Television The Propgropthrop

Ok that was brilliant. Much better than the two matches with HHH. Great counters throughout the match.
That was fecking epic.

Punk twatting his leg on the table looked genuinely painful though.
The greatest ever, not just in the history of Wrestlemania, but in the history of the entire business!

There'll never be another like him, it'll be a sad day indeed when he retires :(
The first match against Triple H was pretty special tbh.

I enjoyed the match at X-7 if that was what you were referring to but the one three years ago, I never doubted Taker would win against HHH. This time though, I genuinely thought Punk had a chance.
Only match i watch all year. This year was disappointing versus the last four.
This should be a good match, no holds barred, gonna be a physical one.