Television The Propgropthrop

I can't stand him, and every wrestler like him. It just seems like he has no idea what to say, so he says everything reaaaalllyyy sllllooooowwwllllyyyy to stall for more time to think.
Anyone else underwhelmed by the mania line up?

The three main event matches involve 4 part-timers. I got no problem with Rock vs Cena as the main event match as it is sure to be the biggest draw and to get PPV buy rates.

Also no problems with having Taker and Lesnar on the card but at least have them have an angle with each other. The Punk vs Undertaker match has no build up for anyone to care about the payoff despite it sure to be an entertaining match. I don't care about HHH vs Lesnar. Heyman can make the promos more lively but the angle, especially involving the Mcmahons, is about as stale as Hogan's next world title win over Bully Ray. They did it with Orton 4 years ago and they have done it before as well.

The way Lesnar has been used since Extreme Rules just baffles me. You have a ready made top star and you pair him with a semi retired HHH in Mcmahon family Avenger mode. Why would this interest anyone? It's the type of booking that made WCW so bad in it's last two years.

The mid card matches have had no build other than the Shield vs Orton, Sheamus etc and it's the third time the Shield have been had PPV six man tag matches.

The best angle is probably Del Rio vs Swagger and I'm not overly sold on their angle which has only been built since the Elimination Chamber PPV.

Seriously disappointed that Ziggler, and Bryan have also lost so much momemtum in the last few months and Jericho has no decent feud going into the PPV.

Could have been built up and planned so much better than this. Rock vs Cena will bring in massive numbers and with better angles and stories could have helped develop a number of other wrestlers. Even most of the established big names have no real feud going into mania(such as Orton, Sheamus, Show, Jericho, Punk) and have had to have these angles quickly assembled. Far worse than last year.
I honestly don't care about most of the matches at Wrestlemania. Triple H vs. Lesnar could be a fun brawl (even if I haven't thought much of the build), but I've no real interest in Cena/Rock, Punk/Taker, Del Rio/Swagger or whatever else there is.

Sadly, I think this may be end up the worst Wrestlemania in recent years.
HHH-Brock will probably be a very good match. For all his faults when it comes to inserting himself into storylines etc. HHH can put on a very good match. HHH is almost certain to win.
Punk-Taker. Slow paced, decent match. Taker will win again almost certainly.
Rock-Cena. Cena gets his win back. Yawn. Won't be a good match. Last year was enjoyable cos it was Rock-Cena and Once in a Lifetime. But the Rock seems to gas out after 5 minutes, and Cena had to carry him last year. Won't be a good match, and very predictable result.
Del Rio goes over Swagger following the weed thing.
Its just so predictable this year. Normally there is a little unpredictability but not this year. Too many rematches. They've only got Rock and Brock for a limited time, so wasting them on another rematch just seems pointless
Not going to bother watching it. None of it sounds remotely good. The probably Orton heel turn would be the most interesting.
The pre wrestlemania misery crew out in force as usual. Bigger issue atm is the continued absence of the wwe champion dwayne johnson. Its pretty lowsy that he's not been on raw in three weeks heading into mania. Disgrace of a decision putting the belt on him.
The pre wrestlemania misery crew out in force as usual. Bigger issue atm is the continued absence of the wwe champion dwayne johnson. Its pretty lowsy that he's not been on raw in three weeks heading into mania. Disgrace of a decision putting the belt on him.

If the story unfolds that Cena gets the title back (which appears very likely) then it was a good move; it's just sad that The Rock hasn't been at RAW as a champion should be. I agree that the build hasn't been great but some of the matches do have potential. HHH vs. Lesnar will be just those two hitting each other with weapons which is always fun to watch. The Shield are excellent in the ring and if you've seen Punk and Taker's previous match then this one has every chance of stealing the show (provided Taker moves OK).

The match I'm not so looking forward to is Ryback vs Henry. That one will only live up to the hype if Ryback hits shell shocked.
The pre wrestlemania misery crew out in force as usual. Bigger issue atm is the continued absence of the wwe champion dwayne johnson. Its pretty lowsy that he's not been on raw in three weeks heading into mania. Disgrace of a decision putting the belt on him.

Vince wants to make more money.

Rock makes him more money in the build up to Mania than anyone else.

Mission accomplished.

It's as simple as that. I know we'd all like it to be difference, but what happens in the WWE is motivated by what makes them the most money. It's not motivated by what makes the most sense, because that won't make Vince as much money as he wants to make.
Everything below the 3 big matches are surely the worst thing about this years Mania? It seems like barely any thought has gone into any of it. I mean, Jericho vs. Fandango? What the hell?

I may not be in love with the idea of re-match-a-mania, but they should be 3 big and entertaining matches (though I will turn off if/when HHH beats Brock)... and it'll make them a shit load of money, so fair enough.

The problem with that last sentence is that it basically means they've got lazy with everything else going on the card... when, with just a little more effort/build, we could have had a stronger Mania card from top to bottom.

For example, they could (and should) have built a strong program between Ziggler and Jericho as soon as Chris returned (The fact that Ziggler was the one who sent Jericho away meant all the seeds were there) and the two of them could have built up excellently towards a match at Mania. Swagger vs. Del Rio should have opened, Ziggler cashes in and boom, you have a title match between Ziggler and Jericho for later in the show - and a 3 "big" title matches on one card.

Instead, Jericho has a throw away match with Fandango (urgh) and Ziggler and Langston (why?!) are going up against Hell No. For two matches that I don't think anyone cares about.
Jericho vs Fandango will be a show stealer if it's given time, which it absolutely should.

Henry vs Ryback is also a fascinating match, it has to be a quick match, which means we'll see finishers early, can Ryback lift Henry for the Shellshock? I highly doubt it myself. So most sense is in Ryback winning, but can he?

Then there's Dolph and Biggie against Hell No, again, all the makings of a very good match, Biggie gets to show off his inhuman strength by ragdolling Kane, Dolph and D Bry put on a prolonged spell for the purists, then Hell No retain probably for Dolph to cash in later, a la Hogan at Mania 9.

The Shield will once again put on a brilliant match, with the added intrigue around Randy's rumoured upcoming heel turn, Taker Punk will be a hugely entertaining match, with all sorts of potential urn related moments. Brock HHH will be massively entertaining too, with it genuinely being possible it goes either way. Sure, Cena Rock will be another snoozefest with Rock gassing in no time, but oh well.
HHH is going to put Lesnar over, writing himself off TV for a while, The Shield are going to be amazing, Punk is going to make Taker look brilliant, SuperCena is going to take the belt off the part time champ - lesser of two evils imo. The real uncertainty is Ryback vs Henry. Ryback has to be booked for a win, but i really doubt he can shellshock Henry. Will look weak if he wins without it, but I'll mark out if he cracks it.
I honestly don't care about most of the matches at Wrestlemania. Triple H vs. Lesnar could be a fun brawl (even if I haven't thought much of the build), but I've no real interest in Cena/Rock, Punk/Taker, Del Rio/Swagger or whatever else there is.

Sadly, I think this may be end up the worst Wrestlemania in recent years.

I was gonna book the Monday off as I wouldn't have time to watch it all between getting home and the city match, think I'm gonna just skip through most matches and watch just the end of them
Everything below the 3 big matches are surely the worst thing about this years Mania? It seems like barely any thought has gone into any of it. I mean, Jericho vs. Fandango? What the hell?

I may not be in love with the idea of re-match-a-mania, but they should be 3 big and entertaining matches (though I will turn off if/when HHH beats Brock)... and it'll make them a shit load of money, so fair enough.

The problem with that last sentence is that it basically means they've got lazy with everything else going on the card... when, with just a little more effort/build, we could have had a stronger Mania card from top to bottom.

For example, they could (and should) have built a strong program between Ziggler and Jericho as soon as Chris returned (The fact that Ziggler was the one who sent Jericho away meant all the seeds were there) and the two of them could have built up excellently towards a match at Mania. Swagger vs. Del Rio should have opened, Ziggler cashes in and boom, you have a title match between Ziggler and Jericho for later in the show - and a 3 "big" title matches on one card.

Instead, Jericho has a throw away match with Fandango (urgh) and Ziggler and Langston (why?!) are going up against Hell No. For two matches that I don't think anyone cares about.

Agree with this. Having a hot main event was a chance to showcase the other talent and it's the planning behind that which is annoying. I don't have any interest in HHH vs Lesnar either and think Lesnar could have used much better since his return. However, I could see why others might want the see the match.

It's difficult to care about Jericho vs Fandango when the build up between them is nothing more than Jericho taking the piss out of his name and Fandango no showing matches to get cheap heat three weeks before the show. However talented they are people are going to be dead for it. At the end of the day we have no reason to have any interest in the angle.

Likewise Team Hell No vs Ziggler/Langston. These will probably be one of the better marches on the show due to Bryan/Ziggler being in the match but they have lost so much in the build up to the show a win for either means little in the general scheme of things. Ziggler's been completely wasted in the last 3 months since his big back to back PPV wins and his strong Rumble performance. He should have cashed in the MITB and had a strong stable with AJ and Langston long before mania.

The Shield match is just recycling another six man tag with different wrestlers who have no angle going into the show(this time Orton, Sheamus and Show). If they go over, great at least they are being pushed as a threat, but it's got to be different soon.

Taker Punk will be a good match(Punk's a top wrestler and Undertaker at mania is a huge draw) and Cena vs Rock will bring in the buyrates. It's just a pity the mid card matches did not have better planning and better angles going into the show.

Mania is traditionally when long angles and fueds are closed off or almost closed before one blow off match at Extreme Rules(before then Backlash). Not really planned like that now and it has an impact on the mid card talent and potential break out stars. If Jericho, Angle, Edge, etc were handled like this during the attitude era they would never have got to main event level.
They should have kept the money in the bank match as a wrestlemania only match
Perhaps, but generally MITB has been one the more successful PPV's over the last few years. It's put much more focus on the winners as opposed to at WM, where they could possibly get lost in the mix because of a star-studded line-up. My only beef with it is that there's 2 of the same matches on the card because there are 2 top titles. Once you've seen it once, the gimmick match loses its appeal if you're watching it for a second time an hour later.
I'm still laughing at those silly rumors of Punk defending the title against Taker at Mania and Sheamus taking on a heel Orton for the World Title, oh dirtsheets :lol:

No problem with Mania for me. The three big matches all have potential to be brilliant. HHH/Lesnar I struggled from the fact it was coming after the incredible Lesnar/Cena match and the expectations were high and it was never going to come close to what Lesnar/Cena did together. This should be much better than the first, and while everything points to Triple H beating Lesnar, it'll be an absolute horrible call if they go with that. Lesnar needs the win here. Hopefully they see that and mark this as Trips official retirement on the biggest stage of them all.

Punk/Taker should be bloody brilliant and I'm confident Punk will elevate this to a pretty memorable match and moment. Cena/Rock II was a must to ever make sense of the decision to put The Rock over Cena last year. The rematch had to happen otherwise that Rock going over Cena decision would of went down as one of the most baffling and ridiculous decisions in quite some time. Cena gets his win back here.

Still baffling why they aren't booking a proper women's feud leading into Mania.

And surely it's just a matter of time until Ziggler breaks away from Langston and likely AJ too. Tag title match could swing either way, but I'd expect either way that this will eventually lead to Langston and AJ turning on Ziggler and Ziggler turning face, we'll see.

Any word on any live performances for Mania this year?
I imagine they'll have big entrances for Cena/Rock again, but neither of them really suit having bands (or rappers) doing their entrance themes. Motorhead for Triple H, maybe? Been done before, but is there any wrestler big enough for it that has an actual band doing their theme?

I suppose there's Punk, but I've no idea if Living Colour are still together, and if they are it's more of a face wrestler thing to have your theme performed live.

Just as long as we don't get another Kid Rock concert.
I imagine they'll have big entrances for Cena/Rock again, but neither of them really suit having bands (or rappers) doing their entrance themes. Motorhead for Triple H, maybe? Been done before, but is there any wrestler big enough for it that has an actual band doing their theme?

I suppose there's Punk, but I've no idea if Living Colour are still together, and if they are it's more of a face wrestler thing to have your theme performed live.

Just as long as we don't get another Kid Rock concert.

Living Colour are playing New York the night before Wrestlemania, and have no booking on their site for the day itself.
I only bought up Punk as being a big name wrestler who has a band doing his theme. Cena does his own, and I don't see him performing it live. Rock's, Taker's, Lesnar's, Del Rio's and Swagger's are all instrumentals.
John Cena will defo have a massive entrace, he always does at WM.

From the one in Chicago "gangster" to the Church choir doing his song (and them getting bood when he faced Miz, rofl), to the dozens of Cena lookalikes to Cena racing a speed car into the arena (im sure that was WM as well). Im actually looking forward to see what they do this year for him.
John Cena will defo have a massive entrace, he always does at WM.

From the one in Chicago "gangster" to the Church choir doing his song (and them getting bood when he faced Miz, rofl), to the dozens of Cena lookalikes to Cena racing a speed car into the arena (im sure that was WM as well). Im actually looking forward to see what they do this year for him.

They were great, i remember that punk was one of the gangsters. There was also one with hundreds of cena lookalikes and I'm sure there was one where someone came out on a high ramp but I can't remember who it was or if it really happened

There are rumours that swagger is coming out in an 18 wheeler truck
“We don’t know if there is a medical term for it…but he did a bronco buster last night that literally ripped his ass apart! :-/ Lost a lot of blood! Had surgery this morning and is on the road to recovery! Believe it or not..this has happened to him once before! #wrestling #seanwaltman #xpac @therealxpac#getwellsoonxpac.”
Mark Henry got injured in a house show match against Kane last week and is now a doubt for wrestlemania.
Why do people continue to predict Undertaker will lose? It's not happening. JR has even let slip outside of the kayfabe WWE World that 'Taker won't ever lose at WM.

Also, I cannot stand Alberto Del Rio. They might as well push a marshmellow. It would be more interesting and speak more coherently. I hope they let Jack Swagger beat him even if he is high.
Mark Henry got injured in a house show match against Kane last week and is now a doubt for wrestlemania.

He also worked a show last night and had showed no signs of any issues.

Why do people continue to predict Undertaker will lose? It's not happening. JR has even let slip outside of the kayfabe WWE World that 'Taker won't ever lose at WM.

Also, I cannot stand Alberto Del Rio. They might as well push a marshmellow. It would be more interesting and speak more coherently. I hope they let Jack Swagger beat him even if he is high.

Taker will lose at Mania, probably next year. The streak living forever and all that isn't Calloway's style, he's old school, he'll put someone over with his last show.

There is also no chance in hell Bertie doesn't win.
"Hi there Wade"

Could be just a case of caution, they need him for Mania, so if he feels a niggle get him out of the ring.