Television The Propgropthrop

Cena won't allow himself to be booked into losing a squash match against Owens.

Brock is one thing, a short fat dude is another.

Your going to enjoy the next 18 months while Owens steamrolls everyone in his way before winning the world title then :p this guy is going to the top and fast.

He will leave Cena KO'd in the middle of the ring ( probably by a DQ loss) then go back to NXT and wrap up the world title before starting his push with the main WWE roster imo.
Your going to enjoy the next 18 months while Owens steamrolls everyone in his way before winning the world title then :p this guy is going to the top and fast.

I like Owens and hope he does get a big push. I just can't see Cena allowing himself to get destroyed or suffer a beatdown. He did it for Brock and it was great. Owens aint Brock though.

A close match and a DQ win for Cena is best for business.
Did i miss much on the pre show?

Stardust beat Ryder
All three members of New Day allowed to compete in tag titles match
Miz TV with Bryan- bryans career not over (and then Sandow and Axel came out and did their Hogan/Savage copycat beatdown)
IC title will have mystery opponents (no Rusev)

Also crowd sounds dead to me :(
That took too long to perform that move, wasnt worth it rofl.

Edit: Best theyve made Ascension look since theyve been called up
Titus is fantastic. Really glad they put him and Young back together.
PTP looked fantastic. Titus is a beast, hes really been under utilized.

Ascension looked their strongest since they got called up. Lucha Dragons looked ok but too much faffing about with Kalisto imo.

Decent opener, but seriously, im not liking this crowd. For me they sounds too bleh to make this a great show.
It's awkward seeing Lana with Dolf when everybody knows she's with Rusev in real life
PTP looked fantastic. Titus is a beast, hes really been under utilized.

Ascension looked their strongest since they got called up. Lucha Dragons looked ok but too much faffing about with Kalisto imo.

Decent opener, but seriously, im not liking this crowd. For me they sounds too bleh to make this a great show.
His heel turn and shit singles run really slowed down his progress.