Television The Propgropthrop

These past few weeks, I kept telling myself that I had to find time to stop by the Performance Center and talk to Dusty. I wanted to thank him for all of his help in the last year and make sure he knew how grateful I was for the chance I got to work with him. But I've been very busy and just couldn't find the time.

Well, today, I learned that Dusty Rhodes has passed away.

There are no words to express the sadness I feel, not only because I won't get to see him or talk to him or laugh with him again, but because I didn't get to tell him how special he was to me.

So today, I invite you all to make time to tell the people in your lives how much they mean to you...You never know what tomorrow will bring.

I can only hope that even though I didn't get to tell him directly, Dusty knew how much I appreciated and valued his help, wisdom, support and friendship. He was unlike anybody I've ever met in this industry and to say that I will always remember him and be thankful for the honor of having known him is an understatement.

In the meantime, the entire NXT crew is on its way to Pittsburgh where we will do what we do best. And you can bet every single second of tonight and every other NXT show this week are dedicated to the memory of the legendary, one-and-only Dusty Rhodes.

My thoughts are with his family and friends at this time...especially his children. Your father was an incredible coach and an even better man. He will be greatly missed.

Dusty used to call us "his NXT kids"... Well, I think I speak for all of us at when I say that tonight and every other night from here on out, we will give it our all for you, Dusty.

We'll make you proud, Dream.

Thank you for the memories...thank you for everything.

Much love,

I thought he looked a bit sick when he was on TV last. Damn, really sad news.
Watching a stream. It just revealed that at a Boston house show,
Rollins vs Reigns for the title
which sort of ruins the MITB title match

I think it's a given that,

Rollins will retain till at least Summerslam
What a horrible day. Chris Lee and Dusty Rhodes in one day. RIP.
R.I.P. Dusty :( A true legend.

It's a real shame that his last appearance was his son Cody telling him he was dead to him. My thoughts go out to Cody and Dustin and all the family. :(

Pretty much the opposite of what appears to be happening.


It's probably changed, but think a lot of people thought the plan was to keep it on Rollins till Summerslam. Although i kind of expect a Ambrose/Reigns heel turn and go after each other, Lesnar to come back and go after title/Rollins at Battleground (it's given he's around on the 22nd) and something to happen at MITB or over the summer to have The Authority turn on Rollins (as Rollins vs Triple H is rumoured for SS

It's probably changed, but think a lot of people thought the plan was to keep it on Rollins till Summerslam. Although i kind of expect a Ambrose/Reigns heel turn and go after each other, Lesnar to come back and go after title/Rollins at Battleground (it's given he's around on the 22nd) and something to happen at MITB or over the summer to have The Authority turn on Rollins (as Rollins vs Triple H is rumoured for SS

The latter seems to be exactly the plan. Seth trying to take Brock alone in a number 1 contenders match and waving off the Authority is a nice way to turn him face

What was Dusty down with? He looked so frail and thin in that picture with HHH. :(

So sad.

He was fine by all accounts as recently as Wednesday, he looked frail as he was always so large and the excess skin at his age was a bad look.

From the sounds of things his kidneys just shut down, it was all very rapid.

It's probably changed, but think a lot of people thought the plan was to keep it on Rollins till Summerslam. Although i kind of expect a Ambrose/Reigns heel turn and go after each other, Lesnar to come back and go after title/Rollins at Battleground (it's given he's around on the 22nd) and something to happen at MITB or over the summer to have The Authority turn on Rollins (as Rollins vs Triple H is rumoured for SS
The latter seems to be exactly the plan. Seth trying to take Brock alone in a number 1 contenders match and waving off the Authority is a nice way to turn him face

I see the Authority moving over to KO as 'the future of the company'. Quite interesting to see what they do with Rollins then.

I see Rollins losing it in BattleGround to one of Lesnar/Reigns and eventually Reigns to retain it in WM.
Lucha Underground

We need to figure out some sort of spoiler thing for this thread. Too many promotions/shows.
Bull Dempsey's new gimmick is incredible.

lol haha. Him trying to chase breeze did make me laugh.

Also im surprised they are having Joe vs Owens next week on NXT. Guessing this will be thrown out / wont get started or something along those lines. Cant wait though.
ROH TV this week was so fuvking good. Castle vs Liger was incredible, as was all of the Cheeseburger stuff.

New here, just promoted. Glad to be here cause the NXT thread here seems lively! :)

I tried ROH properly for first time in the last few weeks and find it hard to get into the product. Don't get me wrong the in ring action is great, some fantastic talent there. Just didn't grab me the way I had hoped.

I'll stick with it though. I'm going to try some of their older PPV's as well with Steen, Styles and Bryan.
The best wrestler on earth, now with the best photograph on earth.
Welcome up @LilRicky I feel bad for the lads in the newbies wrestling thread :lol:

Thanks BR! :)

Yeah some good fans there, but just not active enough.

Any predictions for tomorrow night then folks?

Hope they do a tribute to Dusty, awful news to hear. My partner and I are re-watching stuff from the Attitude era from the network and digging out streams as well, oddly hearing he passed coincided with us just so happening to be on Over the Edge 99 where Owen Hart sadly died.
Lucha Underground

We need to figure out some sort of spoiler thing for this thread. Too many promotions/shows.
This is a good point, perhaps we should change the title to 'The Pro Wrestling thread' and then we can title our tags so that they say spoiler - ROH or the like?
Anyone reckon Owens will be 2-0 after tonights match vs Cena?

Would love to see him win but, Cena losing clean twice will have me thinking the end is nigh! As much as I'd love to see Owens win I reckon Cena will get a DQ win.

Cena will be close to a win and Owens will cheat to get himself DQ (Probably hit Cena in the head with title). The rubber match will probably be at Summersham then.