Television The Propgropthrop

I'd be surprised if he vacated them.

Seems Edge is building a stable. Hopefully will be interesting.

Who though will be the ones challenging them?

Would be good for WWE to have a couple of stables again.
Roman vacating the belts would be an awful decision. The whole point of a run like his is to give someone the kudos of beating him.

The rest of the roster already look like afterthoughts in comparison (except for Cody who's only just arrived), so putting the championship on someone without Reigns losing it devalues the championship, and any reign (pun not intended) will feel like just waiting for Reigns to come back and reclaim it via low blow. Plus, when he eventually does lose, it's much less of a rub to beat him.

If he can't perform for a while, have him lose the titles in raw in a quick match with a betrayal from his crew or something, at least that way all the time spent throwing the rest of the roster on the pyre isn't wasted.

Realistically, could only be Bobby Lashley if he was forced to lose the titles in a short match.

Maybe Roman will work through it somehow, as this is a long term storyline and planning that ultimately hasn't failed.
Cody kicks off Raw after 6 minute Wrestlemania promo

Guess Roman is gonna be fine after all.

Cody kicking off Raw over Roman is a big deal.
The traditional RAW after Wrestlemania atmosphere isn't there.

Nor is any excitement whatsoever.

Shame after being thoroughly sports entertained the last two nights.

I'd forgotten how dull a standard Monday Night RAW is.
The traditional RAW after Wrestlemania atmosphere isn't there.

Nor is any excitement whatsoever.

Shame after being thoroughly sports entertained the last two nights.

I'd forgotten how dull a standard Monday Night RAW is.

Last year's was pretty rubbish also.
Last year's was pretty rubbish also.

Wasn't last year's in the Thunderdome (or whatever it was called)? Seem to remember turning it off when I realised there weren't any fans. All seems to have blended into one over the past few years though.
The Roman promo seemed very much like them buying time/stalling while they determine the extent of his injury and plans around that.
Elias looks terrible without his beard. Nightmare fuel.

I reckon Reigns holds onto the titles until he drops one to Drew at the PPV in Cardiff.
Elias looks terrible without his beard. Nightmare fuel.

I reckon Reigns holds onto the titles until he drops one to Drew at the PPV in Cardiff.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Totally agreed, it looks like a kids head on an adults body.
Ahhh that makes sense, I thought he’d been released or something.

didn’t realise that he’d killed himself, John that is. He was a moron though
Yeah I used to follow his twitter too, a drug addled moron. Based on wiki it sounds like he tried to immortalise himself by turning his death into a conspiracy.

McAfee's death ignited speculation about the possibility that he was murdered. McAfee's death drew comparisons to the circumstances of the death of American financier Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead in August 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.[129][130] Several times, McAfee claimed if he were ever found dead by hanging, it would mean he was murdered.[131] Minutes after the report of his death, an image of the letter Q was posted to his Instagram feed (his account was subsequently taken down), apparently in reference to QAnon conspiracy theories.[132][133][134] The day after his death, his lawyer told reporters that while he regularly maintained contact with McAfee in prison, there were no signs of suicidal intent.[135] McAfee's widow reaffirmed this position in her first public remarks since her husband's death, and also called for a "thorough" investigation.[136][137]

On 13 February 2022, Spanish court ruled McAfee died by suicide. [138]
The Roman promo seemed very much like them buying time/stalling while they determine the extent of his injury and plans around that.

Well most likely, they had no plans after Mania knowing how creative works, but I'd suspect will be testing his arm during week.
I'd lost all interest in WWE for a while (still went along to one of the house shows when they were over here though, as that's a good laugh), but I'll keep an eye on it to see what happens with Cody there.
Now that the dust is settled, overall a solid mania weekend. First night was better for me, but a good weekend and a reminder that regardless of how shite wwe is, mania will always be a must watch.
It was just cringe - it was like when WWF tried to explain Akeem not being the One Man Gang :lol:

I thought it was hilarious, they've acknowledged that it is actually Elias so the joke works for me. Not sure where it can actually go as a thing /character though.
While I strongly disagree with Cody being one of the best wrestlers like he suggests, if he does actually become a world champion in WWE it would be hard to argue he made a wrong choice and that he wasnt incredibly smart to move when he did. The WWE title does mean more especially with Cody's sentimental reasons and the fact that he was EVP at AEW. So when you win the top championship of the company you created I'm sure it doesnt feel the same. The reason he lost the match to Jericho with the stipulation that he could never go for the AEW world title is because all of those EVPs didnt want to be like the bookers of old who would be in charge of a territory and make themselves the champ. So that was his own suggestion.

I dont know if it was WWE fans, anti - AEW fans or disgruntled AEW fans but he got shit online for winning the TNT title, I saw plenty of people complaining that he books himself to win so it didnt really work. What are you gonna do, have Cody never win a title? People were never going to be happy or fair about it which sucks because it was done in the right spirit.

Anyway he went from being a problem in AEW (face with heel reaction and wont turn) to the best start he could have had in WWE, so far so good and seems like its been best for all parties. If he does win the title I would absolutely be happy for him
Did anyone see his match vs Kevin Owens on Monday after Raw?

At one point Rocks mum got involved in helping giving KO a beating :lol:
It appears Sunny caused the death of someone a few days ago whilst driving dangerously and at high speed, drove straight into a stopped vehicle and then hit another car afterwards.

The driver died in first crash and 2nd driver taken to hospital.

So far, she hasn't been arrested but blood was taken from her for toxicology.
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From PWInsider

I was wondering how you feel about the latest Tammy Sytch situation given how much you've written and reported on her issues?

Honestly, when I learned, I was sick to my stomach.

Over the last few years, I've had friends of Sytch tell me I've been too hard on her, that she has a problem, that I should "respect" Chris Candido by not writing about her issues (yes, seriously), and that I had a "Vendetta" against Sytch.

None of that was even remotely true. My fear, in all of this, as I have said numerous times in audio discussions in our Elite section, was that with every arrest, things were getting progressively worse and that in the end, she was going to kill someone or herself. Yet, at every step, she was given an out and allowed to resume her life, despite numerous instances of having warrants out for her arrest because she didn't actually show up in court to face the criminal charges against her.

I am not shocked to hear someone died, but I am horrified by it. We could all see it coming and it was voiced here on the site numerous times by both Dave Scherer and myself.

Sytch went from incidents where she drove into a ditch and drove the wrong way into a Wal-Mart parking lot in PA (including one instance where she publicly lied and said she wasn't arrested, although she was) to incidents where she hit another car and tried to flee the police in separate instances in New Jersey. Now, in Florida, someone has died, a grandfather, who didn't deserve his last moments on this planet to be sitting stopped waiting to drive and then be struck from behind at a high rate of speed.

Yes, innocent until proven guilty and she hasn't (yet) been charged criminally, but anyone who looks at the history knows the pattern here and we know damn well that Sytch did not have a driver's license, as she's not allowed to have one. Hell, she didn't have one previous times she was arrested! She was facing 11 charges in New Jersey when the latest incident happened in Florida on 3/25 and that didn't stop her. What we have seen here is how easy it is for someone to ignore the law, and even pending criminal trial, when they want to.

My wish in all this is that this was the last incident I ever have to write about, that Sytch be placed somewhere that prevents her from ever being able to drive again and that criminal charges be brought against whoever let her drive their car in Florida. I also think the Judges in PA and New Jersey should face great scrutiny for allowing her, at different points over the years, to walk free while there were pending charges, allowing continued repeat offenses.

Sytch's legacy should have been that she opened the door for the prototypical diva in WWE, but instead her legacy will be arrests in PA, New Jersey, Connecticut and now, the sad death of a man who deserved better, and it's her own fault. She had numerous chances and endless friends willing to help her when she had those chances given to her. She threw all those away, hasn't acted responsible towards the chances she was given (right now, she still owes $4,000 in court costs and counting in PA and hasn't tried to make a payment in years) and now, for the love of God, someone died because she was on the road.

When the toxicology results come in, someone will try to say to me that she needed help or it's a shame. To each and every one of you who will reach out, I will say this - what if it was your father or grandfather she struck? She had the help. She slapped it away, over and over and over and over.

What happened to Tammy Sytch is not a shame. She squandered everything life offered her in my opinion and now a man is dead.

The true tragedy is the death of that man, not the downward spiral of Sytch's career and life.

As someone who nearly died in 2001 because some a-hole kid was racing and hit the car I was in head-on, I remain sick to my stomach over this situation and I will for a long, long time. This didn't have to happen. But, it did and that's on Tammy. No one else.

Right now, as I post this, Sytch has been on social media attacking fans, looking to buy a "cheap kitchen cabinet" (yes, seriously) and attacking Dr. Tom Prichard, of all people. She's moving on like life is all fine and normal, which is insane to me. What is also insane to me is that right now, as I write this, she's also free to get in someone's car and drive away, right now. That scares the living sh** out of me, and it will continue to scare the sh** out of me until she's in a place where no one else can be hurt or killed due to her choices and actions.

It should scare you too.
The traditional RAW after Wrestlemania atmosphere isn't there.

Nor is any excitement whatsoever.

Shame after being thoroughly sports entertained the last two nights.

I'd forgotten how dull a standard Monday Night RAW is.
Probably the last decent raw after mainia was 2017.when Roman got booed for 5 mins then stated ‘it’s my yard now’.
Watching the new www24, got me thinking when was the last time the rumble winner was actually the main event 1v1, know happened last year but that was a triple threat, also forgot lashley pinned lesner clean.
Happened this year didnt it?
I’m not going to spoil it but just go check out Tony Khans latest tweet