Television The Propgropthrop

A lot of passing on this event. Feels like nothing has happened for half an hour :lol:
A lot of passing on this event. Feels like nothing has happened for half an hour :lol:
Gave the womens tag match a miss. I'm just waiting for the Cody/The Rock segment and then the Mens EC match.

Although this Sami-KO match should be entertaining.
Gave the womens tag match a miss. I'm just waiting for the Cody/The Rock segment and then the Mens EC match.

Although this Sami-KO match should be entertaining.
I think it being in Canada and the Trish factor meant it was on this show otherwise felt like a SD tag match.
Though tiffy kicking Trish out the ring was funny

Making tiffy full face cos of Charlotte is not a good move imo
I think it being in Canada and the Trish factor meant it was on this show otherwise felt like a SD tag match.
Though tiffy kicking Trish out the ring was funny

Making tiffy full face cos of Charlotte is not a good move imo
Yeah I much prefer her as a heel
A lot of fun
Guessing we get KO/Orton at mania which is obvious
Sami V Kross?
KO vs Orton for sure.
Sami I'm not too sure what direction they are going to go with him.
Cena wins
So as it stands him V Cody
(And guess Seth V punk 2)

But Wonder if Cody says no, Rock gets mad and punk? However sells his soul
His favour from heyman was to get the rocks number and intro them or something...

This next segment gotta be something big.
That genuinely shocked me. Going to be so annoying if heel Cena is amazing and we only get it for ~10 months though.

And why was Travis Scott there?
Well over a decade later we finally got our heel Cena as he's sold his soul to the Final Boss. Desperation to win record 17th at Mania.

Very enjoyable ppv. The Cargill & Orton returns were brilliant, fun chamber matches for both women & men and that barbaric match between KO & Sami which no one wanted to end.
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That was fantastic. Cena staying there was curious but it was so well done.

Hopefully Cena wins the title and has a great run as a heel, drops it around summerslam maybe and finishes off as a good guy?
Great stuff
That genuinely shocked me. Going to be so annoying if heel Cena is amazing and we only get it for ~10 months though.

And why was Travis Scott there?

Obsession with social media and news. Casual non wrestling fans will hear about it and more people will be aware of it
Just hope Cena wins it at Mania and has a good run as a heel champ. Potentially hold the belt till at least Summerslam.
I'm still kinda shocked in 2025 you have a heel rock and heel Cena working together to main event mania
Although it works with an older guy taking this title and a newer guy taking the other (can't say young as jey is 40 haha)

Also wondering if Cena does win maybe he drops it back to cody later (or loses to Cody at a later date)
They had to turn Cena heel as he’s done as a face, the character and style has been piss poor the last few times he’s returned tbh. No chance you could have him going for the title one last time as a face. Brilliant ending to the show. Does Cody overcome it again for a second year running or does Cena win the title for a final time and somebody like Reigns or Punk ends his career? Definitely makes it more interesting.

Terrible crowd though, one of the worst I can remember. Really good show. Bianca the right winner, they’ve been patient by not pushing her down our throats, her and Rhea are clearly the top two women in the company, just sadly no real story behind it though.

Wrestlemania coming together really good. Rollins/Punk, Priest/Drew, Jey/Gunther, Bianca/Rhea and more. No clue what they’re doing with Reigns though.
As good as it was having Cena turning heel, can't help but think how much better it would have been to hold off until WrestleMania, and then have Cena turn heel to win the title.
As good as it was having Cena turning heel, can't help but think how much better it would have been to hold off until WrestleMania, and then have Cena turn heel to win the title.
Yeah but think of the build now. Post-Mania you probably lose the Rock for a bit. You've now got four weeks of Hollywood Cena/Rock promos together shitting on Cody. It's going to be incredible.

I thought that entire card was absolutely fantastic. Best PPV in a while.
Oh look Rock making the RTW infinitely more interesting after the internet complains.

Heel Cena! This going to be fun.
Yeah but think of the build now. Post-Mania you probably lose the Rock for a bit. You've now got four weeks of Hollywood Cena/Rock promos together shitting on Cody. It's going to be incredible.

I thought that entire card was absolutely fantastic. Best PPV in a while.
They probably both can fill in the gaps while the other go to their main jobs. :lol:

Also I was way off in my prediction, they’re genuinely found for the naff triple threat?!
They had to turn Cena heel as he’s done as a face, the character and style has been piss poor the last few times he’s returned tbh. No chance you could have him going for the title one last time as a face. Brilliant ending to the show. Does Cody overcome it again for a second year running or does Cena win the title for a final time and somebody like Reigns or Punk ends his career? Definitely makes it more interesting.

Terrible crowd though, one of the worst I can remember. Really good show. Bianca the right winner, they’ve been patient by not pushing her down our throats, her and Rhea are clearly the top two women in the company, just sadly no real story behind it though.

Wrestlemania coming together really good. Rollins/Punk, Priest/Drew, Jey/Gunther, Bianca/Rhea and more. No clue what they’re doing with Reigns though.
Give me Punk Cena one last dance at WM 2026, even last night these two are just magic in the ring together, finally give Punk his main event
Telling you guys, double turn at mania. Were getting codelander.
So Cena vs Cody and Seth vs Punk vs Roman. That triple threat without any stakes still feels weird. Maybe there are some shenanigans involving Roman/Rock and Heyman/Punk favor in the buildup so that they make it a number 1 contender match on night 1 and the winner gets added to the Cena/Cody match at night 2.

Punk's whole thing since coming back has been main eventing WM, so to not do it, or to do it via a triple threat match on Night 1 with no stakes involved would feel weird.
I’m not sure, be a waste of Cenas turn.

My question now is, is Cena really retiring December?! December is a weird time to retire anyway…
Yeah he is. I think they recently advertised a pay per view in Boston ( his hometown) in December titled Ruthless Aggression. That will be his final in-ring appearance.
Yeah he is. I think they recently advertised a pay per view in Boston ( his hometown) in December titled Ruthless Aggression. That will be his final in-ring appearance.
Ah okay then, be a good twist for him to heel it up and carry on until WM. But not to me.
Really enjoyed that but I'm a bit confused.
Cena and Rock beating up Cody feels like a face move for me :lol:
Maybe it's my bias because I can't stand the Rock, but finally getting the Cena heel turn as part of his weird pursuit of Cody feels cheapened. Like he was just a hired goon in his beat down of Cody instead of being the sole focus.

Also who the feck was that other guy in the ring. I swear I saw him light up in the middle of the segment.