Television The Propgropthrop

That was a terrible way to end Dynamite, shockingly poor, just shows how little Tony cares about his RoH's titles.
That was a terrible way to end Dynamite, shockingly poor, just shows how little Tony cares about his RoH's titles.
I thought the show was good until the end.
It just went bizarre
The whole lights out thing is over done too, I don't see why its used for somebody who people are chanting who are ya too.
The first two matches and the tag match with starks were great
That was a terrible way to end Dynamite, shockingly poor, just shows how little Tony cares about his RoH's titles.

It was Jinder Mahalism. The idea that they're going to build a market in India and the fastest way to make a "star" to have a guy with a bit of fame from being the first Indian NBA player and is also 7'2. Its very WWE and WWE's relentless Jinder push for India didnt do anything for them, so it doesnt seem like a positive direction to me unless it was actually going to work...

Speaking of which he needs a lot of work.
I thought the show was good until the end.
It just went bizarre
The whole lights out thing is over done too, I don't see why its used for somebody who people are chanting who are ya too.
The first two matches and the tag match with starks were great

To be honest everytime it goes black now I assume its House of Blac, as thats their gimmick. Sting used to do it so keep it for him but for everyone else they need to find something new for a surprise entrance.
That was such a throwback and not in a good way. I thought wrestling had moved on from this weird obsession with gigantism? The guy looked like he could barely move either.

AEW is starting to become a bit of a mess at the moment. I think there's too many wrestlers, too many belts, it's in danger of eating itself.
Fun Fact......

The last time Roman Reigns lost a match, it was to Baron Corbin in 2019.
That was such a throwback and not in a good way. I thought wrestling had moved on from this weird obsession with gigantism? The guy looked like he could barely move either.

AEW is starting to become a bit of a mess at the moment. I think there's too many wrestlers, too many belts, it's in danger of eating itself.

WWE turned NXT into a giant manufactory machine and introduced like 4 of them on the main roster last year so clearly the big companies still want them
Yeah the ending to Dynamite fell flat, it's a shame as it was a great show otherwise, but the ending really didn't make sense.

If you have to introduce a giant who's awful in the ring and can barely move, then the best way is the same way the Great Khali was introduced - he actually came across as threatening rather than just confusing.
To be honest everytime it goes black now I assume its House of Blac, as thats their gimmick. Sting used to do it so keep it for him but for everyone else they need to find something new for a surprise entrance.
Think this dude would have benefited from videos and all. Trying to think but aew hasn't really done that much for people who are going to debut.
Tony Kahn loves a debut, then he just gets board with them, and then he forgets about them, and moves onto his next shiny new toy.

I mean remember when Ruby debuted, and she had a load of hype, and now a few weeks later.....she has done what exactly??

Tony needs to focus on sorting out the mess that is the women's division in Ring of Honor, creating a fake Championship title, that is a nonsense.

Also what is going on with the TNT title, that seems to have just died a death with Sky having done the square root of naff all with it.

So many wrestlers in AEW just have no storylines, as Tony is only focused on who he can bring in next.

Why is Adam Cole getting another title shot, I thought that rankings were supposed to mean something in AEW, I guess that has gone out of the window now.

And all of this is without mentioning that God awful debut at the end of the last episode of Dynamite.

You can understand why Cody wanted out, for the calmer waters of WWE, as it just seems to be a right mess in AEW right now.
Tony Kahn loves a debut, then he just gets board with them, and then he forgets about them, and moves onto his next shiny new toy.

I mean remember when Ruby debuted, and she had a load of hype, and now a few weeks later.....she has done what exactly??

Tony needs to focus on sorting out the mess that is the women's division in Ring of Honor, creating a fake Championship title, that is a nonsense.

Also what is going on with the TNT title, that seems to have just died a death with Sky having done the square root of naff all with it.

So many wrestlers in AEW just have no storylines, as Tony is only focused on who he can bring in next.

Why is Adam Cole getting another title shot, I thought that rankings were supposed to mean something in AEW, I guess that has gone out of the window now.

And all of this is without mentioning that God awful debut at the end of the last episode of Dynamite.

You can understand why Cody wanted out, for the calmer waters of WWE, as it just seems to be a right mess in AEW right now.


I'm fairly sure this is a troll, but if not it's bizarre. There's legitimate criticism to be made about AEW, Sky and the TNT title is a fair point if slightly exaggerated, but a lack of storylines is one of the dumbest I've heard.

It's easily one of my favourite things about AEW compared to WWE - pretty much everyone is a part of a storyline and it's generally safe to become invested in them as they're a lot less likely to get dropped without warning.

I'm fairly sure this is a troll, but if not it's bizarre. There's legitimate criticism to be made about AEW, Sky and the TNT title is a fair point if slightly exaggerated, but a lack of storylines is one of the dumbest I've heard.

It's easily one of my favourite things about AEW compared to WWE - pretty much everyone is a part of a storyline and it's generally safe to become invested in them as they're a lot less likely to get dropped without warning.

Most definitely not a troll, why look to be or to get personal over this??

I have watched all of the Dynamite episodes, and it was far better in the early years, when there was genuinely good, long term booking and storytelling/storylines.

Ever since Tony went into full on TNA 04 mode, where he seems to be signing up neigh on everyone that WWE releases, and having a debut nearly ever week, the qualify of the storylines have rapidly gone down.

Where is Abaddon for example, anyone seen her recently? She is still contracted to AEW isn't she??

Remember when their rankings actually mattered, and they made a big deal out of them, you don't hear about them any more do you?

AEW is just one group or faction fighting with another group or faction, before moving on to fight with another group or faction.

It is group overkill, it seems everyone is in a group or faction, it is the height of lazy booking, just to get as many people on the show as possible.

There is no individuals, just people representing one group or faction, going up against another person from a different group or faction.
Most definitely not a troll, why look to be or to get personal over this??

I have watched all of the Dynamite episodes, and it was far better in the early years, when there was genuinely good, long term booking and storytelling/storylines.

Ever since Tony went into full on TNA 04 mode, where he seems to be signing up neigh on everyone that WWE releases, and having a debut nearly ever week, the qualify of the storylines have rapidly gone down.

Where is Abaddon for example, anyone seen her recently? She is still contracted to AEW isn't she??

Remember when their rankings actually mattered, and they made a big deal out of them, you don't hear about them any more do you?

AEW is just one group or faction fighting with another group or faction, before moving on to fight with another group or faction.

It is group overkill, it seems everyone is in a group or faction, it is the height of lazy booking, just to get as many people on the show as possible.

There is no individuals, just people representing one group or faction, going up against another person from a different group or faction.

I wasn't attacking you personally, I was attacking the "no storylines" criticism, which is nonsense.

You may have preferred earlier AEW, which did have its charm, but everyone featured has their own story, including plenty of slow burn ones. There are also plenty of non-aligned individuals and tag teams. Besides, back in the early days AEW was pretty much the inner circle vs the elite, so its not like factions haven't always been a big part of it.

They also make a big deal about the rankings still, without being beholden to them - champions are allowed to put the titles on the line against chosen challengers, such as Cole and ReDragon getting rematches, but they make it clear when it's happening.

Anyway as I said, there's fair criticism, but the storylines one simply doesn't fit, that's something AEW have always been good at.
I wasn't attacking you personally, I was attacking the "no storylines" criticism, which is nonsense.

You may have preferred earlier AEW, which did have its charm, but everyone featured has their own story, including plenty of slow burn ones. There are also plenty of non-aligned individuals and tag teams. Besides, back in the early days AEW was pretty much the inner circle vs the elite, so its not like factions haven't always been a big part of it.

They also make a big deal about the rankings still, without being beholden to them - champions are allowed to put the titles on the line against chosen challengers, such as Cole and ReDragon getting rematches, but they make it clear when it's happening.

Anyway as I said, there's fair criticism, but the storylines one simply doesn't fit, that's something AEW have always been good at.

AEW have been very lax with stories lately, it is just one new debut after another, those are storylones, not when the effect of debuts wears off after the 50th new debut in 50 weeks, or whatever, and this latest one just shows how flat this has become.

Tony needs to stop signing people, and try to come up with good storylines, or even storylines full stop for a fair chunk of his current wrestlers.

What is Abaddon doing? Where has the female Librarian gone?
Re-uniting the Hardy's for a nostalgia driven run, when both are waaaaaaaaayyyyyy past their prime, and can't even be a good tribute act of their former selves, is not a good look.

Re-match after rematch, with random NJPW people just chucked in for no apparent storyline reason, but just because Tony wanted to show that he can, so people can massage his ego.

Everything just seems all over the place, like the inmates are running the asylum, and Tony is just letting them do so.

At least in the early days or times, there was a certain structure to things, now it is just sign this person, debut this one, have a random person show up for no apparent reason.

It needs changing behind the scenes pronto, as right now, it isn't working.
Why are people blaming Tony? The ending of Dynamite wasn't his fault. He said so himself.

Why are people blaming Tony? The ending of Dynamite wasn't his fault. He said so himself.


He has the final say over everything, nothing happens without his say so.

So this is very much in him, with great power, comes great responsibility.
Lack of storylines for aew is one that certainly I wouldnt make

The early years had stuff like nightmare collection or whatever that brandy thing was
Right now we've had the stuff with mjf and punk and wardlow which has been some of the best stuff in the industry

Tony debuting people , a lot,is a fair criticism. I think they have too many people too, but maybe he will get a tv deal for ROH
That is certainly needed

I reckon Sanjay probably said lights out debut then, and it was just agreed by all

I certainly think aew is miles better now than it was when it began

Also nobody cares about abbadon, let's be honest
That would work if they didn’t lights out every debut they have.
He has the final say over everything, nothing happens without his say so.

So this is very much in him, with great power, comes great responsibility.
Sarcasm doesn't come across well in text form, my bad.

I totally agree it's his fault and him trying to blame someone else after the fact is pathetic.
Sarcasm doesn't come across well in text form, my bad.

I totally agree it's his fault and him trying to blame someone else after the fact is pathetic.

Ahh right, my bad sorry, it is hard to tell, my apologies for not picking it up.
Lack of storylines for aew is one that certainly I wouldnt make

The early years had stuff like nightmare collection or whatever that brandy thing was
Right now we've had the stuff with mjf and punk and wardlow which has been some of the best stuff in the industry

Tony debuting people , a lot,is a fair criticism. I think they have too many people too, but maybe he will get a tv deal for ROH
That is certainly needed

I reckon Sanjay probably said lights out debut then, and it was just agreed by all

I certainly think aew is miles better now than it was when it began

Also nobody cares about abbadon, let's be honest

Let's not go overboard here with the MJF/Punk thing, it is something that is going on now, for a while, jumping the shark territory now.

But that yes is one storyline, but what exactly was the storyline for bringing in Suzuki, apart from Tony managing to get people to massage his ego by doing so?

Same for having RoH people on AEW TV?
There are plenty of AEW wrestlers that need the TV time, look at how Tony treats his women's division, how many women's matches were there on the most recent Dynamite, but oh no, we have to have a RoH title on the show....madness...

Keep RoH matches away on their own platform, let AEW wrestlers wrestle on AEW, it isn't really that hard a concept to understand.

Now you personally might not care about Abaddon, but she is but just one example of people being forgotten about, look at Marko Stunt, and the way he was let go, it is what happens when you have a boss who more fixated on which shiny new toy he can lay his hands on before getting board of it two or three weeks later.

It is just a mess storyline wise, there are far too many factions and groups.

Why does everyone have to be in one??

Is there a single person that isn't in a fiction or group of some sort??

I get it, as it is a lazy and cheap way of getting as many people on TV as possible, but it really is faction/group overload.

The potential is there for AEW, it really is, but right now it is very much in a slump, and creatively it is a mess.
Lack of storylines for aew is one that certainly I wouldnt make

The early years had stuff like nightmare collection or whatever that brandy thing was
Right now we've had the stuff with mjf and punk and wardlow which has been some of the best stuff in the industry

Tony debuting people , a lot,is a fair criticism. I think they have too many people too, but maybe he will get a tv deal for ROH
That is certainly needed

I reckon Sanjay probably said lights out debut then, and it was just agreed by all

I certainly think aew is miles better now than it was when it began

Also nobody cares about abbadon, let's be honest
Miles better.

I dunno whether it was the over the top fan or the product itself, but it wasn't for me initially at all. It's come on leaps and bounds though and have worked to rectify a lot of the initial criticisms of production, whilst adding genuine world class talent over the past 2 years.

These things go in cycles, it's a little stale now but it'll pick up.
Miles better.

I dunno whether it was the over the top fan or the product itself, but it wasn't for me initially at all. It's come on leaps and bounds though and have worked to rectify a lot of the initial criticisms of production, whilst adding genuine world class talent over the past 2 years.

These things go in cycles, it's a little stale now but it'll pick up.

That is part of the problem here, the adding of talent, they just kero on doing it, seemingly on a weekly basis, to the detriment of the wrestler, as you can't keep on hyping up a new debut, when you have just made one or two the last week.

It loses its impact/shine/importance, and that isn't fair on the person involved.

Tony needs to stop debuting as many people as he is, and actually concentrate on the ones that are actually under contract.
AEW roster is far too bloated. They must have about 130-140 wrestlers signed, for 3 hours of TV.

Look at Keith Lee - who I’m not really a fan of anyway. He’s signed as a “game changer” and he’s quickly lost in the mid card shuffle.
That is part of the problem here, the adding of talent, they just kero on doing it, seemingly on a weekly basis, to the detriment of the wrestler, as you can't keep on hyping up a new debut, when you have just made one or two the last week.

It loses its impact/shine/importance, and that isn't fair on the person involved.

Tony needs to stop debuting as many people as he is, and actually concentrate on the ones that are actually under contract.
Much, much rather watch Keith Lee and swerve, over Joey Janela and Sonny kiss. I'm of the opinion that it's down to talent to grab the bull by the horns in AEW, I suspect a lot of early AEW talent will be getting released soon.
AEW roster is far too bloated. They must have about 130-140 wrestlers signed, for 3 hours of TV.

Look at Keith Lee - who I’m not really a fan of anyway. He’s signed as a “game changer” and he’s quickly lost in the mid card shuffle.

But they have contracts expiring later this year and next, also ROH now as well will need a roster as well.

It's very likely one or two will go to WWE at some point.

Khan has discussed this recently.
AEW roster is far too bloated. They must have about 130-140 wrestlers signed, for 3 hours of TV.

Look at Keith Lee - who I’m not really a fan of anyway. He’s signed as a “game changer” and he’s quickly lost in the mid card shuffle.

This is it, Tony has only made it worse, by going on this huge ego trip by buying RoH, and now using them on AEW TV.

How long before Keith Lee is in the abyss that is being on Dark?

What happens if Bray Wyatt gets signed or Cesaro??

We have seen, or rather not seen how Ruby has fallen out of favour, this will tend to happen when you don't have all that long TV time.

I see Grisham has just signed with AEW, bang there we go, with yet another signing, who is moving down the pecking order now to accommodate him??

Remember when AEW signed Tony Neese??
Whatever happened to him??

It is the same story week after week....
But they have contracts expiring later this year and next, also ROH now as well will need a roster as well.

It's very likely one or two will go to WWE at some point.

Khan has discussed this recently.

Yet when WWE release people, there is huge negativity around that.

RoH needs a TV deal first and foremost, signing people to be RoH talent is pointless without them having a TV deal.
As otherwise you end up taking away TV time from AEW wrestlers.
Let's not go overboard here with the MJF/Punk thing, it is something that is going on now, for a while, jumping the shark territory now.

But that yes is one storyline, but what exactly was the storyline for bringing in Suzuki, apart from Tony managing to get people to massage his ego by doing so?

Same for having RoH people on AEW TV?
There are plenty of AEW wrestlers that need the TV time, look at how Tony treats his women's division, how many women's matches were there on the most recent Dynamite, but oh no, we have to have a RoH title on the show....madness...

Keep RoH matches away on their own platform, let AEW wrestlers wrestle on AEW, it isn't really that hard a concept to understand.

Now you personally might not care about Abaddon, but she is but just one example of people being forgotten about, look at Marko Stunt, and the way he was let go, it is what happens when you have a boss who more fixated on which shiny new toy he can lay his hands on before getting board of it two or three weeks later.

It is just a mess storyline wise, there are far too many factions and groups.

Why does everyone have to be in one??

Is there a single person that isn't in a fiction or group of some sort??

I get it, as it is a lazy and cheap way of getting as many people on TV as possible, but it really is faction/group overload.

The potential is there for AEW, it really is, but right now it is very much in a slump, and creatively it is a mess.

You have a few legitimate points, but it's undermined because the level of hyperbole you're using is just silly.

The women's division for example is a good point, but the big problem is aside from Britt Baker, Jade Cargill, or Nyla Rose, they aren't great talkers or able to drum up interest in their rivalries. Abaddon's whole thing is just being a zombie, it's no wonder she's not featured as much as others.

I agree with you about the ROH thing too, that should stay on its own show, maybe the occasional crossover but occasional at most. And the roster is bloated enough as it is.

Still though, the storylines argument just doesn't stack up, there have been some brilliant ones recently, with plenty building slowly over time, and it's difficult to take you seriously when you're claiming something so silly.
Yet when WWE release people, there is huge negativity around that.

RoH needs a TV deal first and foremost, signing people to be RoH talent is pointless without them having a TV deal.
As otherwise you end up taking away TV time from AEW wrestlers.

Bit of a big difference between an expiring contract and sacking half your roster in a few months
Bit of a big difference between an expiring contract and sacking half your roster in a few months
I’m not sure about that. Apparently Tony ghosts wrestlers that have contracts about to expire and the 90 day clause allows wrestlers to get paid for 3 months while looking for other work.
I’m not sure about that. Apparently Tony ghosts wrestlers that have contracts about to expire and the 90 day clause allows wrestlers to get paid for 3 months while looking for other work.

Its what the Khans do. Look at the Black News Channel.
That would work if they didn’t lights out every debut they have.
Would have worked if it wasn’t a complete nobody, had it have been Wyatt, Gargano or Cesaro it would have been fine. But when 99% of peoples first thought who the f is that guy it’s never going to work.
I’m not sure about that. Apparently Tony ghosts wrestlers that have contracts about to expire and the 90 day clause allows wrestlers to get paid for 3 months while looking for other work.

Pretty sure if your boss isnt wanting to talk to you its time to look for other work
Amazing, dislike of AEW now has people defending the awful contract behaviour at WWE. Tribalism trumping decency, it's a bit like when Liverpool rallied behind Suarez with the Evra stuff.

Watched Battle of the Belts this morning, I really don't like the ROH stuff being featured on AEW, there's no story or build and so there's no reason to be invested. It doesn't help that the match was really sloppy too.

On the plus side, Thunder Rosa vs Nyla Rose was pretty good, and she looked amazing in JR's cowboy hat.
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Amazing, dislike of AEW now has people defending the awful contract behaviour at WWE. Tribalism trumping decency, it's a bit like when Liverpool rallied behind Suarez with the Evra stuff.

Watched Battle of the Belts this morning, I really don't like the ROH stuff being featured on AEW, there's no story or build and so there's no reason to be invested. It doesn't help that the match was really sloppy too.

On the plus side, Thunder Rosa vs Nyla Rose was pretty good, and she looked amazing in Jr's cowboy hat.
Terrible take.
Aew gets a lot of leeway from me due to their short history of delivering good matches and following through on major storylines long terms
WWE has moments which are great but it's just hard to follow. Nothing means anything anymore and I honestly went months without watching before mania (between rumble and mania) and I honestly felt like I didn't miss anything

Aew isn't like that

Not even taking into consideration the scummy stuff wwe has done over the years

Both companies of course could be better and have flaws. I've been as big a fan of wwe as anybody and will probably try to go to the ppv in Wales. But I don't enjoy watching their weekly stuff and thus have stopped
I however mostly enjoy aew weekly stuff and the lead

I do think there are fair criticisms of aew but there is always hyperbole and it's buried in some of the other OTT stuff you see as @The Hilton mentions above