Television The Propgropthrop

Oh great... so as opposed to a decent opening match, we got to watch Kane and Randy Orton snooze out the place.

Strong start boys!
feck Sky, I couldnt order with remote, Iv done it on the phone and now I cant even record anything and I fecking missed the first match.
Could Bryan conceivably have a rematch tonight?

This can't be all they use him for, they choose to push Kane and Orton and give him that. Absolutely pathetic, Creative wouldn't know talent if it hit them in the face.
I could understand Cody Show having that after the whole Cody and Barret incident the other week, can't see why they did it to Bryan.

Oh well, at least they're giving Kane some credibility, can see this being more of a reason to think Rock wins, maybe before Summerslam him and Cena go back against each other but Cena actually does embrace the hate, then beats Rock.

Would make some sense.
No it's not, it's shit and we all complain when everything is predictable and everything goes like we say. It's not doing tonight. Back to anything happening, good stuff.

See... I never complain when anything is predictable. As long as it's done well, and it's entertaining... it could be as predicatble as it wants to be.

Take Taker vs. HHH for instance... we know Taker is winning, but so long as they have a good match, no one will care.

You're right though... it has been pretty shit.

I love Mick Foley, but that was a terrible backstage segment.
See... I never complain when anything is predictable. As long as it's done well, and it's entertaining... it could be as predicatble as it wants to be.

Take Taker vs. HHH for instance... we know Taker is winning, but so long as they have a good match, no one will care.

You're right though... it has been pretty shit.

I love Mick Foley, but that was a terrible backstage segment.

I don't think it's shit. If it's shit that Kane beats Orton clean, then what's the point in them ever having a match.

It should be mixed up a bit, glad to see it. I thought that was very entertaining. There isn't much about Kane beating Orton clean that's hard to believe.