Television The Propgropthrop

That’s because it’s the only way to see him on tv.
Plus I’ve been keeping track of the quarters and they aren’t that highly viewed. Most times they’re losing viewers or not bringing big numbers back from a losing segment prior.
Hopefully he’s off to Collision, I get the feeling that will be more wrestling focused and we get to see the all round MJF on display

Why am I not surprised by this :lol:
Because unlike you most other people in here seem mature enough to offer up criticism and praise in equal measure which makes their opinion worth something.

You only ever show up in here to shit on AEW. I honestly don't know how you spare the time to hate watch something every week.
Where did i shit on them? Are you confusing me with someone else?
It’s best you ignore me since you’re reading posts that aren’t there. Saying that will I tag you every time I post now so you don’t miss one of my epic AEW takedowns?
Apparently Punk has an interview with ESPN that’s airing tomorrow that will cause an absolute shit show all round.
Buckle in
I can almost predict when you're gonna make aew posts on here now :lol:

It’s without a doubt been one of WWE’s best storylines for a very long time. The part I’ve been that invested in it, I actual stayed up till 3am this morning to watch it which I haven’t done probably since the attitude/ruthless aggression era.
It’s without a doubt been one of WWE’s best storylines for a very long time. The part I’ve been that invested in it, I actual stayed up till 3am this morning to watch it which I haven’t done probably since the attitude/ruthless aggression era.

It's the best in my opinion - I guess there might be something from peak attitude era (though I wasn't really watching then) but if you consider that this has been going on for the best part of 3 years now, and it's not old, and it gets the hottest reactions with every new twist and turn... yeah, it's great.
It's the best in my opinion - I guess there might be something from peak attitude era (though I wasn't really watching then) but if you consider that this has been going on for the best part of 3 years now, and it's not old, and it gets the hottest reactions with every new twist and turn... yeah, it's great.

Still don't think it's got anything on peak attitude era. As its own thing it's up there with anything from then and the mic work/acting etc. is on a different level these days.

The difference is attitude era the whole show would be moments like this all the way through the card, because everything that happened would tie into a story or feud somewhere. Some of it would be dumb or cringe but generally the shiw was very ebtertaining as a package. Where as now you get 90 minutes of rubbish for one good segment at the end. Or in the case of raw 175 minutes of rubbish and maybe something mildly entertaining right at the end. I think the Bloodline stuff is the only thing I've sat through since WM.

Also wasn't a big fan of the segment this week. How did it go from Jay saying he was in if Hayman was out, to Jay finding out Jimmy had stabbed him in the back, to the two of them kicking Roman? Just seemed a bit all over the place or like someone cut out a bit of dialogue.
Can't help but stare at the bloke in full blues brothers get up sat in the crowd not reacting to the first superkick
Good show. Punk was a bid of a dad promo but add a few angles and this brand has promise
Collision was fantastic.

Andrade Vs Buddy was unmissable. Really great see Andrade and Miro back on TV. Excited to see what direction Punk moves in.
Collision was fantastic.

Andrade Vs Buddy was unmissable. Really great see Andrade and Miro back on TV. Excited to see what direction Punk moves in.

Yeah I don't think they could have done it better, the matches were top notch, Punk's opening promo was just the right amount of teasing, and it's set up a bunch of new story lines.
Cm punk is just fantastic on the microphone. He's on another level with his stuff compared to basically 99% of their roster.

Also the bloodline stuff is fantastic. the longevity has obviously been helped with Roman being part timer. But it's true how basically everybody involved has main evented a ppv.
They've done such a good job of making you forget Cody lost the main event of mania so fair play

Collision was fantastic.

Andrade Vs Buddy was unmissable. Really great see Andrade and Miro back on TV. Excited to see what direction Punk moves in.
I liked them using their other halves moves.
I like the feel of Collision in that it has some guys who are well rounded on the mic and in ring, plus look like absolute stars. I feel like this is a deliberate move with a loose brand split. Dynamite gets the indy, work rate darlings. Collision gets the 'sports entertainers' (though let's face it, AEW are never going to hire people like Enzo or Wyatt who are great on the mic but kinda suck in ring).

Collision was enjoyable but a little dull. There were very few storylines or character directions developed. It was just good matches basically. Even the vignettes were boring - "I'm in the Owen Hart tournament"/"no, I'M in the Owen Hart tournament". Only one angle was really started and that's between Andrade and the House of Black. Thing is, I know the wrestling purists would respond "it's WRESTLING and all that matters is good matches" but they forget the way The Bloodline (actual storytelling) and LA Knight (wrestler awesome on the mic and looks a star) truly get over. All these '5* bangers' would be so much better with more interesting storylines behind them. It was lazy. What's driving the more casual fan to tune in next week?
Cm punk is just fantastic on the microphone. He's on another level with his stuff compared to basically 99% of their roster.

Also the bloodline stuff is fantastic. the longevity has obviously been helped with Roman being part timer. But it's true how basically everybody involved has main evented a ppv.
They've done such a good job of making you forget Cody lost the main event of mania so fair play

I liked them using their other halves moves.

Yeah for sure. In the ring thought it's a different story. He's noticeably slow and sloppy now. I don't really understand all these people clamouring for him to wrestle Omega or Danielson. It'd be a complete carry job in the ring on their part and totally one sided the other way in the build up. No surprise his best feuds in AEW have been with MJF and the brief one he had with Eddie Kingston. They can both hang with him on the mic and wouldn't embarrass him in the ring although MJF has improved considerably since then.
Never seen him before but my first impression is he's basically doing the Rock's gimmick is he not?

There definitely seems to be a generous borrowing of Rock's mannerisms and delivery, but it was an all time great gimmick so at least he has good taste.

I imagine Logan Paul will be winning the actual match though, I wouldn't be surprised if they put a title on him soon for the exposure.
Yeah for sure. In the ring thought it's a different story. He's noticeably slow and sloppy now. I don't really understand all these people clamouring for him to wrestle Omega or Danielson. It'd be a complete carry job in the ring on their part and totally one sided the other way in the build up. No surprise his best feuds in AEW have been with MJF and the brief one he had with Eddie Kingston. They can both hang with him on the mic and wouldn't embarrass him in the ring although MJF has improved considerably since then.

He's always been a bit slow and sloppy, but ring psychology and storytelling wise he's still right up there - he's a perfect example that a headlock or a scoop slam can get the same reaction as the flippy athletic stuff if you've built the match well.

Both Omega and Danielson would be able to have great matches with Punk, as both have great in ring ability that goes beyond just great athleticism.
He's always been a bit slow and sloppy, but ring psychology and storytelling wise he's still right up there - he's a perfect example that a headlock or a scoop slam can get the same reaction as the flippy athletic stuff if you've built the match well.

Both Omega and Danielson would be able to have great matches with Punk, as both have great in ring ability that goes beyond just great athleticism.

I'm not even talking about flippy athletic stuff, I'm just talking about not blowing out of your arse after 10 minutes in the ring. I think they did well to let FTR carry that match for him.

But yeah you're right he does bring something different to the table so I suppose we should enjoy the ride before the next inevitable blow up.
I'm not even talking about flippy athletic stuff, I'm just talking about not blowing out of your arse after 10 minutes in the ring. I think they did well to let FTR carry that match for him.

But yeah you're right he does bring something different to the table so I suppose we should enjoy the ride before the next inevitable blow up.

I think first match back from 10 months out makes that quite the overreaction - he's had plenty of longer matches during his AEW run, he just needs some time to get match fit in order to get back to it.

As for any blow up, we'll have to wait and see, but I'm hoping Tony Khan has learned from his mistakes (I put most of the blame for the situation down to his mismanagement) and communicates better with the talent in future.
I like the feel of Collision in that it has some guys who are well rounded on the mic and in ring, plus look like absolute stars. I feel like this is a deliberate move with a loose brand split. Dynamite gets the indy, work rate darlings. Collision gets the 'sports entertainers' (though let's face it, AEW are never going to hire people like Enzo or Wyatt who are great on the mic but kinda suck in ring).

Collision was enjoyable but a little dull. There were very few storylines or character directions developed. It was just good matches basically. Even the vignettes were boring - "I'm in the Owen Hart tournament"/"no, I'M in the Owen Hart tournament". Only one angle was really started and that's between Andrade and the House of Black. Thing is, I know the wrestling purists would respond "it's WRESTLING and all that matters is good matches" but they forget the way The Bloodline (actual storytelling) and LA Knight (wrestler awesome on the mic and looks a star) truly get over. All these '5* bangers' would be so much better with more interesting storylines behind them. It was lazy. What's driving the more casual fan to tune in next week?

To be fair Collision doesn't need to attract a casual fan - it first needs to make sure that everyone that watches Dynamite, watches Collision (which is something Rampage obviously hasn't achieved). Big names putting on good matches should do that for a first entry - I'm sure they'll start to bleed the storylines from Dynamite into Collision in time.
I think first match back from 10 months out makes that quite the overreaction - he's had plenty of longer matches during his AEW run, he just needs some time to get match fit in order to get back to it.

As for any blow up, we'll have to wait and see, but I'm hoping Tony Khan has learned from his mistakes (I put most of the blame for the situation down to his mismanagement) and communicates better with the talent in future.

Again, I'm not really referring to that one match in isolation. It was pretty apparent throughout his last run before the injury as he was making a lot of obvious botches. I think he thinks he's much better than he actually is.
There definitely seems to be a generous borrowing of Rock's mannerisms and delivery, but it was an all time great gimmick so at least he has good taste.

I imagine Logan Paul will be winning the actual match though, I wouldn't be surprised if they put a title on him soon for the exposure.

There is a bit of the Rock/Stone Cold gimmick but he's definitely better than a lot on the mic.

I hope Logan doesn't win it. It would make a mockery of the qualifying tournament they had and he just waltzes in. I imagine he's there for the high flying stuff in the match.
Again, I'm not really referring to that one match in isolation. It was pretty apparent throughout his last run before the injury as he was making a lot of obvious botches. I think he thinks he's much better than he actually is.

I have to disagree, his run before the injury included some brilliant matches (the MJF one was an all-timer), and even the bottom level was still very good.

As for his "botches", I'd suggest that points to differences in what kind of wrestling you enjoy - I'd rather it seem a bit more real and gritty, including some things that go wrong, as opposed to a perfectly choreographed routine. But even then, you're exaggerating, as all I can remember is a messed up Hurricanrana against Penta (which he made look like a real injury brilliantly), and the two rubbish attempts at a Buckshot Lariat (which is clearly a really difficult move to pull off, given that the extremely athletic Logan Paul blew out his knee doing it).