Television The Propgropthrop

I prefer AEW as one off shows, they are just too samey to watch regularly for me. WWE has more appeal from one week to the next.

I tought the KO/Orton piledriver thing was fine because everyone involved including the commentary sold it really well and made it feel like a big deal. I think the spot moves in AEW would also be fine if they just lent into this aspect a bit more. Rather than have no real difference in terms of impact from someone backflip piledriving an opponent through a table, and someone being slapped in the face.

I feel like some of the matches in AEW get silly because the wrestlers don't know what to do to make it stand out from the other crazy stuff that happens multiple times a match, and as a result anything that isn't just standard/normal for an AEW match invariably crosses the border into stupid. Where as in WWE a lot of the matches are completely forgettable and give you no reason to have watched them at all, and then the PPV matches are often just wrestlers kicking out of each other's finishers. Or we had two years of the exact same Roman Reigns match over and over.

It seems to become cool to favour one thing or the other but its not 1999 anymore. You can easily watch all of the wrestling so there's no reason to be tribal at all, unless you personally profit from a particular brand. AEW is the first credible alternative to WWE since the Monday night wars really (I know there was TNA for a while but it was short lived and almost exclusively shite). Its better that its there even if only because its forced WWE to improve. Any idea of AEW being a direct/cedible competitor died when they didnt capitalise on having Punk, and even then it was a very long shot. WWE can literally have movie stars headline their PPVs. AEW have people who you might have heard of BECAUSE they were in WWE once.
That week or so when AEW brought in Punk, and then followed it with Danielson and Adam Cole, was great. But they really dropped the ball with the follow up on that, and just started losing viewers and its continued.
Ive finished Wrestledream and there was a point before that they were pushing that BD would retire if he lost (it was a week or so before the PPV). But then the commentary on his match v Mox they said retire from full time. Anyway, AEW has some stuff thats fun that WWE doesnt. And vice versa. But right now WWE is super hot and have done something AEW struggle with, making you care about their people especially the faces. Rollins, Jey, Sami, Cody, all hot hot acts. Heels less so but still, Bronson, Gunter, now the new Bloodline are thriving with being given stuff thats not just focused on in ring. Bronson had a super hot angle with Rollins. It didnt need a 20 minute promo, or a 'five star' match. It was a hot angle and theyve followed it up so well (him destroying others like RTruth, his stuff with Braun, and now back with Rollins and the New Bloodline).
There's been a bit of online backlash about the possibility of Seth being the 5th member, but to me it makes absolute sense.

They have retconned the whole genesis of the Tribal Chief character being the trauma from Seth's betrayal (ignoring the reunions they had). So it makes sense if Roman is to truly heal and become better to his "bloodline", he needs resolution of his issues with Seth. Before Roman/Seth go fully part time, they need a proper program addressing this, and Seth's involvement here might be laying the seeds for that.

Yeah, im glad you mentioned the reunions cos theyve had a few since the original betrayal :lol:
I guess they could always (or still) play that Roman is the way he is (or was for the last few years) due to Seth turning years back and Roman not really getting over it. So instead of the whole 'equals' part like they were in the Shield, he became a dictator as it would be harder for people to turn on him without consequences, etc.

Im still hoping given what Seth has said up to now, they dont have Seth now wanting to join cos he lost his match to Bronson due to the NBL. |
im also wondering what part Heyman plays into this (if he does at all), since they still have the parts about Heyman having two phones (one for Roman, one for the Rock). also Solo destroying Heymans phone to call Roman (yes i know it doesnt work like that but it can for story), and if Sami has any part towards it.

They could do the ultimate heel turn by Sami if they wanted. Roman ever apologised like Sami wanted, Sami joined despite that, (and the whole him hiding his phone which could be nothing but could be something). Would be funny if that is why KO hast made a big deal about Sami helping Roman again. Or not...
That week or so when AEW brought in Punk, and then followed it with Danielson and Adam Cole, was great. But they really dropped the ball with the follow up on that, and just started losing viewers and its continued.
Ive finished Wrestledream and there was a point before that they were pushing that BD would retire if he lost (it was a week or so before the PPV). But then the commentary on his match v Mox they said retire from full time. Anyway, AEW has some stuff thats fun that WWE doesnt. And vice versa. But right now WWE is super hot and have done something AEW struggle with, making you care about their people especially the faces. Rollins, Jey, Sami, Cody, all hot hot acts. Heels less so but still, Bronson, Gunter, now the new Bloodline are thriving with being given stuff thats not just focused on in ring. Bronson had a super hot angle with Rollins. It didnt need a 20 minute promo, or a 'five star' match. It was a hot angle and theyve followed it up so well (him destroying others like RTruth, his stuff with Braun, and now back with Rollins and the New Bloodline).

Yeah, im glad you mentioned the reunions cos theyve had a few since the original betrayal :lol:
I guess they could always (or still) play that Roman is the way he is (or was for the last few years) due to Seth turning years back and Roman not really getting over it. So instead of the whole 'equals' part like they were in the Shield, he became a dictator as it would be harder for people to turn on him without consequences, etc.

Im still hoping given what Seth has said up to now, they dont have Seth now wanting to join cos he lost his match to Bronson due to the NBL. |
im also wondering what part Heyman plays into this (if he does at all), since they still have the parts about Heyman having two phones (one for Roman, one for the Rock). also Solo destroying Heymans phone to call Roman (yes i know it doesnt work like that but it can for story), and if Sami has any part towards it.

They could do the ultimate heel turn by Sami if they wanted. Roman ever apologised like Sami wanted, Sami joined despite that, (and the whole him hiding his phone which could be nothing but could be something). Would be funny if that is why KO hast made a big deal about Sami helping Roman again. Or not...
I think Sami's involvement here is laying the seeds for KO going totally apeshit at him and then having a feud heading into WM.

With Seth I can see it playing 2 ways. Either they have decided on Rock Vs Cody at WM and are maybe setting up Seth Vs Roman for WM. His involvement in the Wargames match could lay the seeds for that.

Or if it is going to Roman Vs Rock Vs Cody at WM, then I think Rollins reluctantly agrees to team with Roman here, but Heyman brings back Punk and he joins the OG Bloodline in lieu of Seth, further enraging him and playing into a Seth Vs Punk match at WM.
Fair enough, each to their own. I love that to combat my point about WWE acting like the rest of the industry doesn't exist you call a $2 billion company a "mudshow" as if to prove my point, it reminds me of City fans calling United fans the rags. The weird tribalism that wrestling fans have online is just confusing to me. I personally prefer AEW because like you say, the matches have more than 1 fun spot in them, but seeing adults calling the wrestling company they don't prefer childish names is just embarrassing.

I’m just a casual fan these days even WWE is hard to sit through on a weekly basis I just whizz through the highlights and watch the pay per view’s I’m not a die hard WWE apologist but AEW is just unwatchable and I’ve tried multiple times to give it a go.

Orange Cassidy who is without a doubt the worst wrestling gimmick to ever grace the business being a featured main eventer when Tony’s assembled one of the most expensive rosters ever says everything about the product. Garbage.

I could honestly rant about everything I hate about AEW but I’d be here all night.
That week or so when AEW brought in Punk, and then followed it with Danielson and Adam Cole, was great. But they really dropped the ball with the follow up on that, and just started losing viewers and its continued.
Ive finished Wrestledream and there was a point before that they were pushing that BD would retire if he lost (it was a week or so before the PPV). But then the commentary on his match v Mox they said retire from full time. Anyway, AEW has some stuff thats fun that WWE doesnt. And vice versa. But right now WWE is super hot and have done something AEW struggle with, making you care about their people especially the faces. Rollins, Jey, Sami, Cody, all hot hot acts. Heels less so but still, Bronson, Gunter, now the new Bloodline are thriving with being given stuff thats not just focused on in ring. Bronson had a super hot angle with Rollins. It didnt need a 20 minute promo, or a 'five star' match. It was a hot angle and theyve followed it up so well (him destroying others like RTruth, his stuff with Braun, and now back with Rollins and the New Bloodline).

Yeah, im glad you mentioned the reunions cos theyve had a few since the original betrayal :lol:
I guess they could always (or still) play that Roman is the way he is (or was for the last few years) due to Seth turning years back and Roman not really getting over it. So instead of the whole 'equals' part like they were in the Shield, he became a dictator as it would be harder for people to turn on him without consequences, etc.

Im still hoping given what Seth has said up to now, they dont have Seth now wanting to join cos he lost his match to Bronson due to the NBL. |
im also wondering what part Heyman plays into this (if he does at all), since they still have the parts about Heyman having two phones (one for Roman, one for the Rock). also Solo destroying Heymans phone to call Roman (yes i know it doesnt work like that but it can for story), and if Sami has any part towards it.

They could do the ultimate heel turn by Sami if they wanted. Roman ever apologised like Sami wanted, Sami joined despite that, (and the whole him hiding his phone which could be nothing but could be something). Would be funny if that is why KO hast made a big deal about Sami helping Roman again. Or not...

I've not enjoyed WWE much since Mania tbh. The characters by en large are very good and get your point on that. It is a lot easier to route for them. The problem is most of the matches are either 100% predictable or have nothing riding on them. So any investment in the outcome is nullified.

I've been enjoying Bronson's monster run a lot but tying him and Rollins in to the Bloodline feud is just dumb for me. There is absolutely no connection there, and if they did need to bring them into it, there are smarter ways than having Sami just randomly ask Rollins which made no sense at all. Or Bronson showing up to beat on Reigns which made even less than no sense.

Can't remember the last time there was a match for either of the main titles where the outcome wasn't 100% obvious, which is a problem. Particularly as the supposed flagship title was held by Reigns for years with no jeopardy at all, and now they've finally moved it to Cody (in a match that was so obvious the entire internet gave a scene by scene report on it before it happened), he's nearly a year in and has had 0 title defences where a single person on earth would believe they might have him lose.

Anything that does happen that could be cool and unexpected they foreshadow to death before it happens. They've already started with Bianca/Jade. I really hope we aren't going to get weeks of boring matches with them nearly running into each other or accidentally hitting each other until the horse is dead before it's even let out of the blocks.
I’m just a casual fan these days even WWE is hard to sit through on a weekly basis I just whizz through the highlights and watch the pay per view’s I’m not a die hard WWE apologist but AEW is just unwatchable and I’ve tried multiple times to give it a go.

Orange Cassidy who is without a doubt the worst wrestling gimmick to ever grace the business being a featured main eventer when Tony’s assembled one of the most expensive rosters ever says everything about the product. Garbage.

I could honestly rant about everything I hate about AEW but I’d be here all night.
See Orange Cassidy is one of the things that caught my interest instantly and is probably my favourite wrestler right now, I'm pretty sure he'd be loved in WWE. I definitely get why it's not for everyone, but calling it garbage because its not to your taste, again, makes it seem like you've never watched wrestling outside of WWE. The worst AEW matches would be the best match of the night most of the time in a lot of indie shows I've been to (that said I've also been lucky enough to see ZSJ, Ospreay and Gabe Kidd in sports halls with like 20 people in).

Its far from perfect I'll give you that, and Tony Kahn has not always been the most creative booker, but it give me the silly fun that I'm after from wrestling and it offers an actual alternative that's not just a carbon copy of WWE. Equally I could sit here and rant about how much fun AEW's brought me the last few years, but the difference is I'm not going to try and shit on someone else's enjoyment by doing so, there's nothing wrong with enjoying WWE, TNA, GCW or any of the others either if they're more your bag.
AEW is more of a TNA than WCW.

It's not comparable to TNA imo. It's actually fun to watch and had a run of being very good in general. I don't remember ever watching TNA and not thinking it was pretty crap.

It's definitely not comparable to WCW either but it's the best mainstream alternative there's been to WWE since WCW. It's just become cool for manchildren on the internet to trash it since it started coming down from It's popularity spike.

WWE is also a greed machine to the point that it leaves a bad taste. Washing over things like sex trafficking. Charging extortionate prices for tickets, cramming it's own shows full of ads in favour of entertainment value. Trying to con cities into "bidding" to host its one off shows as if it's the olympics. AEW sold Wembley tickets for £30 and forced WWE to start caring again about the entertainment quality of it's product and how it treats its wrestlers. I don't think its any bad thing that AEW exists however you look at it.

and (here at least) it's broadcast on free to view television. So no one can claim to being put out to watch it. If people don't like it they can just not watch it and be none the worse off
See Orange Cassidy is one of the things that caught my interest instantly and is probably my favourite wrestler right now, I'm pretty sure he'd be loved in WWE. I definitely get why it's not for everyone, but calling it garbage because its not to your taste, again, makes it seem like you've never watched wrestling outside of WWE. The worst AEW matches would be the best match of the night most of the time in a lot of indie shows I've been to (that said I've also been lucky enough to see ZSJ, Ospreay and Gabe Kidd in sports halls with like 20 people in).

Its far from perfect I'll give you that, and Tony Kahn has not always been the most creative booker, but it give me the silly fun that I'm after from wrestling and it offers an actual alternative that's not just a carbon copy of WWE. Equally I could sit here and rant about how much fun AEW's brought me the last few years, but the difference is I'm not going to try and shit on someone else's enjoyment by doing so, there's nothing wrong with enjoying WWE, TNA, GCW or any of the others either if they're more your bag.

That’s exactly AEW’s problem It’s indie wrestling with a billion pound budget. I just think it’s garbage and the exact reason it’s shown zero growth in 5 years it’s catered to a niche audience who like watching non stop spots and false finishes

Honestly I put it on a few weeks ago and tried to be open to it. Show started with OC fecking about in the ring…..then it cut to the guy in the mask on commentary and I was done. Cringe beyond belief I didn’t want to stick around for the Beast Mortos or Hologram later in the show.
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It's not comparable to TNA imo. It's actually fun to watch and had a run of being very good in general. I don't remember ever watching TNA and not thinking it was pretty crap.

It's definitely not comparable to WCW either but it's the best mainstream alternative there's been to WWE since WCW. It's just become cool for manchildren on the internet to trash it since it started coming down from It's popularity spike.

WWE is also a greed machine to the point that it leaves a bad taste. Washing over things like sex trafficking. Charging extortionate prices for tickets, cramming it's own shows full of ads in favour of entertainment value. Trying to con cities into "bidding" to host its one off shows as if it's the olympics. AEW sold Wembley tickets for £30 and forced WWE to start caring again about the entertainment quality of it's product and how it treats its wrestlers. I don't think its any bad thing that AEW exists however you look at it.

and (here at least) it's broadcast on free to view television. So no one can claim to being put out to watch it. If people don't like it they can just not watch it and be none the worse off
fecking what?
TNA was fun when they focused on the actual alternative stuff ,like X division, the tag division and the beginning of the womens division. They also had a lot of shit, like when Russo was involved, (that feckin electric cage match where they turned the lights on and off :lol:, or anytime they would copy WWE (that stupid fat naked oily guy), or when they had that influx of WWE mid card and jobbers around the time Bischoff and Hogan came in (I Mean Val Venis, really?)
Dixie really should have just let Heyman run it and let him get rid of all the old guys

Also I like OC. Saying hes the worst gimmick ever or whatever it was is very OTT.

I think Sami's involvement here is laying the seeds for KO going totally apeshit at him and then having a feud heading into WM.

With Seth I can see it playing 2 ways. Either they have decided on Rock Vs Cody at WM and are maybe setting up Seth Vs Roman for WM. His involvement in the Wargames match could lay the seeds for that.

Or if it is going to Roman Vs Rock Vs Cody at WM, then I think Rollins reluctantly agrees to team with Roman here, but Heyman brings back Punk and he joins the OG Bloodline in lieu of Seth, further enraging him and playing into a Seth Vs Punk match at WM.
Yeah, the one good thing is they have multiple ways they could take this. And also interesting through regarding Heyman, Punk and Seth. It would all tie in if they wanted it to. Seth saying no for so long, then finally saying yet but being told, nah, we going with somebody you hate (who is the 'original' Paul Heyman guy)
Im still laughing At Rock appearing randomly at the end of the last PPV, but theres been no mention of him, nobody talking about him, nobody even hinting at him. If he does come back with a reason, thats not a bad thing. Im just hoping its not at the end of Survivor Series and pointing at his arms to signal goosebumps :lol:

I've not enjoyed WWE much since Mania tbh. The characters by en large are very good and get your point on that. It is a lot easier to route for them. The problem is most of the matches are either 100% predictable or have nothing riding on them. So any investment in the outcome is nullified.

I've been enjoying Bronson's monster run a lot but tying him and Rollins in to the Bloodline feud is just dumb for me. There is absolutely no connection there, and if they did need to bring them into it, there are smarter ways than having Sami just randomly ask Rollins which made no sense at all. Or Bronson showing up to beat on Reigns which made even less than no sense.

Can't remember the last time there was a match for either of the main titles where the outcome wasn't 100% obvious, which is a problem. Particularly as the supposed flagship title was held by Reigns for years with no jeopardy at all, and now they've finally moved it to Cody (in a match that was so obvious the entire internet gave a scene by scene report on it before it happened), he's nearly a year in and has had 0 title defences where a single person on earth would believe they might have him lose.

Anything that does happen that could be cool and unexpected they foreshadow to death before it happens. They've already started with Bianca/Jade. I really hope we aren't going to get weeks of boring matches with them nearly running into each other or accidentally hitting each other until the horse is dead before it's even let out of the blocks.

Get your point on the predictability of the matches especially the 'bigger' ones. Even the last PLE, with Roman getting pinned, it wasnt main event so kinda indicating his team were gonna lose (and tbh Solo needed the win). Sometimes I dont mind predictable scenarios (like the whole Cody winning and getting all the help to take out elements of BL). Same with the BL vs BL feud which I thought was the direction they would go for War Games (although I think Jey and Sami both saying yes happened too quick for my liking).
Get your point on the predictability of the matches especially the 'bigger' ones. Even the last PLE, with Roman getting pinned, it wasnt main event so kinda indicating his team were gonna lose (and tbh Solo needed the win). Sometimes I dont mind predictable scenarios (like the whole Cody winning and getting all the help to take out elements of BL). Same with the BL vs BL feud which I thought was the direction they would go for War Games (although I think Jey and Sami both saying yes happened too quick for my liking).

Yeah a bit of predictability is fine. The WM main event was great because it was predictable. Same when they build certain things well and the predictable part is the eventual pay off.

It just needs to be mixed in with an element of variety, not knowing what might happen next or at least a slight level of peril/danger to the defending champion in a title match. What was the point in Cody s AJ Styles for example? That went on for what, 2 months? They made no attempt to build AJ as a credible threat to someone who beat Reigns. They made no attempt to stack the odds in his favour. If you're going to have superhero characters like Cody and Reigns who no one else on the roster can touch, then there needs to be a way to tilt the scales back over so its actually believable that an opponent might beat them.

The Punk/Drew stuff has been the best thing they've done post mania for me. There's been other good bits but mixed in with a hell of a lot of time filling.

I'm bored wth the bloodline stuff personally. Its watchable but I'm struggling with why any of them would still care after so long. Especially as Cody is the one holding the title so they're all essentially fighting over a flower scarf.
Yeah a bit of predictability is fine. The WM main event was great because it was predictable. Same when they build certain things well and the predictable part is the eventual pay off.

It just needs to be mixed in with an element of variety, not knowing what might happen next or at least a slight level of peril/danger to the defending champion in a title match. What was the point in Cody s AJ Styles for example? That went on for what, 2 months? They made no attempt to build AJ as a credible threat to someone who beat Reigns. They made no attempt to stack the odds in his favour. If you're going to have superhero characters like Cody and Reigns who no one else on the roster can touch, then there needs to be a way to tilt the scales back over so its actually believable that an opponent might beat them.

The Punk/Drew stuff has been the best thing they've done post mania for me. There's been other good bits but mixed in with a hell of a lot of time filling.

I'm bored wth the bloodline stuff personally. Its watchable but I'm struggling with why any of them would still care after so long. Especially as Cody is the one holding the title so they're all essentially fighting over a ring of flowers.

The bloodline stuff has been boring for months. Even the much awaited return of Roman was a bit meh and I cannot take Solo seriously.

The best direction for the bloodline would have been The Rock returning as the head of the new bloodline which didn't happen when it was hot.
TNA was fun when they focused on the actual alternative stuff ,like X division, the tag division and the beginning of the womens division. They also had a lot of shit, like when Russo was involved, (that feckin electric cage match where they turned the lights on and off :lol:, or anytime they would copy WWE (that stupid fat naked oily guy), or when they had that influx of WWE mid card and jobbers around the time Bischoff and Hogan came in (I Mean Val Venis, really?)
Dixie really should have just let Heyman run it and let him get rid of all the old guys

Also I like OC. Saying hes the worst gimmick ever or whatever it was is very OTT.

Yeah, the one good thing is they have multiple ways they could take this. And also interesting through regarding Heyman, Punk and Seth. It would all tie in if they wanted it to. Seth saying no for so long, then finally saying yet but being told, nah, we going with somebody you hate (who is the 'original' Paul Heyman guy)
Im still laughing At Rock appearing randomly at the end of the last PPV, but theres been no mention of him, nobody talking about him, nobody even hinting at him. If he does come back with a reason, thats not a bad thing. Im just hoping its not at the end of Survivor Series and pointing at his arms to signal goosebumps :lol:

Get your point on the predictability of the matches especially the 'bigger' ones. Even the last PLE, with Roman getting pinned, it wasnt main event so kinda indicating his team were gonna lose (and tbh Solo needed the win). Sometimes I dont mind predictable scenarios (like the whole Cody winning and getting all the help to take out elements of BL). Same with the BL vs BL feud which I thought was the direction they would go for War Games (although I think Jey and Sami both saying yes happened too quick for my liking).
TNA was decent until Angle carried them.
Yeah a bit of predictability is fine. The WM main event was great because it was predictable. Same when they build certain things well and the predictable part is the eventual pay off.

It just needs to be mixed in with an element of variety, not knowing what might happen next or at least a slight level of peril/danger to the defending champion in a title match. What was the point in Cody s AJ Styles for example? That went on for what, 2 months? They made no attempt to build AJ as a credible threat to someone who beat Reigns. They made no attempt to stack the odds in his favour. If you're going to have superhero characters like Cody and Reigns who no one else on the roster can touch, then there needs to be a way to tilt the scales back over so its actually believable that an opponent might beat them.

The Punk/Drew stuff has been the best thing they've done post mania for me. There's been other good bits but mixed in with a hell of a lot of time filling.

I'm bored wth the bloodline stuff personally. Its watchable but I'm struggling with why any of them would still care after so long. Especially as Cody is the one holding the title so they're all essentially fighting over a flower scarf.
I think I go back to what I said previously, that WWE needs to build a few more monster heels. They've got the faces side down for once (its been ages since they had that).
The heels, Owens is getting there, Bronson Reed is getting there, Solo is almost there, Gunter is probably there (dont mind his feud with Priest as they are establishing him too). But across the two shows they dont have that much of a top heel threat. Codys superman doesnt have a lex luthor (yet?)
The best thing was Raw went to 2 hours. Its much easier to take in

The bloodline stuff has been boring for months. Even the much awaited return of Roman was a bit meh and I cannot take Solo seriously.

The best direction for the bloodline would have been The Rock returning as the head of the new bloodline which didn't happen when it was hot.
I had a feeling Rock was being pushed for that, but then he did movies so they went with Solo, but then hes kinda back but not really? And his current movie is kinda flopping so he will probably return again.
that was a great Smackdown, won’t happen but I’m ready for a KO title win, even if it would end my Cody vs Randy hopes for WM
that was a great Smackdown, won’t happen but I’m ready for a KO title win, even if it would end my Cody vs Randy hopes for WM
KO has to win otherwise no point turning him heel. Honestly Cody's title reign has become a bit boring. Take the title off him and give it to KO till mania.
that was a great Smackdown, won’t happen but I’m ready for a KO title win, even if it would end my Cody vs Randy hopes for WM

KO has to win otherwise no point turning him heel. Honestly Cody's title reign has become a bit boring. Take the title off him and give it to KO till mania.

This was a great promo by KO.

So thinking Seth attacks Punk to eliminate him from war games?
If Seth costs the Bloodline the WarGames match then he's got a genuine program in waiting with both Punk and Roman. Also, don't rule out Heyman and Punk turning on Roman.

Lots of directions they could go with this. Heyman and Punk aligning with the Rock to take on Roman would be mint. Could play into a Roman-Seth reunion to take on Punk and Rock. Although I guess they'd want Cody in the mix as well somehow.
KO has to win otherwise no point turning him heel. Honestly Cody's title reign has become a bit boring. Take the title off him and give it to KO till mania.
Unless it's a no contest and just a fight / brawl and that leads to another match where Orton interferes

Lots of directions they could go with this. Heyman and Punk aligning with the Rock to take on Roman would be mint. Could play into a Roman-Seth reunion to take on Punk and Rock. Although I guess they'd want Cody in the mix as well somehow.
Agreed it's good and now we want it to be.
that was a great Smackdown, won’t happen but I’m ready for a KO title win, even if it would end my Cody vs Randy hopes for WM

I think that’s become a bit of an issue with WWE they have started doing an almost 12 month build to Mania you can see months out what’s going to happen, the likes of Roman and now Cody won’t lose the belt unless it’s Mania

They need to throw a curve ball in every now and then especially when the main story isn’t featuring the universal title, it’s almost like the Universal champion is guaranteed a 12 months reign at a minimum
I think that’s become a bit of an issue with WWE they have started doing an almost 12 month build to Mania you can see months out what’s going to happen, the likes of Roman and now Cody won’t lose the belt unless it’s Mania

They need to throw a curve ball in every now and then especially when the main story isn’t featuring the universal title, it’s almost like the Universal champion is guaranteed a 12 months reign at a minimum
100% it’s reaching the stage where there’s little point in watching outside Wrestlemania.