Television The Propgropthrop

With WWE last night and AEW tonight and an Arsenal fan at work I'm really not looking forward to work tomorrow. High chance I'm going to sleep during the meeting :lol:.
Well he was there. You werent. Punk wasnt. Nobody else was. So unless you have another source at that point you're just making up what happened and anyone can do that, but not whilst passing as a reasonable person. You instead look like someone who decided on what you want to believe and are now coming up with some kind of story which other people might possibly believe to justify it. Again you can do it, just like someone can suggest the earth or Elvis was abducted by aliens is flat despite the evidence. Enjoy your people.

Ah okay. So now you also personally know the Bucks. Well thats great, maybe they told you and you told Meltzer. Stop being a snitch

Ok it's been an enlightening experience.

Enjoy Dynamite.

Meltzer has admitted within the last few weeks that he purposely didn’t report news because it would have been bad for the show (I think it was collision)

Yup because that's how he makes his living.

Nothing wrong with appealing to the die hard AEW fans as they are loyal and willing to financially support the product but the last thing he can be described as is "unbiased".

He's clearly got his favorites.
Ok it's been an enlightening experience.

Enjoy Dynamite.

Yup because that's how he makes his living.

Nothing wrong with appealing to the die hard AEW fans as they are loyal and willing to financially support the product but the last thing he can be described as is "unbiased".

He's clearly got his favorites.

You can safely ignore Ekeke, he's as pro-Elite as is possible, and parrots Meltzer's most anti-Punk reports despite knowing how often Meltzer has flat out lied about him. The level of projection is incredible too, everyone who disagrees with him is mentally unstable, or a liar, the lack of self awareness is quite funny.

Just wait until he tells you you're wrong because you haven't wrestled, while he's had a few lessons and is therefore effectively a veteran! :lol:
Some more great matches at All Out. Really hope Ricky Starks continues to be showcased and put in a big spot for AEW.
Has there ever been a better period in terms of ppv quality?

AEW always seem to put on good shows but WWE have been putting on great ppvs from Backlash onwards, and usually theirs are mostly trash.

The thing is nobody needs to believe anything that's been said second hand with regards to Punk.

I saw with my own eyes him take a huge shit on the company that employed him after the All Out press conference. In any other business he'd have been gone then.

I also don't need to hear anything second hand to understand a statement from the company telling everyone that he was sacked "with cause" and then his boss going on TV to tell everyone that he felt himself and members of the crew were being put in danger by his recent outburst.

When you add all that to his behaviour historically, the numbers don't lie and they spell disaster for you at Sacerfice.

It's laughable isn't it. He could come out live on air and take a massive dump in the ring and then autograph it with "AEW is shite" written underneath, and people would still try to defend him.

It really doesn't matter if every time he falls out with someone it's his fault, or sometimes his fault, or never his fault. He's always the instigator when it blatantly goes too far...and that's not based on conjecture, it's based on stuff like slagging off his employer and everyone he works with at a press conference, forcing his boss to come on live TV and effectively apologise for him endangering people's safety, etc.

He's obviously pretty good at rubbing people up the wrong way, which is not a good trait for someone who doesn’t seem to understand where the line is. He's also already used his "biggest draw"/get out of jail free card.
Has there ever been a better period in terms of ppv quality?

AEW always seem to put on good shows but WWE have been putting on great ppvs from Backlash onwards, and usually theirs are mostly trash.

I'd say rumble was fun. Chamber and mania night 2 were good despite the usual endings, and night 1 was great.

My dad says the impact ppvs have been a lot of fun to watch too so yeah, it's probably at its best. The crowds have been super hot too which immensely helps

There's a lot of good matches and variety too
It's laughable isn't it. He could come out live on air and take a massive dump in the ring and then autograph it with "AEW is shite" written underneath, and people would still try to defend him.

It really doesn't matter if every time he falls out with someone it's his fault, or sometimes his fault, or never his fault. He's always the instigator when it blatantly goes too far...and that's not based on conjecture, it's based on stuff like slagging off his employer and everyone he works with at a press conference, forcing his boss to come on live TV and effectively apologise for him endangering people's safety, etc.

He's obviously pretty good at rubbing people up the wrong way, which is not a good trait for someone who doesn’t seem to understand where the line is. He's also already used his "biggest draw"/get out of jail free card.

This is a strawman though, as nobody is claiming Punk was right to do the stuff he did, from the press conference to kicking off at All In.

What some people are showing is an understanding of why he reacted (while still disagreeing with the level of the reaction), given the obvious targeting from a large section of the company. There are no "Punk apologists" in this thread, but there are those of us who recognise that, while what he did was wrong, he did so due to provocation.

The person who comes out of this worst for me is Tony Khan, who should have dealt with this much earlier, it could have been squashed basically every day up until All In.
Christian is a GOAT.

AEW are really are trying to push Takeshita but the crowd couldn’t care less.
I like him, but they missed a trick after his initial turn. They lost all momentum from when he turned, did that promo the week after with Callis where he was getting a lot of heat. But then they never really followed it up.

They tend to do that a lot.
Has there ever been a better period in terms of ppv quality?

AEW always seem to put on good shows but WWE have been putting on great ppvs from Backlash onwards, and usually theirs are mostly trash.

It's laughable isn't it. He could come out live on air and take a massive dump in the ring and then autograph it with "AEW is shite" written underneath, and people would still try to defend him.

It really doesn't matter if every time he falls out with someone it's his fault, or sometimes his fault, or never his fault. He's always the instigator when it blatantly goes too far...and that's not based on conjecture, it's based on stuff like slagging off his employer and everyone he works with at a press conference, forcing his boss to come on live TV and effectively apologise for him endangering people's safety, etc.

He's obviously pretty good at rubbing people up the wrong way, which is not a good trait for someone who doesn’t seem to understand where the line is. He's also already used his "biggest draw"/get out of jail free card.
There are 36 NXT takeovers, so....
This is a strawman though, as nobody is claiming Punk was right to do the stuff he did, from the press conference to kicking off at All In.

What some people are showing is an understanding of why he reacted (while still disagreeing with the level of the reaction), given the obvious targeting from a large section of the company. There are no "Punk apologists" in this thread, but there are those of us who recognise that, while what he did was wrong, he did so due to provocation.

The person who comes out of this worst for me is Tony Khan, who should have dealt with this much earlier, it could have been squashed basically every day up until All In.

The person who comes out of it the worst is Punk, who has been fired.

I don't see how Khan comes out worst out of having to deal with grown men literally acting like todlers.

No one wins do they. AEW lose Punk who for all his faults, is a big draw and very good at what he does, and Punk is back to being fired from wrestling because he constantly manages to fall out with everyone else in it and then make an arse of himself.

The AEW locker room seems to be full of manchildren which doesn't really help. Putting Punk in a playground isn't the most conducive way to convince him to act like an adult.
The person who comes out of it the worst is Punk, who has been fired.

I don't see how Khan comes out worst out of having to deal with grown men literally acting like todlers.

No one wins do they. AEW lose Punk who for all his faults, is a big draw and very good at what he does, and Punk is back to being fired from wrestling because he constantly manages to fall out with everyone else in it and then make an arse of himself.

The AEW locker room seems to be full of manchildren which doesn't really help. Putting Punk in a playground isn't the most conducive way to convince him to act like an adult.

I agree with most of what you've said, but I really do think Khan comes out of this awfully. This entire situation is a result of his mismanagement, it would never have made it past the initial Hangman promo shot under Vince for example, he could have squashed the whole thing so many times yet he allowed the warring inmates to run the asylum. It goes beyond the locker room too, probably half the company felt secure taking public shots at Punk without risk of any consequences, from jobbers and nobodies to the head of travel. You're right that they're all overgrown children, so as the guy paying them, and effectively babysitting them, it's his job to deal with the petty squabbles rather than burying his head in the sand.

AEW has had plenty of drama before, including other fights, and will continue to do so in future, because nobody has any control. Hopefully he comes down hard on Jack Perry (not firing, but a decent punishment because they've lost an awful lot of money as a direct result of his stupid actions), and takes a much less tolerant approach to the pettiness from now on, but I doubt it.
Gunther and Gable had a an absolute banger of a match last night. The latter being underused for years is becoming more and more obvious.
Gunther and Gable had a an absolute banger of a match last night. The latter being underused for years is becoming more and more obvious.
He'll get the IC title and get a massive push I reckon. Unless he gets drafted to Smackdown. Could be fun to bring back the US openb title challenge with him.
I know most don't like mox here, but his match with OC was really good and a good story based on OC reign and probably the right person to end it

Also watching Raw and thinking about the roster:

Cody Rhodes
La knight

WWE actually have faces that the crowd really enjoy getting behind and cheering for everytime they come out. Can't remember the last time WWE had this
I know most don't like mox here, but his match with OC was really good and a good story based on OC reign and probably the right person to end it

Also watching Raw and thinking about the roster:

Cody Rhodes
La knight

WWE actually have faces that the crowd really enjoy getting behind and cheering for everytime they come out. Can't remember the last time WWE had this
Mox isn't as corny/cheesy as he was before, he's deffo reigned it in. Before it didn't seem natural at all.
Judgement Day all completely failing to keep a straight face at the sheer level of booing towards Dom was amusing.
Gunther and Gable had a an absolute banger of a match last night. The latter being underused for years is becoming more and more obvious.
Agreed on both points

Except fck them for having two 3+ min ads during the match.
I know most don't like mox here, but his match with OC was really good and a good story based on OC reign and probably the right person to end it

Yeah was a great match. Whole PPV was a banger again. The strap match in particular was savage. Danielson was whipping Starks like he owed him money.
My fav EP of dynamite in a long time and it was mostly due to the non wrestling.

Mjf/Joe (and the whole Adam cole saving mjf but was too late weeks ago for Roddy)
Swerve (prince Nana dancing bonus)
Toni storm

Some great stuff

Yeah was a great match. Whole PPV was a banger again. The strap match in particular was savage. Danielson was whipping Starks like he owed him money.

Fantastic match, probably my fav. Good type of brutal for the story
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I could be somewhat on board with this if she'd been away wrestling non-stop and actually improving over the last two years... but as far as I'm aware she hasn't been wrestling at all? Think she had that one appearance at the Rumble and that's literally all shes done.

Can't see it going well... .but hey, she's not like most girls.
Watching raw and I laughed when Xavier said that Kofi won the world title (at mania) in front of "82 thousand" haha
Wonder who told him to say that specific number...
The new netflix show Wrestlers that features OVW has just come out. No idea if its any good, but I'll give it a try in a bit. But I know the guy in the promo pic and the current champ, did a student show with him on it and trained with him too. So I hope its good and successful for his benefit.