Television The Propgropthrop

2 hours until the Japan event :drool:

Surely Owens will drop the belt to Finn Balor today? and Kofi is going to suplex city I can't wait to see that.
A clean, one on one win for Kofi would be hilarious.

Brock smashing all three of New Day would be as predictable a booking as is possible.
The one time predictable booking would cause no complaints :lol: please let him feckin launch Big E miles
Well this is great! :) If only all PPV's could be on at this time!!

Edit: Oh and Jericho is looking rather pudgy!
Finn Balors demon paint :drool:

I love KO but now is the perfect time to drop the title.
Great match!

Top quality NXT champion while KO moves onto the WWE roster full time it's a win-win, I think KO will beat Cena for the US title at battleground.
Balor-Owens was great. Owens is a brilliant heel. Had me in tears a few times - launching the flowers, saying "i hate this stupid country and everybody in it" etc
Great match!

Top quality NXT champion while KO moves onto the WWE roster full time it's a win-win, I think KO will beat Cena for the US title at battleground.

The great thing is that they have built KO up perfectly to be able to take the US title. They have really handled him well. I thought having him double on the main roster and NXT was bizarre at first but it played out perfectly. In fact, Cena having the US title in the first place seems all part of the master plan to get the title on to Owens and make him an instant hit.
The great thing is that they have built KO up perfectly to be able to take the US title. They have really handled him well. I thought having him double on the main roster and NXT was bizarre at first but it played out perfectly. In fact, Cena having the US title in the first place seems all part of the master plan to get the title on to Owens and make him an instant hit.

Sometimes things just work out for a guy, Kev is in the role that was marked for Sami, essentially.

Really fun show, if you ignore the main event. Best match Jericho has had since Punk, fun divas match, very enjoyable Brock vs Kofi match, very good NXT title match. Even showed how great the commentators can be without constant growling down their ears.
That was a bit of a wasted spot for Brock. Just your basic squash match. Not really sure what the purpose of having there was.

Fantastic match from KO & Balor! Delighted for Balor, met him a few times and worked with his brother for years in my old job, Great to see a local lad doing well there. Still sounds odd every time they announce him and hearing his location.
Brock had to squash Kofi and it was right. No point putting him in a competitive match just before he faces Rollins in a few weeks. NXt title match was great. I was really surprised what the main event was, but still, it was a fun match that the crowd were into.

I was glad Saxton and Cole were trending. Without JBL there (and Vince probably asleep), the commentary was good and you know they can get better. Calling the action and the moves, getting the stars over, relevant references, overall good.

That show was a lot of fun. The 2 hours went by really quickly.
It would be so cool if Finn Balor had a finisher he only does as a demon. Maybe the Bloody Sunday? Add in a different element to separate him from his original self.
fecking LOL at the cover star of the next game.

The WWE has some serious problems, and this is symptomatic. The Attitude Era was FIFTEEN years ago and doesn't hold up. Get the feck out of that past.

EDIT: Last post was in reference to this btw

fecking LOL at the cover star of the next game.

The WWE has some serious problems, and this is symptomatic. The Attitude Era was FIFTEEN years ago and doesn't hold up. Get the feck out of that past.
Obviously their marketing people think it will sell more copies with stone cold

Lets face it he has never come close to being bettered
Obviously their marketing people think it will sell more copies with stone cold

Lets face it he has never come close to being bettered
Yeah isn't the main mode a full span of the Stone Cold character from 96 to Mania 19?

Apparently there is 120 individual playable characters which probably means a good 40-50 legends. Will probably give it a try but now that it has had a year on new-gen, it needs more match types and creation modes than last year.
Yeah isn't the main mode a full span of the Stone Cold character from 96 to Mania 19?

Apparently there is 120 individual playable characters which probably means a good 40-50 legends. Will probably give it a try but now that it has had a year on new-gen, it needs more match types and creation modes than last year.
Haven't played for a few years, might actually get this one.

Tbh, they still haven't topped 1 & 2(despite their horrendous loading times) on the PSX, ffs.....
Great way to start Raw. Still a promo, but at least its not Authority opening the show.

(waiting for them to come out and for it to turn into exactly that)
A recap of Raw for anyone who hasn't seen it:

Dq finish
Count out finish
Divas match
Cole saying something stupid
Meaningless tag match
Recap of recap
Dq finish
Awesome John Cena match
The amount of recaps is really starting to annoy me. I know they need to fill the time but getting a bit daft