Television The Propgropthrop

Imagine the promos that will come off this. Huge boost to the tag division just by doing that.
Until he comes out and cries again about how things aren't fair and he shouldn't have to do this or that. I hate cowardly heel persona champions. It just seems like such stupid logic to me. He should cheat more and use dirty tactics, otherwise you're essentially saying in kayfabe that nobody else is good enough to topple a crybaby coward. He can deliver in the ring, let him be a dastardly heel that cheats his way to victory and swags around arrogantly because of it.

Also that top rope suplex into powerbomb was awesome.
Definitely agree with you on that and I've complained about it before. The way he's been booked has been terrible. I know he's a heel, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't win matches cleanly. Looking at it purely from a character development view though, it's very good booking. He's gone from a chicken shit heel, one who needed The Authority to back him up and hand everything to him on a silver platter, to an independent Seth Rollins. His hubris under The Authority has been on show for months and now that he doesn't need them, which is what it currently looks like, I can see that setting up a feud against them.