Television The Propgropthrop

Well no, Cena wins, beating the shit out of Rock in the process then Rock goes off to heal, comes back and shits on Cena then they have another rematch next year at mania to see who the best really is. It writes itself really.
Well no, Cena wins, beating the shit out of Rock in the process then Rock goes off to heal, comes back and shits on Cena then they have another rematch next year at mania to see who the best really is. It writes itself really.

Not really.

WWE will want their current star to "seem" like the greatest ever. Not The Rock.
Hogan returns and loses to Rock at WrestleMania X8, Rock returns and loses to Cena at 28....Cena finally loses at 38...
If there is a rematch, Rock should win at Mania, why would you have a rematch if Rock goes over. What would be the point. If Cena wins, then the story line is over. Rock came back, Cena won, thanks for coming Rock, done. If Cena loses, it adds fuel to the fire, a Cena heel turn, the Rock rubbing his face in it, rematch.

You have a rematch when you believe you unjustly lost, how could you spin that the Rock unjustly lost, you'd just say oh it's down to movie star vs wrestler, so how can you justify a rematch and what purpose would it serve, what would they get out of it by having a rematch, what would it be for? Cena can't win both, otherwise he just shits all over the Rock and stays Superman personified which is everything people hate about him. He has to lose one, and if he loses the second, then what happens from there? The Rock won't stick around, so he'll just have been notched down a peg or two for nothing.

It makes sense for the Rock to win first and Cena to win the rematch.
If there is a rematch, Rock should win at Mania, why would you have a rematch if Rock goes over. What would be the point. If Cena wins, then the story line is over. Rock came back, Cena won, thanks for coming Rock, done. If Cena loses, it adds fuel to the fire, a Cena heel turn, the Rock rubbing his face in it, rematch.

You have a rematch when you believe you unjustly lost, how could you spin that the Rock unjustly lost, you'd just say oh it's down to movie star vs wrestler, so how can you justify a rematch and what purpose would it serve, what would they get out of it by having a rematch, what would it be for? Cena can't win both, otherwise he just shits all over the Rock and stays Superman personified which is everything people hate about him. He has to lose one, and if he loses the second, then what happens from there? The Rock won't stick around, so he'll just have been notched down a peg or two for nothing.

It makes sense for the Rock to win first and Cena to win the rematch.

Also the majority of fans want Rock to win. It would really blow the roof off the arena (in a manner of speaking) and would really raise a lot of mainstream interest in wrestling. Like you say, a loss for The Rock ultimately ends the feud, a win will set up an even bigger match next time, imo putting cena over better in the future by showing he is beatable but will ultimately defeat one of the top stars of all time.
Exactly. It's like them saying 'look, Cena did it because he has skills, not because he just wins all the time' rather than him winning at Mania and then everybody being like 'oh look, Superman Cena, no matter what turns up, always wins.'
WWE will want their current star to "seem" like the greatest ever. Not The Rock.

Exactly, this is why Cena should and will win on Sunday. I don't really like Cena, but it's just not good for business to put a part-timer at best over the guy they need to carry their company for the forseeable future.

Other problem though is its in Miami and the crowd may shit all over the ending of WrestleMania if Rock loses, which is not something you ever want at the biggest PPV of the year!
The only thing that makes sense is for Cena to win the feud - if that ends on Sunday then Cena has to win. But if they are going to do it again at SummerSlam or WrestleMania IXXX then they can afford to give the Miami crowd the ending they want, and then eventually have Cena go over later down the road.
BIG (possible) spoiler(s)

Batista is in Miami and was picked up by a WWE limo, though this is likely to be nothing as he is competing in some triathlon there. However, Lesnar is supposedly in discussions for a Wrestlemania appearance
BIG (possible) spoiler(s)

Batista is in Miami and was picked up by a WWE limo, though this is likely to be nothing as he is competing in some triathlon there. However, Lesnar is supposedly in discussions for a Wrestlemania appearance
Lesnar interferes, F5 on Cena, therefore setting up the new tag team if The Rock and Brock Connection :drool:
BIG (possible) spoiler(s)

Batista is in Miami and was picked up by a WWE limo, though this is likely to be nothing as he is competing in some triathlon there. However, Lesnar is supposedly in discussions for a Wrestlemania appearance

So potentially with...

Batista, Brock, HBK, Jericho and The Rock

there... :drool::drool:
I see Booker T is back
What's the predictions anyway?

I'd expect Daniel Bryan to beat Sheamus. Bryan has a couple of difference stories going on with AJ and everything. The only think they are doing with Sheamus is getting him to kick the head off everyone he meets. Bryan will probably go on to have a feud with Orton. Bryan is brilliant as the heel champion.

I think Jericho will beat Punk. Then he'll reclaim it back in the next PPV in Chicago.

Undertaker to beat HHH. Undertaker is only fighting once per year anyway, so it doesn't make sense for him to retire. HHH won't retire even if he loses. Undertaker will surely go to 20-0.

Cena to beat the Rock. They can't let a part time wrestler beat their top guy. More chance of Rock putting Cena over than vice versa.
Lads, watch it live tonight on crappy-ish stream or wait til tomorrow morning and download in better quality?
I want Rock to win, Undertaker to win, Sheamus to win, and Orton to win.

I'm undecided in the Punk-Jericho match. I like both men, and I can't choose between them. So I've decided to just sit back, and enjoy the wonderful match I'm sure they'll put on.

This year's Wrestlemania is shaping up to be a great show, let's hope it lives up to the hype.
Has anyone watched a PPV online through the WWE site? I'm tempted as I don't have sky, but am worried about the quality and lag. Or are there any other places where it would be available to watch? :nervous:
Is the pay one any good zarlak? Id prefer a stream with no issues. Any chance of a PM with details?
Is the pay one any good zarlak? Id prefer a stream with no issues. Any chance of a PM with details?

Likewise...its wrestlemania sure. Your man bloodzeed said he was streaming it a while back then tweeted he isn't. Temperamental little shit so he is. Can't doubt his stream quality though.
Cheers mate. I take it that is two pounds for a day as in 24 hours and not just 1st April? Also is it easy to unsubscribe or just a case of pay as you go?

That was the quality of the SS I posted in May last year, doesn't look the best there, but to be fair I did have it extended to a larger player rather than the usual small screen. When you're watching it normally I tend not to notice any lack of quality. The main thing for me is no buffering at all.

RE: Unsubscribing yeah it unsubscribes you automatically, you have to add the subscription yourself.

RE: the 24 hours, I have no idea on that one. Probably best to sub right before it starts just to make sure. If you can find it free do that, I'd prefer it free, I just know I have a cheap back up if it all goes to pot.
Jericho (Punk to have rematch clause at Backlash to further a good feud)

60% of the time, faces win every time.
Not WWE, but a funny quote about WCW:

"Flair is about to be dropped from the Time Magazine Man of the Century internet balloting where he is currently in second place behind Jesus Christ. More than 20 million people have voted, making it the biggest web poll in history, with Flair getting more than 310,000 votes as of 3/31. Flair is being dropped because Janice Castro, the editor of, said his showing is due to unfair lobbying from wrestling web sites. Jesus is about to go down as well, as religious organizations have gotten members to flood the ballot box too. is planning an exit strategy, however with the God of wrestling and the Son of God removed, the big winner in the poll appears to be Adolf Hitler, who would become the front runner" - The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: April 12, 1999
damn, i hope brock comes out and kills everyone. Batista is shit on the mic so feck him.
I bet john cena or the rock will win and then Brock lesnars music will play and he will come into the ring and have a show down with the winner which will make raw more exciting/
I bet john cena or the rock will win and then Brock lesnars music will play and he will come into the ring and have a show down with the winner which will make raw more exciting/

Well I was about to put the 'dear mother of god' picture there. Until I Google image searched 'dear mother of god' at work and had to X it extremely quickly.

You got lucky this time.
Well I was about to put the 'dear mother of god' picture there. Until I Google image searched 'dear mother of god' at work and had to X it extremely quickly.

You got lucky this time.

:lol: worded badly, let me rephrase it

'I bet the winner will be crowned and the match will be over and then...'
I wonder what has become of the WWE when people are hoping Brock Lesnar comes back. The guy used to bore me to tears, around the time I lost interest.

I think that was more the product as a whole. Brock was brilliant, especially when he had Heyman as his mouthpiece. A near 300lb guy who could wow you with his superhuman strength, outstanding technique and razor sharp quickness. An amazing athlete and looks bad Ass.

When you consider the ease he threw around Big Show with, but also had the athleticism to do that 450 splash as wrestlemania (admittedly went wrong but he has done it before).

A true freak of nature.

Explosiveness of The Rock
Strength of the big guys
Technical ability not far off the likes of Angle and Jericho
Could really sell being a mean SOB as well

If he sorts out the Mic skills then he is the total package. Will also garner a lot of mainstream attention which would bring the money.