Television The Propgropthrop

Surely Cody “finishes the story” against Reigns at Mania otherwise it was just completely pointless for him to win the rumble again and it ends up being a replica of last year’s main event.
Yep, tbh I think Cody is in a better place now than last year. Hes got momentum, had that Brock feud and is probably somehow more popular and a top guy.

I can just imagine all the groans though if they do the exact same ending. Although I can see them playing into it, solo not managing to do it, and with reigns losing the title him Vs solo before a possible reigns V rock.
Women's rumble was good fun and genuinely unpredictable. How a rumble should be.

Men's rumble was utter crap, again. It killed the fans and even the commentary team didn't seem into it at all.

Also,I'm bored with Cody Rhodes. I don't want to see Rhodes vs Reigns again. It was boring last year and then they wasted it. Now they've wasted an entire year just to do it again. Why? They had their chance to make it actually mean something.

Rock will probably come into it in some capacity to screw Roman. I don't care. I'd actually prefer Rock vs Reigns just because it might actually be something different and would have actual hype and a story to it.

Punk winning the rumble would also have had a story to it and closure with him leaving 10 years ago after it, and would have still allowed Cody or whoever they wanted to fight Reigns. Cody's story was last year and is now just a slogan, and now there'll be two months of force feeding a non-existing fued between him and Roman, which, again, we already went through the motions of last year only for it to die a complete death literally the night after Mania.

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The problem with the mens Rumble last night for me was it was so predictiable Cody was winning. They mentioned every 5 minutes from the event went live on the pre-show that no one has won the Rumble back to back in 25 years and how Cody could be the first back to back winner since Austin.

Surely Cody “finishes the story” against Reigns at Mania otherwise it was just completely pointless for him to win the rumble again and it ends up being a replica of last year’s main event.

It would be the funniest thing ever if he somehow doesn't win yet again (or if HHH parachutes the Rock in to steal his thunder somehow). It seems almost too obvious that he's gonna win now, which makes me suspect a swerve of some kind will be coming.

The problem with the mens Rumble last night for me was it was so predictiable Cody was winning. They mentioned every 5 minutes from the event went live on the pre-show that no one has won the Rumble back to back in 25 years and how Cody could be the first back to back winner since Austin.

I noticed this too, they were hammering it so much it seemed painfully obvious about half an hour into the show where it was going.
I must concede I've been out of touch with WWE of late (in part because of the below reasons) but is it just me that finds:

1) Reigns' angle supremely boring? He's gone on such a frankly daft run of stealing wins it got uninteresting a long, long, long time ago. I dont actually care for the fractures and then the make-ups in his family because it ends up in one direction anyway.
2) Cody Rhodes is just not charismatic for me. I dont like his promos, I don't like his theme music. He's an OK wrestler but theres nothing that draws me to him.

It's all opinions but I'd watch KO, Seth Rollins, Punk any day. I enjoy LA Knight too. These guys are captivating and have the capacity to tell a really good story in a better way. I actually like Judgement Day too but that's because Kofi brings them to a hilariously good level.
I’m with you in Rhodes, he has no star power, a bland cookie cutter face who in other times would have been Mid card, a solid intercontinental champ that could elevate future top guys.
I think I worked out why I don't like Cody Rhodes. He too long playing up to the fans like a passion merchant mid game :lol:
Women's rumble was good fun and genuinely unpredictable. How a rumble should be.

Men's rumble was utter crap, again. It killed the fans and even the commentary team didn't seem into it at all.

Yeah I thought this too... I was really into the Women's rumble, but the mens one totally killed me. Didn't feel like anything happened at all.

Also agree Punk should have won. Thats far more interesting then Cody winning two in a row and is a better narrative for his Mania match (Cody already has "completing the story" as his narrative, doesn't really need a rumble win in there)
They need to consider to increase the Men's rumble to 40. There just isn't the scope to put in some surprises in the 30 as it is all taken up by the roster so it results in less surprises and gets a bit boring for the crowd.
They need to consider to increase the Men's rumble to 40. There just isn't the scope to put in some surprises in the 30 as it is all taken up by the roster so it results in less surprises and gets a bit boring for the crowd.
I think they've done all they can for surprises. Who could they bring in who would be a real surprise who hasn't already been used?

To me, the only real surprises would be bringing back a few who jumped ship to AEW: Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, Dean Ambrose would get massive pops if they came out at a rumble.
Yeah I thought this too... I was really into the Women's rumble, but the mens one totally killed me. Didn't feel like anything happened at all.

Also agree Punk should have won. That's far more interesting then Cody winning two in a row and is a better narrative for his Mania match (Cody already has "completing the story" as his narrative, doesn't really need a rumble win in there)

I don't get what Cody or his "story" gains exactly from not winning at Mania last year and then (presumably) winning at this one. There hasn't been any story in between he's just been involved in random boring feuds with other unrelated wrestlers, almost all of which have made no sense, and which have now made me tired of him just repeating has catchphrase every single week.

They didn't really use the rumble to build anything else either. Bobby vs Kross - no one cares, Sami came back and went after Drew. That was about it...and that should have happened when Drew was the only one standing in the ring, rather than at 30 when there was a melee everywhere and Sami coming out confirmed nothing exciting was going to happen, so no one cared.
I think they've done all they can for surprises. Who could they bring in who would be a real surprise who hasn't already been used?

To me, the only real surprises would be bringing back a few who jumped ship to AEW: Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, Dean Ambrose would get massive pops if they came out at a rumble.

I was thinking more some older superstars making an appearance or a celebrity here and there and more people from NXT. Just something to mix it up. I just think it was a bit flat. Alot of that is due to people already making themselves known for the rumble, you normally get one or two but it tended to be a few more for the last couple/
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Think half the problem with royal rumble is there’s 2 of them. Best part of 3 hours with essentially them same match.
Think half the problem with royal rumble is there’s 2 of them. Best part of 3 hours with essentially them same match.
I don't think that's the problem, for a good rumble you need interesting participants with a few surprises, interesting spots and somewhat unexpected winner.

The men's rumble had basically none of those, I already knew Roades would win when they kept going on about winning it back to back. It's like when they on match of the day "x hasn't beaten Manchester United at home for 34 years" you know a United loss is incoming.
I don't think that's the problem, for a good rumble you need interesting participants with a few surprises, interesting spots and somewhat unexpected winner.

The men's rumble had basically none of those, I already knew Roades would win when they kept going on about winning it back to back. It's like when they on match of the day "x hasn't beaten Manchester United at home for 34 years" you know a United loss is incoming.
I guess they used up the surprises in the women’s (Naomi, grace, cargill)…

With the mens, tbh I can’t remember last time there was a good rumble. Last major surprise I can think of is when Edge returned. If the chat that everything Bron did was supposed to be Brock, would Dom eliminating Brock have made up for some of the lack of surprises? Comes from Meltzer I think so probably cobblers. Rock was never going to appear, and way it was built it was always going to be that final 4, thought they might have gone with Gunther pre-show but it’ll be nice for Cody’s story to finally be finished and we can all move on. Rock, if he is doing anything at WM, prob appears at elimination chamber or raw/sd following.

Was surprised they didn’t do more to build a uso-v-uso match. Maybe that’s not happening.
I guess they used up the surprises in the women’s (Naomi, grace, cargill)…

With the mens, tbh I can’t remember last time there was a good rumble. Last major surprise I can think of is when Edge returned. If the chat that everything Bron did was supposed to be Brock, would Dom eliminating Brock have made up for some of the lack of surprises? Comes from Meltzer I think so probably cobblers. Rock was never going to appear, and way it was built it was always going to be that final 4, thought they might have gone with Gunther pre-show but it’ll be nice for Cody’s story to finally be finished and we can all move on. Rock, if he is doing anything at WM, prob appears at elimination chamber or raw/sd following.

Was surprised they didn’t do more to build a uso-v-uso match. Maybe that’s not happening.
I think they could've made use of Lashley more, I thought he'd destroy a few but got eliminated straight away. Perhaps they could've got Jay Uso in the last 3 and then have Jimmy come back to feck him over. Kofi should've done something interesting.

Having cm punk win could've been more interesting too, I thought for a moment they might try the falling out at the same time thing but I imagine that's really hard to do unless it's by accident :lol:
Think half the problem with royal rumble is there’s 2 of them. Best part of 3 hours with essentially them same match.

Don't think that would be as much of a problem if the men's one (which was also the boring one) didn't drag on for so long. It must have gone another 15 minutes after everyone had entered. I ended up just skipping the ending because I knew Cody was winning by that point and watching him and Punk slowly and very predictably whittle it down to the two of them before having their supposed epic showdown had absolute zero appeal to me after the previous 80 minutes of being bored.

Even the promo before the men's one. It was about 10 minutes long and was just an explanation about the rules of the Royal Rumble, which seemed utterly pointless when it wasn't even the first Royal Rumble of the night.
Looks like punks injured. Shock.

I'll happily take Gunther/Rollins at mania though :drool:
Watching the women's rumble really highlights how shite womens wrestling looks :lol: punches and kicks look so weak
I'm all for equality but men are simply better at pretend fighting and I can't believe the women get their own rumble :lol:
Watching the women's rumble really highlights how shite womens wrestling looks :lol: punches and kicks look so weak
I'm all for equality but men are simply better at pretend fighting and I can't believe the women get their own rumble :lol:
Kindly leave the thread you sexist pig :lol:
"I'm all for equality...I can't believe the women get their own rumble" be gone :lol:
Some of the women weigh like 90 pounds it's not sexist to think they're not very believable.

Did you think it was believable when Chyna was beating Chris Jericho clean?
Punk looked out of his depth in the main event scene in AEW. Body seems broken, his cardio isn’t up to scratch and he’s a mediocre wrestler compared to the guys competing for spots. He’s comfortably the worst champion the company have had, and I was very excited to see him back.

I’m a bit surprised WWE was even considering having him in their title picture so soon. It was never gonna be a success. There’s a reason his one televised match so far has been the Royal Rumble.
Punk looked out of his depth in the main event scene in AEW. Body seems broken, his cardio isn’t up to scratch and he’s a mediocre wrestler compared to the guys competing for spots. He’s comfortably the worst champion the company have had, and I was very excited to see him back.

I’m a bit surprised WWE was even considering having him in their title picture so soon. It was never gonna be a success. There’s a reason his one televised match so far has been the Royal Rumble.
Adam Page says hello.
I actually agree that the two rumbles kind of ruins the event, but I don’t think they’ll ever stop one now.

Womans was better than the mens this year.
Lot of Cody dislike here which is bizarre. Thankfully this place isn't real and doesn't translate to people who go and watch.

Sometimes predictable can be good, like Austin winning in 98 or 01, or when Brock won it the first time, or when Batista won it. It doesn't always have to be unpredictable imo.

I do agree the women's one was better though they do have a lot of random tag teams that don't get much reaction.
Also rumble is a good way to see how generic some entrance music is, as when it hits people don't react straight away as they wonder who now...

Annoying Punk got hurt but makes sense why he struggled and actually he did well to do as much as he did with a triceps injury
Adam Page says hello.
Give over. Hangman’s reign didn’t have inspired booking, and was largely forgettable after a good chase, but he’s one of the top wrestlers in the world and will be for the next 10 years at least. He’ll be in the title picture and champion at times no matter where he ends up.

Making Punk the top champion in any company nowadays would be a mistake. The man’s body simply ain’t up to it. You have him wrestle a few times a year with most of his TV times being promos and hope he gets through his matches unscathed.
Do you think Brock will just quietly retire now after he was named in the McMahon stuff?

It appears his spot was given to Bron Breaker the way Bron was dominating and eliminating people and then spearing a guy when he was angry after being eliminated felt exactly like what Lesnar would have done
Lot of Cody dislike here which is bizarre. Thankfully this place isn't real and doesn't translate to people who go and watch.

Sometimes predictable can be good, like Austin winning in 98 or 01, or when Brock won it the first time, or when Batista won it. It doesn't always have to be unpredictable imo.

I do agree the women's one was better though they do have a lot of random tag teams that don't get much reaction.
Also rumble is a good way to see how generic some entrance music is, as when it hits people don't react straight away as they wonder who now...

Annoying Punk got hurt but makes sense why he struggled and actually he did well to do as much as he did with a triceps injury
Yeah I don't really get this either. Cody is more over than anyone else on the roster right now so it'd be a massive waste not to have him in the title picture. His promo with Punk last week was great.

In terms of manoeuvrability it makes sense as well because he could logically be in either title match. I quite liked the idea of a triple threat with him, Rollins and Punk. The Reigns rematch also makes sense though because I don't see who else who could viably take the title off him and have it mean something. Reigns has to drop it now because they've done feck all with him for 6 months and the Bloodline storyline is becoming increasingly strung out. They could do Reigns v Rock at Summerslam or next year without the title because that match doesn't need it.

It would also be nice to see WWE capitalise on the momentum behind Cody right now. Jey Uso and Sami Zayn before him had so much steam at one point and it felt like they just let it get away.
Imagine watching that entrance and reaction, and not thinking Cody Rhodes has star power.