Television The Propgropthrop

Rookie question maybe but where is brock at the moment? I know he only has a part time contract but why is he scheduled back for a certain date was I wondered
Thanks guys. I got a confirmation back that my Jericho shirt will be sold on prowrestlingts :D

He's ok'd it - so have they :D
Well done, awesome design.

While we are on Jericho, my dads ex's Daughter is quite good friends with him, being a Fozzy fan she would meet the band now and again and then would regularly drink with them post-gig when they played Manchester. On one of these nights out, the band had a full on skin full with my Dad, and he still to this day owes my Dad a fiver he lent him for a bag of chips....the bastard.
Well done, awesome design.

While we are on Jericho, my dads ex's Daughter is quite good friends with him, being a Fozzy fan she would meet the band now and again and then would regularly drink with them post-gig when they played Manchester. On one of these nights out, the band had a full on skin full with my Dad, and he still to this day owes my Dad a fiver he lent him for a bag of chips....the bastard.
Your dad wad conned, what kind of bag of chips costs 5 pound?!
Reigns vs Bray will be so meh! Both guys are in need of a boost and I can't pick who I want to lose.

I think its pretty obvious Wyatt will be fed to Reigns!

After last nights results it looks like they'll keep Reigns busy with Wyatt for few months, once that's over I'd not be surprised to see them build towards a Shield triple threat for next years Mania, WWE title will most likely be involved of course.
I quite like the idea of Sheamus v Lesnar, two brutes absolutely beating the piss out of each other. What's not to love?? :D

More pissed about Cena getting the clean win than anything else from last night's PPV. I mean, does Cena really need the clean win? Doesn't do anything for him. It was absolutely ridiculous booking, more so when 1 minute post match KO power bombs Cena off the ring when they should of had him do that in frustration and had the match go to a stoppage or DQ.

Anyway, I guess that'll be the last of that for a few weeks now. Probably build back up again the night after Battleground for them to have the rubber match at Summerslam for the US title.
Nikki vs Paige was a damn good match. Now time to heat up either Emma or Summer and get some new blood in the title frame. By far the best match before the main event which I'm yet to see.
Nikki vs Paige was a damn good match. Now time to heat up either Emma or Summer and get some new blood in the title frame. By far the best match before the main event which I'm yet to see.

By far the best match before the main event? What?

More pissed about Cena getting the clean win than anything else from last night's PPV. I mean, does Cena really need the clean win? Doesn't do anything for him. It was absolutely ridiculous booking, more so when 1 minute post match KO power bombs Cena off the ring when they should of had him do that in frustration and had the match go to a stoppage or DQ.

Did he need the win? no. TBH, the loss wont harm Owens given how the match went and what happened post match. Nobody will remember the loss and think, what a chump. It all depends on how the rest of the feud goes but so far Owens looks like a star.

Cena battered Wyatt and Rusev in their feuds and now both of them are main event jobbers. Especially Wyatt, speaking of which:

I think it's a lose/lose situation. As you say both really need a push. Bray was pushed to hell then had all his momentum stopped, as I keep saying ad nauseam, they seem to do it with 95% of the stars on the roster. If Reigns loses then all the work they have just put in will have been a complete waste of time.

I think Reigns needs to win the feud. Losing to Wyatt will do him so much harm long term. I dont think Wyatt winning the feud will propel him given the way hes been treated. Hes pretty much lost two of the biggest feuds (although one was a one off match). I cant take him seriously as a top guy. The Raw after Summerslam when Cena just came out and did a Brock impersonation and destroyed the whole Wyatt family just made him look so bad.
Both aggressive, stiff workers too, they'd have a very good match, I'd imagine.

I hope so, they aren't two lethargic giants like Kane and Big Show so they should be able to set a good pace in their match.

Did he need the win? no. TBH, the loss wont harm Owens given how the match went and what happened post match. Nobody will remember the loss and think, what a chump. It all depends on how the rest of the feud goes but so far Owens looks like a star.

Cena battered Wyatt and Rusev in their feuds and now both of them are main event jobbers. Especially Wyatt, speaking of which

That's my main worry of course that Cena gets the 2nd win at Summerslam as he has done on Wyatt & Rusev and wins the feud sorta speak. Owens needs to win the feud when it's all said in done. They can revisit it again in a year or two and have Cena beat him down the line but for the immediate future you'd hope Owens gets the best of it.
By far the best match before the main event? What?

For me it was a long way above every match. Cena vs Owens in the ring has done absolutely nothing for me either time, which is a shame given how well they built the first match. It also wasn't helped by how stupidly fast the rematch has happened.

As for the main event itself, feck me that was boring. I feel like I've aged to retirement watching it.
That's my main worry of course that Cena gets the 2nd win at Summerslam as he has done on Wyatt & Rusev and wins the feud sorta speak. Owens needs to win the feud when it's all said in done. They can revisit it again in a year or two and have Cena beat him down the line but for the immediate future you'd hope Owens gets the best of it.

As long as its not battleground they fight (which is in five weeks). Having three matches within 2 months (all before Summerslam) would be crazy. Yeah Cena winning the third match does nothing for nobody. Owens winning the third match, (maybe for US title) gives him a huge boost whilst not hurting Cena at all. (although they somehow still act like hes an underdog all the time).

For me it was a long way above every match. Cena vs Owens in the ring has done absolutely nothing for me either time, which is a shame given how well they built the first match. It also wasn't helped by how stupidly fast the rematch has happened.

Thankfully I know you do this a lot ;) :P

Rookie question maybe but where is brock at the moment? I know he only has a part time contract but why is he scheduled back for a certain date was I wondered

Wouldnt be surprised if he comes out on Raw tonight and is interrupted by New Day.
Thankfully I know you do this a lot ;) :P.

Are you trying to get me a bad rep? SMDH

It's just one of them things, I like both guys, and I want to like it, but it just isn't doing anything for me. Pretty much every Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose match falls under this category too, for various reasons. Hell every Rollins match has of late, and I REALLY like him a lot.

WWE seem to be doing all they can to stop me caring about people I like, which is quite incredible really.
Are you trying to get me a bad rep? SMDH

It's just one of them things, I like both guys, and I want to like it, but it just isn't doing anything for me. Pretty much every Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose match falls under this category too, for various reasons. Hell every Rollins match has of late, and I REALLY like him a lot.

WWE seem to be doing all they can to stop me caring about people I like, which is quite incredible really.

Shaking my dick's head?
Are you trying to get me a bad rep? SMDH

It's just one of them things, I like both guys, and I want to like it, but it just isn't doing anything for me. Pretty much every Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose match falls under this category too, for various reasons. Hell every Rollins match has of late, and I REALLY like him a lot.

WWE seem to be doing all they can to stop me caring about people I like, which is quite incredible really.

Really? each to their own an all that but that was a definite contender for match of the year. They've fantastic chemistry together and I loved how Cena reacted throughout the match, showing his frustration and almost showing heelish tendencies.

Agree about Rollins mind you, not liking his chicken shit heel role, glad he got the win clean last night to redeem himself a bit.
Really? each to their own an all that but that was a definite contender for match of the year. They've fantastic chemistry together and I loved how Cena reacted throughout the match, showing his frustration and almost showing heelish tendencies.

Agree about Rollins mind you, not liking his chicken shit heel role, glad he got the win clean last night to redeem himself a bit.

Last night definitely isn't in my top 5 from WWE alone, the first one might sneak onto that list purely because they've had a real bad year so far match wise. It certainly isn't anywhere near my worldwide list.
^@LilRicky Yeah I mentioned it last night. Cenas frustration was played well throughout the match. His acting is normally dreadful (normally his sign of showing hes "disturbed" by an event is to remove his hat)

Are you trying to get me a bad rep? SMDH

Haha no. I made the same comment when you made that comment about Charlotte too. And there was something else I cant remember but it was basically the opposite of everybody else haha. Whatevz :P
Last night definitely isn't in my top 5 from WWE alone, the first one might sneak onto that list purely because they've had a real bad year so far match wise. It certainly isn't anywhere near my worldwide list.

Ah Top 5's will always change of course, probably best match I've seen WWE put on in at least the last 5 years roughly.

^@LilRicky Yeah I mentioned it last night. Cenas frustration was played well throughout the match. His acting is normally dreadful (normally his sign of showing hes "disturbed" by an event is to remove his hat)

Nice to see something other than Super Cena! First time I've seen him show some genuine emotion mid match in a long time. The rubber match at Summer slam should be damn good!
Ah Top 5's will always change of course, probably best match I've seen WWE put on in at least the last 5 years roughly.

I mean of this year.

As I say, it just didn't click for me at all either time, not knocking either guy who worked hard and certainly had what I would call a high quality Raw match, but it just felt like that, a Raw match. I certainly wouldn't put it anywhere near the Rumble triple threat, Becky vs Boss etc...
I mean of this year.

As I say, it just didn't click for me at all either time, not knocking either guy who worked hard and certainly had what I would call a high quality Raw match, but it just felt like that, a Raw match. I certainly wouldn't put it anywhere near the Rumble triple threat, Becky vs Boss etc...

Yeah, the RR triple threat is probably MOTY so far for WWE. But then again I'm huge fan of Lesnar so I'm probably more than a bit biased!

Next stop, Suplex City!
Shaking my dick's head?
5 knuckle shuffle, 'innit.
Really? each to their own an all that but that was a definite contender for match of the year. They've fantastic chemistry together and I loved how Cena reacted throughout the match, showing his frustration and almost showing heelish tendencies.

Agree about Rollins mind you, not liking his chicken shit heel role, glad he got the win clean last night to redeem himself a bit.

I dunno though, chicken shit all along, and not a few days ago lost to J&J, suddenly awesome. Meh, should have been winning like that from the start, feck sake it's how he started interrupting Lesnar and Reigns. Should have continued on as an arrogant cnut who can go against most anyone, just still unproven against the very elite like Lesnar.
5 knuckle shuffle, 'innit.

I dunno though, chicken shit all along, and not a few days ago lost to J&J, suddenly awesome. Meh, should have been winning like that from the start, feck sake it's how he started interrupting Lesnar and Reigns. Should have continued on as an arrogant cnut who can go against most anyone, just still unproven against the very elite like Lesnar.

There are only two way WWE promotes heels, chicken shits who get the win(by themselves) when it counts or monsters who cant be beat. There is no happy middle ground, which makes it boring.
I hope BROCK LESNAR is on Raw tonight. WWE needs to do something big. The product is falling flat again.

Sheamus is literally the most boring money in the bank holder they could possibly have put it on.

Bray borefest Wyatt starts another feud with no back story or direction.

Barratt is being buried again.

No decent babyfaces now that John Cena has left the title picture.
Eddie certainly wasn't a chickenshit heel, not after about 2001 anyway.

"I'M YOUR PAPI DAMIEN". Still brings shivers to my neck, but I'm probably the biggest Eddie mark going (well, me or Sasha Banks)

Hard to be a chickenshit heel against rey mysterio though.

Nah, he was dirty, and cheated at every opportunity, but he was always excellent in the ring and never afraid of shit.

I suppose so, but he still ran away at every opportunity. I would have prefer him to fight dirty, cheat but not be afraid of every single opponent.
I dunno though, chicken shit all along, and not a few days ago lost to J&J, suddenly awesome. Meh, should have been winning like that from the start, feck sake it's how he started interrupting Lesnar and Reigns. Should have continued on as an arrogant cnut who can go against most anyone, just still unproven against the very elite like Lesnar.

From Architect to a lackey after winning the championship is just bad. He needs to do something creative to show he's the architect again. Better option than him beating Lesnar imo!
WWE has no "what a dick" type of heel. Not cowardly, but one thats a real tough bully, that looks to intimidate others.

TBF, Rusev wasnt really a scared, chicken shit heel up until WM..
WWE has no "what a dick" type of heel. Not cowardly, but one thats a real tough bully, that looks to intimidate others.

TBF, Rusev wasnt really a scared, chicken shit heel up until WM..

Rusev was the monster heel till wm. Wwe really need more grey characters, have people who aren't afraid to fight but cheat cos it's the easier way out. Or are normally decent but become extremely vicious when pushed. Or have a heel that manipulate others into doing what he wants.

Oh and maybe just maybe not book your champion to pose almost every match he is in. The champion should be very very rarely be pinned clean, and that too by the best. Not jokes like j & j, slater, etc
@MJJ Might seem harsh, but I cant take Miz seriously. I was thinking of mentioning him because I actually think hes does a great job in terms of getting the other person cheered. Whilst hes a dick, I meant a proper bully type character (bully ray in tna?) where its believeable.

I agree about champ being pinned. I think Rollins losing to J&J by countout because hes trying to get the belt of Ambrose would have served the same purpose than actually having the champ pinned on a Raw before a PPV. I didnt understand that at all.