Television The Propgropthrop

I can't stand WWE anymore. Everyone in Creative needs to be fired. Everything is in shambles

How the hell can Cesaro, Ziggler, and Neville, who are the youngest and most talented prospects,win at Hell in a Cell only to lose in a ridiculously stupid way the following day after? Hasn't Kevin Owens already beaten John Cena twice, Cesaro at Summerslam, buried the Lucha Dragons, and defeated Ryback twice? How much pushing does he seriously need? FFS.

The Divas division has no sense of direction. Charlotte just beat NIkki yesterday only for her team to lose in a 3 way tag team match to team Bellas? Paige just turned heel on her group out of nowhere, so what why was she kissing their asses before and trying to make amends? Why didn't she do this during the match so that the reputation of the champion is preserved?? Nothing make sense. However, I will say that Nikki Bella's in ring skills have gotten a lot better. She is seriously holding her own out there. Other than that the division sucks.

The Heavyweight Championship has been dry as hell for the past couple of months. Seth Rollins has hardly ever gotten clean wins against credible opponents and has seriously suffered from terrible booking. Please tell me why WWE would put Rollins and Kane in a lumberjack match when they have a 1 on 1 match in Hell in a Cell? Not only did it ruin it, but we also got to see how terrible the chemistry is between Kane and Rollins. It is nice that WWE has gone back to textbook stuff w/ #1 contenders matches.

`The Tag Team Division is pretty worrying as well. The Dudleys look horrible and the New Day once again are without any more credible opponents to contend for their title.

WWE Creative needs to do a lot of different things right now because what the audience has been seeing has been beyond the spectrum of stupidity and lack of creativity. I seriously don't know how they are going to cope especially with:

John Cena's abscense
NBA season is starting
World Series
NHL Preseason
and much more.
Wyatts looking like vicious dominant heels at last. Shame they keep losing feuds.
So I watched HIAC with very low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. I dont know why I was surprise though because the wrestlers at WWE are top notch, they are very capable of putting on great matches so its not a drought in terms of talent. Favorite match of the night was Wyatt vs Reigns, the latter did really well for himself I really think a nodq type match really helps him. Taker vs Lesnar was really good just not in terms of wrestling but the brutality was refreshing to see HIAC is one of the biggest victims of the no blood policy so it was nice to see both guys get some color.

The problem with WWE is not the match quality, its creative i.e poor booking, little to no long term story telling, holding back talent and not building up new stars. Roman seems to be that guy they're building up and he has improved I believe but still has a long way to go. I cant believe how well NXT is booked as compared to the main roster to the extent that it makes me wish that some guys dont get called up.
I can't stand WWE anymore. Everyone in Creative needs to be fired. Everything is in shambles

How the hell can Cesaro, Ziggler, and Neville, who are the youngest and most talented prospects,win at Hell in a Cell only to lose in a ridiculously stupid way the following day after? Hasn't Kevin Owens already beaten John Cena twice, Cesaro at Summerslam, buried the Lucha Dragons, and defeated Ryback twice? How much pushing does he seriously need? FFS.

The Divas division has no sense of direction. Charlotte just beat NIkki yesterday only for her team to lose in a 3 way tag team match to team Bellas? Paige just turned heel on her group out of nowhere, so what why was she kissing their asses before and trying to make amends? Why didn't she do this during the match so that the reputation of the champion is preserved?? Nothing make sense. However, I will say that Nikki Bella's in ring skills have gotten a lot better. She is seriously holding her own out there. Other than that the division sucks.

The Heavyweight Championship has been dry as hell for the past couple of months. Seth Rollins has hardly ever gotten clean wins against credible opponents and has seriously suffered from terrible booking. Please tell me why WWE would put Rollins and Kane in a lumberjack match when they have a 1 on 1 match in Hell in a Cell? Not only did it ruin it, but we also got to see how terrible the chemistry is between Kane and Rollins. It is nice that WWE has gone back to textbook stuff w/ #1 contenders matches.

`The Tag Team Division is pretty worrying as well. The Dudleys look horrible and the New Day once again are without any more credible opponents to contend for their title.

WWE Creative needs to do a lot of different things right now because what the audience has been seeing has been beyond the spectrum of stupidity and lack of creativity. I seriously don't know how they are going to cope especially with:

John Cena's abscense
NBA season is starting
World Series
NHL Preseason
and much more.

I don't even know where to begin with this, but here goes.

You talk about Owens being over pushed by beating people, later in the same post you talk about a champion not losing to save reputation, but which is it? Is Owens being pushed or is he being booked like, you know, a champion? This is particularly weird given how pretty much every post you made in here for a while was "Owens should feud with and beat the Ryback to add some prestige to the title".

Makes me long for the days of every other post being "Owens is being buried" tbh.

You talk about Dolph as a young prospect but he's 35 ffs. Three years younger than John Cena and nowhere near that level. A year older than Daniel Bryan, and nowhere near that level. He's not a young prospect, he's at the start of the end of his career, his peak, and he's still boring as feck. He's just not particularly good.

On the women, I recall you lecturing me a month ago about how, and I quote, "any time Nikki Bella tries something athletic I want to change the channel" but now she's the best they have? I'm very confused over this, she's not improved much at all since her broken leg, so why the sudden change of heart? The Paige stuff is also pretty obvious that they never trusted her after the original shitty turn, there's been countless promos to that effect both on the show and just on the Twitter videos they put out, primarily from Becky as she's the only one who can talk.
Late to the party but here we go.

Booh, Euro Heels lost. Too bad. Put Sheamus and Barrett in a tag team please, they are great together.

Del Rio, WTF! Cena sure did go down easy for a PPV, he must have really wanted that vacation. Did not see that coming at all!

2nd Match is the first one in the Cell? Wow, thought that would be later for sure. Abigail-Rollup-Superman punch sequence was great, some good spots in there too.
Especially liked the pace, very good match in my opinion, really suited the narrative. I'm a Reigns mark to be fair. What now for the big man?

The crowd is shit. Man, it's quiet during the tag match. Trombone bit was funny, Big E dancing is a gift to humanity.

Charlotte wins. Okay match.

Another okay match between Rollins and Kane. Glad Rollins won cleany though, maybe he'll become a more fighting champ now.

Owens retains. yay! Again, an average match. Still, I like Owens with the title.

Not surprised that the two cell matches were by far the best. Low Blow for the win is predictable but at the same time very fitting. Also nice that the PG factor was dropped for the match, quite some blood out there.
What's next after the Wyatt shenanigans: Survivor Series is dedicated to Taker, so either Team Taker (with Kane/Reigns/Ambrose/Orton?) or Taker is brainwashed (or even convinced!) by Wyatt and it's team evil sicko's against team good guys?

Now, let's see if Raw is worth it today.
Best Raw in a long time, amazing what happens when you keep it simple. Five matches with great wrestlers and meaning to the matches without any stupid booking to mess it up. Only downsides were the Divas mess and probably the evil europeans getting a cheap win rather than looking more dominent.
Good call that they actually make them earn to right to be #1 Contender, is a bit more realistic then just OK, Reigns is the #1 contender now!

New Day dissing Roman's clothes, funny, I just thought the same, maybe he should get something new? I mean even fecking Ryback has changed his one piece a few times now.

I'm struggling to come up with anyone on the current roster that is better on the mic then Wyatt. Idiots trying to What? him was pretty strange. Great segment with Kane into the mix as well, so obvious it was a trap, but still. Wyatts + Undertaker and Kane VS Team Good Guys? Seems unlikely. At least they are built to be dominant now, long may it continue.

Pop-up Powerbomb into Superman Punch was pretty sweet. Not surprised with that win, happy about it though.

One thing I wonder about, maybe one of you can answer this: How is it that for that Rise Above Cancer segment, a whole lot of performers are in the ring, same with Lumberjack matches. Why do they travel with the Raw Circus if they do not have matches? I know that there are some dark matches before/after the show and the house shows but still. Are they just hanging around there?
Great Raw. The main thing is that this smells of something new and not just losers moaning and demanding a rematch.

- Brothers of Destruction vs Wyatt Family is one feud I'm eagerly looking forward too. Has all the workings to become a classic.
- Reigns vs Rollins. Long awaited. Let the Shield games begin! Hope Ambrose features in this mix too.
- KO vs Cesaro. Hope they build a decent feud. Great chemistry and we can expect a string of good matches from these two.
- Tyler Breeze!

The whole Mex-America stuff was cringeworthy. AdR taking his time to shake Zeb's hand at the end, points to a future breakup. But still lame!
Paige breakup was another. The segment just makes the other two look stupid. Not a Divas Revolution, more like a "Divolution"

And Sheamus! He has the MitB and is advertised as Cena's opponent for US Championship. What has he done to deserve the a shot at both belts? Meh.
One thing I wonder about, maybe one of you can answer this: How is it that for that Rise Above Cancer segment, a whole lot of performers are in the ring, same with Lumberjack matches. Why do they travel with the Raw Circus if they do not have matches? I know that there are some dark matches before/after the show and the house shows but still. Are they just hanging around there?

I think they learn if they are working the day of the show.
One thing I wonder about, maybe one of you can answer this: How is it that for that Rise Above Cancer segment, a whole lot of performers are in the ring, same with Lumberjack matches. Why do they travel with the Raw Circus if they do not have matches? I know that there are some dark matches before/after the show and the house shows but still. Are they just hanging around there?

A few reasons, mostly that the house show circuit culminates in tv, so everyone who was on either of the two loops (generally two) just sticks with the crew and goes to tv. Aside from that, you've got Vince's unpredictability and how often he'll rewrite the show day of, meaning that they can be told as Raw is live they'll be called upon later, then you get some NXT lot who'll organise their way there to be in and around that mix, learn, get to know people and generally just try to get the higher ups to notice them to help their career.
I hope they continue with Wyatts push, I'm loving the dark aspect to his character, hopefully Taker will pass the torch somehow.
I hope they continue with Wyatts push, I'm loving the dark aspect to his character, hopefully Taker will pass the torch somehow.
That would be great, Taker riding off into the sunset (and a HOF spot) leaving Wyatt behind as his natural successor as twisted "magical" presence of fear in the WWE.

A few reasons, mostly that the house show circuit culminates in tv, so everyone who was on either of the two loops (generally two) just sticks with the crew and goes to tv. Aside from that, you've got Vince's unpredictability and how often he'll rewrite the show day of, meaning that they can be told as Raw is live they'll be called upon later, then you get some NXT lot who'll organise their way there to be in and around that mix, learn, get to know people and generally just try to get the higher ups to notice them to help their career.
Cheers. I can imagine that's very frustrating for some talent who knows they should be (higher) on the card.
Best Raw in a long time, amazing what happens when you keep it simple. Five matches with great wrestlers and meaning to the matches without any stupid booking to mess it up. Only downsides were the Divas mess and probably the evil europeans getting a cheap win rather than looking more dominent.

Agreed with regards to best raw. I liked that pretty much every segment had meaning. The main event was fantastic, but the qualifying matches were all good. Some good action and a good crowd helped.

The Miz / Austin segments were not funny. I couldnt even hear some of the stuff which was bad lol.

Del Rio, WTF! Cena sure did go down easy for a PPV, he must have really wanted that vacation. Did not see that coming at all!

IMO, thats a good thing. I think it worked well and has made him look strong coming back. Still shocked hes almost 40.
IMO, thats a good thing. I think it worked well and has made him look strong coming back. Still shocked hes almost 40.
Absolutely. Of all the curveballs they could have thrown, this was a nice one.

Ryback is on the Steve Austin Show btw, pretty interesting stuff especially regarding his injury and how that influenced him. Took to heavy drinking after he was released apparently.
Agreed with regards to best raw. I liked that pretty much every segment had meaning. The main event was fantastic, but the qualifying matches were all good. Some good action and a good crowd helped.

The Miz / Austin segments were not funny. I couldnt even hear some of the stuff which was bad lol.

IMO, thats a good thing. I think it worked well and has made him look strong coming back. Still shocked hes almost 40.

They are desperate for a Latino star, expect him to be pushed big time again.
They are desperate for a Latino star, expect him to be pushed big time again.

Cena is advertised for a return match with Sheamus for US Title. I don't see AdR holding on to that other than as interim.
I certainly don't hope to see him in Heavyweight title. It's time for next gen to take it up. Rollins, Reigns have that covered.
Only place I see is IC title, and tbh, that already has a plethora of stars more deserving that AdR.

I think he'll be off when Cena returns.
Cena is advertised for a return match with Sheamus for US Title. I don't see AdR holding on to that other than as interim.
I certainly don't hope to see him in Heavyweight title. It's time for next gen to take it up. Rollins, Reigns have that covered.
Only place I see is IC title, and tbh, that already has a plethora of stars more deserving that AdR.

I think he'll be off when Cena returns.
Sheamus to cash in his MITB against AdR? Is it limited to the HW title?
So after defeating so many legends, Rollins loses to AdR. AdR and Sheamus are the two most undeserving characters for the title that are currently in the mix. Reigns to win it from Rollins and that Shield angled feud continues for long. Perfection.
No I mean that Sheamus cashes in for the US Title that AdR currently holds. No idea how they would spin that, but hey, it's WWE.
Cena is advertised for a return match with Sheamus for US Title. I don't see AdR holding on to that other than as interim.
I certainly don't hope to see him in Heavyweight title. It's time for next gen to take it up. Rollins, Reigns have that covered.
Only place I see is IC title, and tbh, that already has a plethora of stars more deserving that AdR.

I think he'll be off when Cena returns.
Card subject to change though..I cant see Cena winning back the US title again, with the next Wrestlemania in a 110k seater, they'll need to put him in a big match to draw in as many viewers as they can..he'll move up the card again when he returns just in time for the rumble.

Vince loves pushing Alberto, he's won everything..rumble,world titles, mitb, us title..And I cant see him LU for a short term stint with the WWE. He's likely been offered good incentives to come back, lets just hope its not a world title. He isnt the most exciting character.
Cena is advertised for a return match with Sheamus for US Title. I don't see AdR holding on to that other than as interim.
I certainly don't hope to see him in Heavyweight title. It's time for next gen to take it up. Rollins, Reigns have that covered.
Only place I see is IC title, and tbh, that already has a plethora of stars more deserving that AdR.

I think he'll be off when Cena returns.

Card subject to change, they couldn't really advertise Alberto could they?

I'm really interested to see what they do with Alberto, he's everything they want but he's also tarnished in WWE so who knows whether he can get heated up. Going to be interesting to see who he drops the AAA Megatitle to now.
Low probability for Cena card. He does draw crowds. They could have left it unadvertised if they wanted to protect the AdR surprise. I think it'll happen. Maybe against AdR himself as revenge match instead of Sheamus.

That's what I mean, his opponent advertised 2 full months out is very likely to change, even then it's just a house show so will have no bearing on anything.
Sheamus cashing in on the US title would be the dumbest thing to try and do for any character. Would be utter madness to try and explain why a wrestler would do that.
I don't even know where to begin with this, but here goes.

You talk about Owens being over pushed by beating people, later in the same post you talk about a champion not losing to save reputation, but which is it? Is Owens being pushed or is he being booked like, you know, a champion? This is particularly weird given how pretty much every post you made in here for a while was "Owens should feud with and beat the Ryback to add some prestige to the title".

Makes me long for the days of every other post being "Owens is being buried" tbh.

You talk about Dolph as a young prospect but he's 35 ffs. Three years younger than John Cena and nowhere near that level. A year older than Daniel Bryan, and nowhere near that level. He's not a young prospect, he's at the start of the end of his career, his peak, and he's still boring as feck. He's just not particularly good.

On the women, I recall you lecturing me a month ago about how, and I quote, "any time Nikki Bella tries something athletic I want to change the channel" but now she's the best they have? I'm very confused over this, she's not improved much at all since her broken leg, so why the sudden change of heart? The Paige stuff is also pretty obvious that they never trusted her after the original shitty turn, there's been countless promos to that effect both on the show and just on the Twitter videos they put out, primarily from Becky as she's the only one who can talk.
Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of Kevin Owens, but putting them two in a match which would make Antonio Cesaro lose even more credibility as a wrestler continues to hurt him and his chances of him ever getting pushed. Cesaro is the best in ring technician in the ring right now. His moves combined with his athleticism is probably the most exciting in the bushiness to watch yet he keeps on losing and being mistreated by the company. It is a shame and an embarrassment. In my opinion, Cesaro should have been given a decent opponent to face and should have been put over to be in the match, even if his loss was inevitable.

My apologies about his age. I got that messed up, but I do not apologize for my latter statement. Dolph Ziggler IS at that level. His charisma and his connection with the fans is fantastic and what he does in the ring is amazing as well. You are the first person I have ever heard say that Dolph Ziggler is boring or isn't that good. His matches bring out a great deal of excitement and high pace athletcism, and you would have noticed that if you saw his match against Big E and later in the fatal 4 way. At least he has been put into a feud with Tyler Breeze that helps both performers prosper and will be fun to watch.

Clearly me and you watch different matches. Nikki Bella has clearly demonstrated a lot of improvement. The execution of her moves are much more smoother, the variety of her moves have gradually gotten better, and she is actually making sense when she picks out certain times to rile up the crowd; thus, making her a more credible heel. Plus, I actually kind of find the stuff she says kinda funny even though her mic work is not up to there yet. The main thing I feel she needs to work on is getting a new finisher because it is beyond stupid. Regardless of my views on Nikki Bella, it dosen't change the fact that the Divas division has 0 direction. If they had already suspected something about Paige then why easily agree to be in a match with her so quickly and expect the audience to not think that any human being with common sense would not have done that? What was the purpose of Paige turning on them when there was no revelation that it was her in the first place? Why are the divas still wrestling in 3 man tag team matches every Raw? Where is Sasha Banks?
Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of Kevin Owens, but putting them two in a match which would make Antonio Cesaro lose even more credibility as a wrestler continues to hurt him and his chances of him ever getting pushed. Cesaro is the best in ring technician in the ring right now. His moves combined with his athleticism is probably the most exciting in the bushiness to watch yet he keeps on losing and being mistreated by the company. It is a shame and an embarrassment. In my opinion, Cesaro should have been given a decent opponent to face and should have been put over to be in the match, even if his loss was inevitable.

Cesaro was being used to put over someone higher on the card, who should be higher on the card. I fail to see why this is an issue at all.

My apologies about his age. I got that messed up, but I do not apologize for my latter statement. Dolph Ziggler IS at that level. His charisma and his connection with the fans is fantastic and what he does in the ring is amazing as well. You are the first person I have ever heard say that Dolph Ziggler is boring or isn't that good. His matches bring out a great deal of excitement and high pace athletcism, and you would have noticed that if you saw his match against Big E and later in the fatal 4 way. At least he has been put into a feud with Tyler Breeze that helps both performers prosper and will be fun to watch.

Yep, I just zoned out when you said Dolph is on the same level as Daniel Bryan and John Cena. That is just ludicrous and negates any possible good points you may have had.

It's not about whether I like him or not, he's just nowhere near that level. It's just a fact. There's wrestlers I don't like that I would put on that level.

Clearly me and you watch different matches. Nikki Bella has clearly demonstrated a lot of improvement. The execution of her moves are much more smoother, the variety of her moves have gradually gotten better, and she is actually making sense when she picks out certain times to rile up the crowd; thus, making her a more credible heel. Plus, I actually kind of find the stuff she says kinda funny even though her mic work is not up to there yet. The main thing I feel she needs to work on is getting a new finisher because it is beyond stupid. Regardless of my views on Nikki Bella, it dosen't change the fact that the Divas division has 0 direction. If they had already suspected something about Paige then why easily agree to be in a match with her so quickly and expect the audience to not think that any human being with common sense would not have done that? What was the purpose of Paige turning on them when there was no revelation that it was her in the first place? Why are the divas still wrestling in 3 man tag team matches every Raw? Where is Sasha Banks?

Nikki has been consistently very good since she came back from her leg break and started differentiating from Brie. Nikki's finisher(s) are some of the least offensive in the company, they both make perfect sense and separate her from anyone else.

I said day one that the "divas revolution" would fail. In fact I was asked on a podcast that day and said outright it was one of the worst things I've ever seen and I'm pretty sure I said the same on here, because everything that has happened since was inevitable. Framing the awful Charlotte as the bigger star was always going to mean that the actually good Sasha and Becky would be sidelined. I've far from said anything they've done in that regard is positive. The best part has been watching Nikki carry matches, something that even I as a big Nikki proponent for the last 18 months or so didn't think she could do.
Is Vince surrounded by the same "yes men" that made Mr Burns lose all his money. Creative and booking is shocking compared to NXT.