Television The Propgropthrop

The irony of the whole situation is that wrestlemania is supposed our night but ultimately it's aimed at the very people that we spend the entire year defending wrestling to
There's a guy in the newbies saying it's fine the booing and it's no different to cheering. If we shouldn't boo the team at half time then we shouldn't cheer Mata.
There's a guy in the newbies saying it's fine the booing and it's no different to cheering. If we shouldn't boo the team at half time then we shouldn't cheer Mata.
Depends really, if the reaction they're after is booing, it's what you should give them, even if you actually like them. Jericho often had the problem of being cheered as a heel.

Last night? That booing was fecking bad.
A lot of people saying the fans were wrong to boo but its the best way to make their voices heard especially if they are paying. They werent necessarily booing Cena/Orton (ok they kinda were) but more of what they represented within WWE. Same stuff that we basically had since 2005 and thus thats why they rely so much on older part time stars at WM because they cant build anybody and sustain it. They chop the legs of any momentum anybody gets who is not within their vision.

If Orton/Batista ends WM, I hope the crowd drown the stadium with Daniel Bryan chants tbh.
WWE changed their script today because of what happened last night. I think that's showing now.
So Bryan, Cena, Sheamus and Orton for the WWE title inside the EC. Not bad.

Won't they need two more? Probably del Rio and Punk?

Thank feck Bryan came out during that opener... I thought triple h's line of 'did somebody not get what they want' was going to be the only reference to it...
Great ending to what was an average RAW for me. Looking forward to the next few weeks.
Emma from NXT, I think being a idiot is kind of her gimmick...


She's Emma-taining!

Everyone seemingly loves Emma on NXT - but I can't stand her... consistantly one of the low-points of that show (which - it has to be said, is generally an excellent show).
Lost to Orton twice, gets another shot. Typical Cena booking. :rolleyes:

Main event was alright. Had a feeling the Wyatt's would interfere but what a shitty way to decide who is in the chamber match, a win by DQ. All in all, an average raw. They are really going to go with this Sheamus - Bryan thing aren't they?
Won't they need two more? Probably del Rio and Punk?

Thank feck Bryan came out during that opener... I thought triple h's line of 'did somebody not get what they want' was going to be the only reference to it...
Surely Lesnar will be there, since he was the self proclaimed number one contender? Hopefully Punk is involved but can see him facing Kane.
Surely Lesnar will be there, since he was the self proclaimed number one contender? Hopefully Punk is involved but can see him facing Kane.
Ahhh, Lesnar, the unstoppable beast incarnate, that rarely ever actually fecking wins. :lol:

T-shirt should be,