Television The Propgropthrop

Austin is just amazing. He looks like hes never stepped away. Insane
Interested to see if he could do a loux then pres. Very good for a 57 year old, this brought out my inner kid, wonder what happens next....
Crazy that actually happened.

So happy for KO... Man got to main event wrestlemania with Stone Cold. Doesn't get much bigger then that
Night one overall was great. It really picked up from the Becky/Bianca match and just felt like a Wrestlemania.
That first half was shockingly average. The 2nd half brought it home.
Night one overall was great. It really picked up from the Becky/Bianca match and just felt like a Wrestlemania.

I really enjoyed the Logan Paul/Mysterios match... Everything from then on was great. Really good first night.
Great first night overall. Becky and Bianca was the best match, Stone Cold and KO stole the show. So happy for KO, that will be his dream come true.
Cody left and made his own company just so he could come back and main event. Top level carny shit.
Nothing sums WWE and Cody Rhodes up like his eyesore neck tattoo becoming part of his augmented reality presentation.
Really enjoyed night one. Like most have said, it really picked up after the Logan Paul tag match (which he carried). There is a hell of a lot wrong with WWE throughout the year, but they rarely miss with Mania. It always feels like it’s the pinnacle. Cody was presented well, it’ll be interesting to see where he goes from here. Austin looked fantastic. I think he was nervous and hesitant at first, but he really grew into it and it was great. Owens was top drawer. I hope he gets a main event run now. Really good stuff overall. I’m not sure I’m that bothered about night 2 :lol:
I must admit i really enjoyed that

Underwhelming card but ended up being a good show

Props to Owen and Austin I thought it would be a quick stunner and done. I was cringing at first he looked so slow but got into the match as it went on. Loved it.
Fair play to Cody, by all accounts this was his target when leaving WWE, coming back as a big deal McIntyre style, so it's worked perfectly for him.

I skimmed through everything before as I'm not really invested in it, haven't followed the stories, but I watched the Cody Rollins match, and while I enjoyed it it reminded me of the main reason I struggle to watch WWE stuff - the commentary is so awful it's obnoxious. It's clearly scripted, they constantly repeat the same lines, and really try to shove the nicknames down your throat.
Great to see SCSA again. Still looks a million bucks. Didn't care about anything barring SCSA and who Seth's opponent was. Bianca/Becky was a good bout. Didn't see anything else. But seeing SCSA back was fun.
I'm trying to think how night two does better? It does scream two match show
It's great to have nights like last night where you just forget what's likely going to happen in the future and just focus on the now. There's every chance that in a few months Cody is lost in the shuffle like most and the momentum is gone but last night you just stop thinking with that mindset and enjoy the amazing moment and atmosphere. Despite the fact most people knew/expected Cody it was still an amazing moment.

The atmosphere and buzz last night, some of the presentation, video packages, matches like Bianca/Becky etc are what makes this company even more frustrating. They have everything at their disposal. An unlimited pool of talent, some incredible production, the money, the fans and so on. The product could genuinely be incredible and consistent. Wrestlemania almost always reminds me why I fell in love with wrestling and why I loved the WWF/WWE for so long.
Only watched the stone cold match. I've not watched it for years. I thought he look good for his age, and they delivered the best match they could.

The commentary is really bad though, and I hate the camera angle rubbish. It was so much better back in the day, its not even close.
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It's so bad and can see why people get headaches. The constant cuts

I find the overall presentation really sterile. Like it’s so clean and bright, you’d never think people were “fighting” on that stage. Like, it’s too polished, if that makes sense.
Logan Paul really held on with Mysterios and The Miz. I thought it would be rubbish but that was decent at least for me. He might be tempting for some more after that finish.
Cody Rollins was decent and that final sequence was truly well done.
Not a bad night by all means. Some nice spot here and there. It really helps not wacthing any weekly shows for a long time since years ago just straight to WM this year.
And that glass shattered. I loved it, still the best entrance for me.
This’ll be fun.. looking at everyone who has gone from WWE > AEW and now AEW > WWE .. where does Cody rank in terms of ‘biggest signing’ ?

For me, third only behind Punk and Bryan. Bigger than Moxley moving IMO, purely just because of him being such a prominent face in the creation of AEW. For that alone, a lot would argue it’s the biggest by a long way.
This’ll be fun.. looking at everyone who has gone from WWE > AEW and now AEW > WWE .. where does Cody rank in terms of ‘biggest signing’ ?

For me, third only behind Punk and Bryan. Bigger than Moxley moving IMO, purely just because of him being such a prominent face in the creation of AEW. For that alone, a lot would argue it’s the biggest by a long way.

Bigger imo because Cody for the longest time was the face of AEW.

Mania was great. Logan arguably the best celeb wrestler? Played his character brilliantly.
People shitting on Cody for saying he is the best what's he meant to say "I'm the higher end of mid card talent"

For what its worth I thought the Cody match was tremendous and the best of the night, Becks and Bianca a close 2nd and Owens vs Austin was more of a moment than a match and it was good for Steve have that moment hopefully it's a one and done moment but knowing WWE I could see it carrying on for a bit
Bigger imo because Cody for the longest time was the face of AEW.

Mania was great. Logan arguably the best celeb wrestler? Played his character brilliantly.

Him or Bad Bunny for sure. Knoxville has a lot to live up to tonight :lol:
Him or Bad Bunny for sure. Knoxville has a lot to live up to tonight :lol:

It will just be gimmick after gimmick for this one.

Logan Paul had solid training and he did well to be fair to him.

Hope they do a Miz v Paul match
This’ll be fun.. looking at everyone who has gone from WWE > AEW and now AEW > WWE .. where does Cody rank in terms of ‘biggest signing’ ?

For me, third only behind Punk and Bryan. Bigger than Moxley moving IMO, purely just because of him being such a prominent face in the creation of AEW. For that alone, a lot would argue it’s the biggest by a long way.
Spoke about this before, personally think it's the biggest since he's founder and former EVP. At this point, any one of the Elite expect hangman is a massive deal, they built the competition.
This’ll be fun.. looking at everyone who has gone from WWE > AEW and now AEW > WWE .. where does Cody rank in terms of ‘biggest signing’ ?

For me, third only behind Punk and Bryan. Bigger than Moxley moving IMO, purely just because of him being such a prominent face in the creation of AEW. For that alone, a lot would argue it’s the biggest by a long way.
Yes this is huge but still have to see how it pans out in say 6 months. One thing this definitely does is encourage other wrestlers to switch promotions and try to explore.

I am not a huge fan of cody but full marks to him for trying out elsewhere and establishing himself and coming back.