Television The Propgropthrop

Its funny tbh. Watching the hoops jumped through to defend a side

Defending and attacking. I had a quick search of the aforementioned posters' posts in this thread, just in case I was being unfair in my characterisation, and it's just non stop AEW bad but with lots more hyperbole.
Argue the merits of buying ROH all you want but how the feck did it cost $30-40 million? Did Woodward join AEW?

It's a bankrupt company with no TV deal and zero stars. The tape library, okay. The heyday is from 10-15 years ago with, what, 360p footage of these matches.

"It's content for a streaming deal."

Okay but ROH's archive isn't gonna bring a deluge of new subscribers for any streaming service. It's hyper-niche.
Argue the merits of buying ROH all you want but how the feck did it cost $30-40 million? Did Woodward join AEW?

It's a bankrupt company with no TV deal and zero stars. The tape library, okay. The heyday is from 10-15 years ago with, what, 360p footage of these matches.

"It's content for a streaming deal."

Okay but ROH's archive isn't gonna bring a deluge of new subscribers for any streaming service. It's hyper-niche.

Khan is a money mark.

Vince on McAfee show was great. Such a fascinating man. Really looking forward to the Netflix documentary on him.
Vince was boring for the first half :lol: I need to see the rest but it kinda was boring.

Articles from after that one (like in 2021) seem to indicate they are getting 45$ or something per year.
Defending and attacking. I had a quick search of the aforementioned posters' posts in this thread, just in case I was being unfair in my characterisation, and it's just non stop AEW bad but with lots more hyperbole.
You werent unfair. Its fun to read sometimes
Anyway on the topic of some actual wrestling, I'm really looking forward to Revolution. The Punk vs MJF stuff is the best story I've seen in a long time, especially with the Wardlow stuff going on in parallel.

Mox vs Bryan will be great, they've sold it really well in such a short time, the ladder match looks ridiculous, and the two Adam's title match looks great too.
Yeah revolution should be fantastic. Three really good matches each one could be a ppv Main event

Rosa/Baker has had a great history too
Anyone watching AEW revolution tonight? Already planning on going to bed at 8ish, to get up for 1 to watch it, hoping it finishes at 4ish so I've got time for a couple more hours sleep before work. Looking forward to every single match. If I wasn't at work in the morning I'd be watching the buy in too cause I love Statlander.
Originally was gonna be a tag match until recently, but too many concerns with letting McMahon take any bumps.

I don’t believe that for a second. Sounds like people who made the call about Vince having a match are doing some pretty heavy backtracking
Vince was never having a match. It was always going to be theory.
I just read that the ROH video library is only from 2012 onwards since Sinclair didn’t own the rights for before then.
That’s insane.
I just read that the ROH video library is only from 2012 onwards since Sinclair didn’t own the rights for before then.
That’s insane.

Makes even more sense why WWE didn’t want it then
I don’t believe that for a second. Sounds like people who made the call about Vince having a match are doing some pretty heavy backtracking

Not at all, the tag match was mentioned in late January originally and the idea was that Vince would just stay on the outside and Theory would do the bumps.

A lot of people were not keen on the idea and ultimately Vince made the call to change it.

A lot of ideas change multiple times, especially at Raw and even at PPVs sometimes, due to Vinces lack of care and planning
I just read that the ROH video library is only from 2012 onwards since Sinclair didn’t own the rights for before then.
That’s insane.

This is false information.

Here is an article from November 2021 From Dave Meltzer

“The other thing too is that for whatever reason there is a story going out that they only own the library from 2012 on and that’s not true either. Sinclair owns the entire library. That’s the situation,”

Also PW Insider already confirmed that AEW purchased the full tape library.
Not at all, the tag match was mentioned in late January originally and the idea was that Vince would just stay on the outside and Theory would do the bumps.

A lot of people were not keen on the idea and ultimately Vince made the call to change it.

A lot of ideas change multiple times, especially at Raw and even at PPVs sometimes, due to Vinces lack of care and planning

This is from 8 days ago:

It’s clearly nonsense.
This is from 8 days ago:

It’s clearly nonsense.

PW Insider had reports that the tag match was the alternative should the one on one natch not happen (for obvious reasons).

Also, due to Vince appearing on his show, they had to keep up appearances that he would have a match with McAfee so that the rumored hype would draw people to the interview.

It's Vince and it still could end up as a tag match in an angle last minute maybe .... Vince is Vince afterall
I'm awake at 1am on a school night to watch wrestling and I'm excited. It must be 2003.
Solid PPV. Releasing regal is still one of the most bizarre decisions, but interested to see where this storyline goes even more now, so thanks for that Nick.

Main even was solid too but I'll be honest, I find Hangman a very underwhelming champ.
Solid PPV. Releasing regal is still one of the most bizarre decisions, but interested to see where this storyline goes even more now, so thanks for that Nick.

Main even was solid too but I'll be honest, I find Hangman a very underwhelming champ.

Hangman reminds me of someone like, Ziggler. Just very beige.
Hangman reminds me of someone like, Ziggler. Just very beige.

His stories been told. It was all about the chase.

I think his runs been a bit naff so far but they really should get the title on Punk.
His stories been told. It was all about the chase.

I think his runs been a bit naff so far but they really should get the title on Punk.
Happens quite often with face champions. It's all about the chase, the climb. Once they're on top, can get a little stale real quick.
Thought Revolution was brilliant - almost too stacked as it was exhausting at points with so many matches that could go either way.

The amount of talent at AEW is just silly, I can't think of a PPV card as stacked as this one for a long time.
I'm just watching it now. The thing with AEW is even the average or spot matches are just fun, and nearly every match on the ppv seems to have a good build or story behind it, so the story becomes part of the match and helps carry it.

I guess it is easier to do that when you don't have a ppv every 3 weeks.
Really enjoyed that PPV despite my interest waning for the last couple of matches (Skipped Jade Cargill as well obviously).

I do agree that Page is a bit beige as a champion and they're really trying to put him over big as well. Whoever said it was all about the chase with him was damn right. Match was ok but I was burnt out by then and all I remember was a load of superkicks.

Anyway, Jericho v Kingston was really solid. Probably the best either of them have looked in AEW and the stiff Japanese style match suited them both.

House of Black v Death Triangle and the three way tag team title match were both great fun. Commentators were right to say The Young Bucks were on it and they usually do deliver on the PPV's.

Punk v MJF was decent. The chain whips were especially brutal. Likewise Mox and Danielson and I'm glad/hope that they do go down the alliance route between them as that's far more interesting to see than just another feud from the off.

I see that Darby and Sammy are still competing to see who can die first on live tv.

The ladder match was a bit meh. Was that Wardlow's turn btw or is there more to come? I was expecting Spears to come out at least and whack him with a chair.
Say what you want about WWE relying on old stars. SCSA returning has me hyped beyond belief.
Maybe I am in minority but it doesn't exite me one bit and this is from someone who love SCSA. It will just be Stone cold's appearing and giving some stunners to KO. The issue is things like that hardly elevates anyone and that has been the biggest problem with WWE. They rely on nostalgia acts too much that now those nostalgia acts have become stale. Take away Roman and Brock, everyone else looks like chump and that is never a good thing.
Maybe I am in minority but it doesn't exite me one bit and this is from someone who love SCSA. It will just be Stone cold's appearing and giving some stunners to KO. The issue is things like that hardly elevates anyone and that has been the biggest problem with WWE. They rely on nostalgia acts too much that now those nostalgia acts have become stale. Take away Roman and Brock, everyone else looks like chump and that is never a good thing.

Not everything is wrestling has to elevate someone. Stone Cold coming out and having a brawl with Owens isn't burying anyone. This isn't Golberg spearing and pinning The Fiend in 30 seconds.

Mania is about these big moments, it's the reason it'll outsell any AEW show this year regardless of how many 5 star matches they stack on their cards.