Television The Propgropthrop

Liverpool as R Truth maybe?

Everything is "little Jimmy" (Fergies) fault that they don't win. Or maybe the Miz, certain of how "awesome" they are despite winning feck all in a long time.
Liverpool as Hulk Hogan, surely? In the 80's they were the biggest in the world. Now they're milling about in midtable (aka TNA).
Liverpool as Hulk Hogan, surely? In the 80's they were the biggest in the world. Now they're milling about in midtable (aka TNA).

Yep... I was thinking this on the way home (how sad is that...?). Living off past glories, think they're more important then they actually are... its Liverpool.

Arsenal are HBK... yeah they put on a nice show, sure its thoroughly entertaining... but what have they actually won in recent years??

Villa are currently The Great Khali... as soon as you see them on your Tele, you can't help but groan.
Liverpool as Hulk Hogan, surely? In the 80's they were the biggest in the world. Now they're milling about in midtable (aka TNA).
Man City is Ted Dibiase Sr - Owe all their success to money

Chelsea is Kamala
- Lost one leg and and now putting all their hopes on the second one

Liverpool is Owen Hart
- both suffered from big falls in the 90's :nervous:

The Great Khali is Sheffield Unite
d - Yeah you can tell us all you want they're giants but they're still shit

Santino is Blackburn
- Had one good run that ended with a championship
but are now basically just a running joke.

Evan Bourne is Wigan
- The small underdog who often punches above their weight but it's only a matter of time before they're gone.
Have any of you guys seen Bloodstained Memoirs?

Watching it now. Basically, it's a collection of shoot interviews, packaged as a documentary.

It's pretty good.
I've been tasked with organising a drinking game as me and a few mates are having a party, so it needs to appeal to non-fans.

It's easier said than done! I'm mid way through sorting my Al Snow costume though...
I've been tasked with organising a drinking game as me and a few mates are having a party, so it needs to appeal to non-fans.

It's easier said than done! I'm mid way through sorting my Al Snow costume though...

One finger for each chair shot.

Two fingers for the People's Eyebrow

Down your drink if anyone goes through the Cell.
One finger for each chair shot.

Two fingers for the People's Eyebrow

Down your drink if anyone goes through the Cell.

There will be no downing drinks then. I very much doubt Undertaker could take such a big bump and HHH is at the stage of his career where he doesn't need to take such huge risks.
There will be no downing drinks then. I very much doubt Undertaker could take such a big bump and HHH is at the stage of his career where he doesn't need to take such huge risks.
If this is Undertaker's last match (and I hope it is) then I would think they would go all out. These two made their names in HIAC matches, so to have one against each other at WM has to be special. I want blood everywhere, sledgehammers, chair shots EVERYTHING!
If this is Undertaker's last match (and I hope it is) then I would think they would go all out. These two made their names in HIAC matches, so to have one against each other at WM has to be special. I want blood everywhere, sledgehammers, chair shots EVERYTHING!

Chair shots : yes probably

I meant more as the forfeit for someone falling through the cell. Both have had so many injuries and just aren't the kind of superstar who would be willing to take such a huge bump. Especially at this stage of their career where it wouldn't really benefit them in the future except for people to look back on it as a holy shit kind of moment. Just don't see it happening
Yeah last year they were both fined for unprotected chair shots to the head. I wouldn't be surprised if they do decide to go all out. And I really am expecting a much better match this year considering Undertaker's actually healthy despite being a year older.
Urgh, reducing to making fart jokes about the Hart foundation. Genuinely infuriating.

Vince gets the last laugh again. He's like a child in a mans body sometimes, can't let anything go, has to have the last word, and has a sense of humour that 10 year olds think is immature. Not forgetting Tyson Kidd has been jobbing for a while now, despite being quite talented compared to some of the clowns they've given pushes too (as a wrestler, not sure about him on the mic).
I think Kidd would shine in a rejuvenated cruiser-weight division. In fact, there's quite a few guys there that would, rather than being flattened by the larger guys week in/week out.
Havent watched much just lately, caught Eve walking to the ring to try and defend herself the other night though.

Oh Eve.....:drool:
Havent watched much just lately, caught Eve walking to the ring to try and defend herself the other night though.

Oh Eve.....:drool:

i like her new "bad girl" persona, seems to suit her as she seems pretty fiesty.

Fit as hell too! :drool:
The Rock was funny just then. See he still can be, when he drops the twitter/kung pow chicken/boots to asses garbage.
Thoughts so far:

Like HBK as the Special Guest Ref. Logically, he could choose to screw Taker (vengeance for the defeat) or Trips (in a "if I can't beat him, neither can you" thing) out of the win.

Santino deserves the title. He was great at Elimination Chamber, and the crowd seemed to enjoy the win.

Rock promo was his best for months.

Cena's at the wrong arena :(

Edit: Oh, turns out he's at the right one, he just got there early.
Thoughts so far:

Like HBK as the Special Guest Ref. Logically, he could choose to screw Taker (vengeance for the defeat) or Trips (in a "if I can't beat him, neither can you" thing) out of the win.

Santino deserves the title. He was great at Elimination Chamber, and the crowd seemed to enjoy the win.

Rock promo was his best for months.

Cena's at the wrong arena :(

Edit: Oh, turns out he's at the right one, he just got there early.

Was just about to ask you, what?
For a guy that cracks gay jokes all the time, Rock loves the idea of shoving things up other men's asses.
Really looking forward to Wrestlemania. I'm off the Monday and Tuesday, so I might try and sit up to watch it live.

I'm most looking forward to Cena/Rock and Taker/HHH.
Talk about a role reversal... The Rock was entertaining as hell tonight I thought. His first two video promos were funny (and not layered with catchphrases), whilst Cena's pre-recorded promo was possibly the dullest thing I've seen from Cena in quite sometime. When Cena goes through what appears to be memorized lines, it's frankly terrible.

He was a bit better when he actually got into the ring, though it was still a bit hokey... as I prefer the more serious Cena we've seen of late... but still, it was better then that god-awful empty arena thing. Also, fecking hell man, try and be serious when The Rock is trying to be serious about your HUGE Wrestlemania match, don't fecking nod and grin along and make it all just seem like a big joke.

Anyway, The Rock was just streets ahead of last week though... miles better IMO. Cena seemlingly regressed from his progress in the last few weeks... that's what I took away from this weeks RAW anyway. I honestly thought Cena was brutal tonight.

Also, I think we can confirm that last weeks exchange was part of the script, and Rocks fumbling was probably intentional... least I would assume so anyway.

Thoughts about other things:


- HBK was great at the start... really really good promo, and he really put across the tension between him and Trips superbly.
- Santino's title win was excellent... that man really is over.
- Zach Ryder and Eve? Snooze...
- Good tag-match between the champions and title contenders... and an important clean win for Jericho over Punk. If Bryan could get a win over Sheamus too at some point in a similar fashion, that would help their fued no end. They really need to step it up in the promotion of that match... it's really getting lost in the shuffle, and considering Sheamus is the RR rumble and is fairly over, and Bryan is seemingly very over as a heel, they really should be doing them more justice.