Television The Propgropthrop

I enjoyed the match :nervous:

It hit the right moments for getting the crowd into it and popping for big moments

The crowd was great, the angle is good, just everything felt really sloppy.

Maybe nerves between the two of them? Haven't watched much of Dom but as people have said, Logan Paul has come in and made it look like he's the one who's been wrestling his entire life.
The crowd was great, the angle is good, just everything felt really sloppy.

Maybe nerves between the two of them? Haven't watched much of Dom but as people have said, Logan Paul has come in and made it look like he's the one who's been wrestling his entire life.
I didn't feel that, just enjoyed it and was very satisfying the way it played out
From wrestling a jackass cast member to main eventing a year later. WrestleZaynia
Ok mate :lol:

Really good night one. No real disappointments. Think Cena one could have been a few mins longer but overall glad I watched

To be fair he's right, main eventing night one isn't really main eventing mania, that's night 2, unless we're treating them as separate events, and if we're going down that road then there isn't a WM main event, as each night has one. As an aside, while I get why WWE are stretching WM out across the full weekend, it's clearly very lucrative for them, for me it devalues the event a bit as it's become the showcase of everyone rather than the showcase of the immortals.

As for the actual night 1 show, I thought it was good without being spectacular, great final match, great women's title match, and Rollins vs Paul was a well done, a bit of a spot fest but fun and the announce table bit was great. Paul's GTS is nowhere near as good looking as his Buckshot though, maybe put that one back in the drawer.

The rest of the matches were pretty take it or leave it, pretty unmemorable apart from the tower suplex spot.
To be fair he's right, main eventing night one isn't really main eventing mania, that's night 2, unless we're treating them as separate events, and if we're going down that road then there isn't a WM main event, as each night has one. As an aside, while I get why WWE are stretching WM out across the full weekend, it's clearly very lucrative for them, for me it devalues the event a bit as it's become the showcase of everyone rather than the showcase of the immortals.

As for the actual night 1 show, I thought it was good without being spectacular, great final match, great women's title match, and Rollins vs Paul was a well done, a bit of a spot fest but fun and the announce table bit was great. Paul's GTS is nowhere near as good looking as his Buckshot though, maybe put that one back in the drawer.

The rest of the matches were pretty take it or leave it, pretty unmemorable apart from the tower suplex spot.
I know you're trying to justify but tell that to the wrestlers or the fans in attendance.
You weren't a fan of the tag team showcase?
Or the Rey/Dom match?
Both had some great memorable moments for me

Looked entertaining but a bit too predictable.
Predictable isn't a bad thing for some matches or stories like the last two matches or Seth/Logan
I thought it was a brilliant night.

Three very good to great matches, two very fun ones, and two fine one's that weren't bad in any way.
Only prediction I had wrong for night 1 was Charlotte winning, but I wanted Rhea to win, I just didn't think they'd do it. Happy she did as I think she's amazing. KO and Sami winning wsas awesome, love those guys.
Charlotte was trying to make Rhea look like Tazz with those suplexes but landed on her face with one of them. Still a good match though. Tag with KO and Sami was good too, but tbh the final result did feel a little bit hollow to me compared to what Sami could have been doing. But hey at least they won and have some belts.
Vince with a 'stache and a hyper dye job.

Looks like he cross bred with Simon cowell
Just watched night one now. Thought it was very good. Rhea vs Flair was fight of the night. Main event was class too even though it was predictable on who was gonna win before the bell rang but excellent on how they played it out. Also the men’s fatal 4 way tag team match was great entertainment.

Out of my predictions, I only got one wrong which was the Cena vs Theory match. Had Cena winning by DQ but Theory obviously retaining the title. That was probably the most boring fight of the night though.

Looking forward to watching night two tomorrow!
I agree on the sentiment on the main events above, night 1 just isn't the main event. Imagine the outrage if the two 'main events' were switched. Cody would likely pull a Punk and walk out over it too.

But it shouldn't take anything away from anything from what Sami, KO and the Usos have done at all, it's a minor gripe and probably a reasonably outschool mentality too.

I love how everyones just followed suit on how the star system has been murdered by Meltzer though, some of the ratings I see for this seem to be insanely generous like if you compare to what WM19 got or something, but then I've got to remember 7* exists now :lol:
I love how everyones just followed suit on how the star system has been murdered by Meltzer though, some of the ratings I see for this seem to be insanely generous like if you compare to what WM19 got or something, but then I've got to remember 7* exists now :lol:
I think angle has never had a five star match so yeah
I agree on the sentiment on the main events above, night 1 just isn't the main event. Imagine the outrage if the two 'main events' were switched. Cody would likely pull a Punk and walk out over it too.

But it shouldn't take anything away from anything from what Sami, KO and the Usos have done at all, it's a minor gripe and probably a reasonably outschool mentality too.

I love how everyones just followed suit on how the star system has been murdered by Meltzer though, some of the ratings I see for this seem to be insanely generous like if you compare to what WM19 got or something, but then I've got to remember 7* exists now :lol:

I believe Cornette was doing a star rating system before Meltzer back in the day and another wrestling newsletter before that. Both of those have long since discontinued
I agree on the sentiment on the main events above, night 1 just isn't the main event. Imagine the outrage if the two 'main events' were switched. Cody would likely pull a Punk and walk out over it too.

But it shouldn't take anything away from anything from what Sami, KO and the Usos have done at all, it's a minor gripe and probably a reasonably outschool mentality too.

I disagree, this is a show by itself, that they sold tickets for... People need a card and a reason to buy a ticket/tune-in to this night.

Whatever went last night is a main even of Wrestlemania... Otherwise you could just put any old match in that spot
HBK/Angle > HBK/Taker.

I'll take the hits. But that match was absolutely wild. So obviously, I agree.
The WrestleMania 20 one? That's a very underrated match but it definitely doesn't come close to the Taker/HBK 1.
I think angle has never had a five star match so yeah
His feud with Benoit gave out 5 star matches with standout being the ironman match. The vengeance one against Shane was a classic.

The HBK one at wm was also one of all time classics.
His feud with Benoit gave out 5 star matches with standout being the ironman match. The vengeance one against Shane was a classic.

The HBK one at wm was also one of all time classics.
I mean observer / meltzer hasn't given Angle a five star match.

Obviously it's one mans opinion but too many people put too much stock into it. In fact it seems the majority of aew wrestles towards getting that from him. And as much as he tries to say otherwise, he's obviously biased and won't give anybody who he's friends with or has named finishers after him a bad rating
Yeah I agree on that, with AEW/NJPW clearly doing matches with him in mind, and it ruins the organic nature of matches for me at times. Just yeah, feck it.

Delivering a genuine all-time classic at Wrestlemania > anything, and I say that as someone who like everyone, loves Okada-Omega in all it's glory. But the best match ever is from a select handful from Mania in my opinion, you choose want you want, for whatever reason. Mines HBK-Angle. I was legit out as a wrestling fan when I randomly got dragged back in by Angle mocking HBK in the build up and the match delivered in every way.
I know you're trying to justify but tell that to the wrestlers or the fans in attendance.
You weren't a fan of the tag team showcase?
Or the Rey/Dom match?
Both had some great memorable moments for me

Predictable isn't a bad thing for some matches or stories like the last two matches or Seth/Logan

I'm not trying to justify anything, I just personally think it cheapens the idea of WM as the pinnacle of wrestling, the people there and the fans are irrelevant in that. It's like the World Cup being expanded, the stadiums will still be packed, but the more you pack into any event, the less exclusive it is and it's less special to be a part of it.

However like I said I understand why they've done it, it'll make them double the money and WM will still be huge, but as a big festival rather than the exclusive concert it was previously.

As for the matches you mentioned, the tag team showcase was fine, just seemed like filler, in both cases (men's and women's tonight) it's an excuse to get lots more people in the card. Rey and Dom isn't really a WM match to me either, it was decent enough without being great but nothing special.

As for your stuff about Meltzer, his star ratings can be safely ignored, he has what he likes and his gradings don't line up with what he claims is the grading system at all.
There are two main events on wrestlemania weekend. Sunday's is always the bigger one, but there are clearly two main events. Main event is a marketing tool and there's now two nights to promote and market. You might not like it, but there's clearly two main events now, with one being bigger than the other. Really is as simple as that.
Anyway ignoring all that, great first night with only one match I'd truly never rewatch.