HHH / Taker match? Missed that last night and it looks to be the one to watch.
Bloody hell, someone who's screen name isn't Fig-Ned wants my attention.

I love The Rock, I've been a fan of his for 14 years but no way.

You have your opinion, that's fine but mine is Undertaker is the greatest ever. The Undertaker's recent matches at Wrestlemania have just been out of this world.

His longevity, his ability to tell a story in the ring, his character, his entrance........goodness, the man just has everything.

It'll be a sad, sad day when he retires.

I'd say at 20-0 and the whole "end of era" mentions as well as the three departing the ring as they did, that day may have just come.
Bloody hell, someone who's screen name isn't Fig-Ned wants my attention.

I'd say at 20-0 and the whole "end of era" mentions as well as the three departing the ring as they did, that day may have just come.

Nah, if they were to be retiring, there's going to be a whole lot more publicity with them selling the event like crap. You can expect months long worth of mentions on it being their last match EVER.

Look at Shawn's Reaction :lol:

Why is this on a porn site? :nervous:
I may have fallen asleep during the GM match. Not because I wasn't enjoying it, but because I am actually ill. So all caught up now.

GM Match was fun, Punk/Jericho was excellent and Rock/Cena was a lot better than I expected, after a very slow start.

The Rock vs. John Cena = John Cena - No
Triple H vs. The Undertaker = The Undertaker - Yes
CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho = CM Punk - Yes
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Sheamus = Sheamus - Yes.
Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Big Show = Big Show - Yes.
Randy Orton vs. Kane = Randy Orton - No.
Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny = Team Johnny - Yes
Maria Menounos & Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres = Maria & K2 - Yes

Other Stuff

First Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus - yes
Last Match: The Rock vs. John Cena - Yes
How much time will pass between either HHH / Taker / HBK (depending on whose out first) music hitting and the bell sounding?: Twenty minutes - No
How many Pedigree's, Last Rides and Tombstones will we see?: 8 - No.
Does Cena Turn Heel: No - Yes
Will there be a handshake of any kind between Cena and Rock: No. - Yes

Just caught the main event and thought it was a let down which really sums up The Rock's return. Neither man have shown any sort of chemistry with both men willing to sell the other's wrestling moves. The opening headlock, the bearhug and the sharpshooter, three moves that showed Rock and Cena unhappy with each other. You can clearly see The Rock asking for the DDT much earlier in the match with Cena disagreeing and you see The Rock's half-assed sharpshooters later on.

Still, there was a couple of decent moves in the finish but the entire 20 minutes preceding it - poor. Watch Lesnar v Rock and see how different The Rock was then.
rofl, hardly a let down. The top three matches delivered. They were all spectacles like they should have been and im happy to have watched it live. It was great viewing and storytelling that you dont get much nowadays.

First hour was a pre-show, lets be honest. Its such a shame DBryanvsSheamus got like 10 seconds. They both deserved more than that. Other than that and Kane pinning Orton (which was a shock) the rest of the first hour went like I expected.

Hours 2-4 were brilliant minus the stupid segment here and there.
Just starting this, managed to avoid spoilers all day. Don't like the outside setting at all though.
fecking hell Bryan deserves better than that. And Sheamus deserves a better win.
The Rock vs. John Cena. Prediction: John Cena. Winner: The Rock
Fun main event, lots of rest-holds and time-outs though, they were really heaving in the air towards the end. Did anyone else notice how hard they were hitting each other. Definitely looked that way to me anyway. I guess this feud continues onwards to Summerslam when Super Cena will defeat The Rock. There were some good counters during the match and they got the crowd worked up towards the end. Not a bad way to finish the show.


Triple H vs. The Undertaker. Prediction The Undertaker. Winner: The Undertaker
From a wrestling perspective, the PERFECT match in every way. A wrestling match is supposed to tell a story in the ring and they did this brilliantly. Brilliant from start to finish, especially the ending. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole match. Oh and Taker's haircut :lol:


CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho. Prediction: Chris Jericho. Winner: CM Punk
I'm glad Jericho didn't win this. Someone called it earlier that there would be some spots and boy were there a few! That suplex from inside the ring to outside was one of the highlights. I enjoyed the finish too.


Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Sheamus. Prediction Sheamus. Winner: Sheamus
I was literally like this for a good 5-10 minutes: :eek:.Then I took some time to think about this. No doubt DB will come out blaming AJ for the distraction and demand a rematch. Sheamus will keep steamrolling any man that comes his way. The story continues. I feel that it's a bit of an insult though to have the match so short like that but Sheamus was quoted as saying 'We want to steal the show.' Let's face it, this match will have a lot of people talking. Also, for anyone saying 'Daniel Bryan does my head in,' good! That means he's doing his job properly.


Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Big Show. Prediction: Cody Rhodes. Winner: Big Show

Yay! I did wonder whether they were going to completely bury Big Show or not. Good thing they didn't. He's over with the fans, he puts in a good shift in the ring, he needs his Wrestlemania moment too. Cody has plenty to come.


Randy Orton vs. Kane. Prediction: Randy Orton. Winner: Kane
Good finish and actually a surprisingly enjoyable match. I still think this new Kane which is supposed to be like the old Kane is lame though.


Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny. Prediction: Team Johnny. Winner: Team Johnny
Was there ever going to be another winner? I really like the spot where the 3 from Team Johnny somersaulted out of the ring. Ziggler's 360 swing :lol: Wow that guy can sell anything. Miz got the pin, and thus begins his big push.


Maria Menounos & Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres. Prediction Maria Menounos & Kelly Kelly. Winner: Maria Menounos & Kelly Kelly
I was actually surprised by the diva display. Kelly Kelly pulled off a couple of good moves.


Other Stuff:
First Match: CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho


Last Match: John Cena vs. The Rock


How much time will pass between either HHH / Taker / HBK (depending on whose out first) music hitting and the bell sounding?: 14 minutes 47 seconds


How many Pedigree's, Last Rides and Tombstones will we see?: 2 Pedigrees, 1 failed Last Ride, 3 Tombstones (2 from Taker, one from HHH)


Does Cena Turn Heel: No


Will there be a handshake of any kind between Cena and Rock: I hope not.

Very intrigued to see what happens on RAW is WAR tonight. John Cena said he has to beat The Rock and he didn't, where does he go next? What will Chris Jericho do now that he lost clean after claiming to be the best in the world? How will the Daniel Bryan character react to that loss and what will happen with AJ? What will Rock do tonight? Will there be any debuts the way there often is traditionally the night after Mania? How will the show go generally with Johnny in complete control?

So much happened last night that there's a lot of follow-up. They NEED a strong show tonight to keep people interested and make the casual fans stick around for Backlash.
fecking hell Bryan deserves better than that. And Sheamus deserves a better win.

Basically they wanted this to be the greatest wrestlemania ever and they wanted to break the record for fastest ever match at mania but they didnt beat it so it was an unfortunate flop. chavo vs kane was 8 seconds, this was 18.
Never gave a shit about that hairy feck when he was here before.

Me neither, to be perfectly honest, but from what I've heard he's improved massively over in Japan. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

And then he'll be squashed by Orton or Cena.
Basically they wanted this to be the greatest wrestlemania ever and they wanted to break the record for fastest ever match at mania but they didnt beat it so it was an unfortunate flop. chavo vs kane was 8 seconds, this was 18.

This is the fastest world title match in WrestleMania history. It was just there to shock everyone, and it did. :)