Netflix and avocado, no chill
I won't fecking hear it, this match is an absolute banger.
Did that remind anyone else of the Lesnar-Big Show stretcher match at Backlash 2003?
Great main event. For something that you would have expected to bore everyone given that they've booked it too many times over the past few years, this Brock-Reigns match was actually fun.
It was the right decision to keep Roman as champion but I wonder where and when he'll lose it, and to whom.
Finished watching other than skipping several matches I had no interest in.
WWE last man standing matches always do this. Twice Roman was up to 1 foot not 2, whilst Cole called out that hes up to both feet reestablishing that those are the rules. Thats already bad but then you have another match previously where the storyline is that someone tapped and the ref was counting a pin, messing up and they drew all that attention to it, but then lied about what was going on in this match when the referee is messing up not stopping the match. When its a gimmick match like this its even worse because its the whole point of the match and you can't even do it properly.
An Uso took a Big E landing on the outside, I feel like they should just ban people from doing belly to bellies on the outside of the ring. Its not needed and too many people are landing on their heads and necks risking permanent injury
I’m still waiting for criterion to put this outThis is cinema
That's actually an excellent photo in so many ways. You got the last man standing sign in the led board, and he's sat in carnage laughing with his cowboy hat.What a legend...
What a legend...
How fecking slick is Roman?
I haven't seen it, nor do I have any interest in doing so - but did Ric Flair do a blade job?! Why? And why is anybody with sense allowing that to be a thing that happens?
I haven't seen it, nor do I have any interest in doing so - but did Ric Flair do a blade job?! Why? And why is anybody with sense allowing that to be a thing that happens?
Have a feeling this is gonna be a BIG raw.
He'll have as much influence as any majority stakeholder would. Which is still influential, but I imagine in more of a financial setting rather than anything creative or business decisions.
For example, I wouldn't be shocked if hunter has already been on the burner to Sasha.
Biggest rating since pre pandemic as wellRaw was great. Felt like a wrestling show, not just brand development or advertisement opportunities.
Foley talked about his stint as a commentator in 2008 and he mentioned getting increasingly unnerved with McMahon barking instructions if Foley forgot to mention something. He said that he couldn't continue doing that and that people probably always gave Michael Cole a tough time without realizing how difficult his job actually is. He constantly has to hit all the McMahonisms without fail, and if he neglects to mention how a certain "superstar" is trending, or how the "sold out capacity crowd is buzzing as the WWE universe shows how much they're entertained", he'll get an earful.Btw
Summerslam had to be Michael Coles best performance since the uk ppv with Nigel McGuiness right? He was brilliant, just calling the action and probably not having a madman scream at him to sell every other thing.
Summerslam was great. Really really looking forward to clash ppv now. Atmosphere should be great
Apparently they’ve sunk over 100m into this. I wouldn’t be citing lack of a budget for the end result
I just hope it doesnt suck. The 2k22 game is pretty good and would be hard to match first time around overall, but at least the graphics look a bit closer to 2k's level than before
Yukes and THQ have made some good wrestling games before, so there is potential to be surprisingly good but realistically its going to be on half the budget of a 2k game so if its almost as good it'd be an accomplishment and give AEW fans a good alternative
Apparently they’ve sunk over 100m into this. I wouldn’t be citing lack of a budget for the end result