Television The Propgropthrop

That would be great. It doesn't even need to be anyone 'huge', like you say, just somebody who is a current WWE wrestler. That really would be a game changer.

If it's anyone who has been publicly released by WWE, then it's going to fall flat IMO.

It'll be Jeff Hardy and the internet will pretend it's a huge deal. AEW don't need any new talent either. How many debuts have they had in the last year?

Tbf, is there any reason why this isn't a thing?

Just not in the business model. AEW would undoubtable get sued as well if they tried to do anything. Khan might be stupid enough to want to get into a legal battle to impress the IWC though.
I really really hope it's not Jeff. I want AEW to succeed. But bringing in Ex-WWE who aren't going to be top guys, especially ageing ones, is just going to make them look like TNA 2.0 to the casual fan.

AEW do not need to sign Jeff Hardy, when they can attract talent like Moxley, Punk, Danielson, Cole etc
It'll be Jeff Hardy and the internet will pretend it's a huge deal. AEW don't need any new talent either. How many debuts have they had in the last year?

Just not in the business model. AEW would undoubtable get sued as well if they tried to do anything. Khan might be stupid enough to want to get into a legal battle to impress the IWC though.

If it's Jeff Hardy the IWC will most definitely not make it out as a big deal. And why would they get sued for attempting to buy out a contract legally?

Why do you all care so much?
Why don't you care enough?
Why don't you care enough?

Because i'm not a weirdo who thinks pro wrestling is an actual sport? You're acting like AEW is City and WWE is United. These two things aren't the same. It's just a couple of companies run by very rich men with no attachment to towns, cities or the people that follow them.
Because i'm not a weirdo who thinks pro wrestling is an actual sport? You're acting like AEW is City and WWE is United. These two things aren't the same. It's just a couple of companies run by very rich men with no attachment to towns, cities or the people that follow them.

Says the guy with a Drew McIntyre inspired username.
Because i'm not a weirdo who thinks pro wrestling is an actual sport? You're acting like AEW is City and WWE is United. These two things aren't the same. It's just a couple of companies run by very rich men with no attachment to towns, cities or the people that follow them.
Are buying out contracts exclusive only to sports? Could you point me to that law please?

Are you bored? Having a bad day?
I suspect it'll be Balor, Cesaro or Ali. Someone we believe is contracted to WWE. This is being talked about as a game changer. I don't think it's because it's anyone uber massive but because Khan, intimately familiar with the football transfer system as DOF of Fulham, has negotiated (under a non disclosure clause) and bought out a WWE contract. Yep, I'm thinking transfers will now become a thing in wrestling.

Imagine all 3 of Finn Balor, Cesaro and Mustafa Ali debuting on Dynamite tonight as a faction. All of their contracts bought out by TK for like 2 million or something.
Never happening to the point it doesn’t make sense. WWE would have to inform investors etc the minute this happened I would have thought.
When a football transfer happens you don’t have Utd claiming a mystery star will be starting at 3pm so tune in and find out
Why do you all care so much?
Because i'm not a weirdo who thinks pro wrestling is an actual sport? You're acting like AEW is City and WWE is United. These two things aren't the same. It's just a couple of companies run by very rich men with no attachment to towns, cities or the people that follow them.

I'm not really all that bothered about it all but this is definitely silly. It's no different to people who talk about TV shows, music, movies etc. Definitely doesn't make anybody a weirdo for discussing somebody possibly signing for a company or something related to the topic. Why wouldn't they discuss something to do with wrestling in a wrestling thread and care about it if they're wrestling fans? if anything it's a bit weird to get your back up and be bothered about people having an interest in something.
Never happening to the point it doesn’t make sense. WWE would have to inform investors etc the minute this happened I would have thought.
When a football transfer happens you don’t have Utd claiming a mystery star will be starting at 3pm so tune in and find out

To be fair, it would be the person leaking the team news, as United are clueless as to whom is playing half the time, that's even during the match.
Tony Khan talking to PWInsider

Tonight's Surprise vs. previous debuts such as CM Punk and Bryan Danielson:

"It's really exciting that we're in this position right now. I think it's a little bit of apples and oranges because CM Punk as the first dance is a very specific example where we made it very clear it was going to be him and I wouldn't have brought out anybody else. There are other huge stars in wrestling that would've been great debuts on any other night, but that was not the night for those people. That's a little bit different. Here, I don't think I've exactly been so specific about who's coming, but I said it's going to be a major signing for us and I think it's going to be a very exciting night. Like I said, I have opened the forbidden door and I don't want to say exactly what's going to happen or when it's going to happen, but it's going to be an eventful night. And I hope that people get their expectations met. And frankly, I've seen a lot of other speculations and there's a lot of great names out there. And anything we do on this particular Wednesday night Dynamite, it doesn't limit us in the future from finding some of these other people. There's a lot of exciting names and opening the forbidden door there will allow to these big names. So there are a lot of possibilities and I don't want to get too specific on the speculation, but there's going to be somebody who's going to sign with AEW going forward and be a part of the company and as I also said, I would open the forbidden door, and without getting too specific to what that mean is, it's definitely opened up some speculation, but I think in a good way and I would be nervous or I wouldn't be feeling good right now if I didn't believe that we have the people in hand and they're going to be in Atlantic city. But we do have those people. So it's going to be a really fun night for the fans, I think, and also be some great wrestling on the card and a lot to look forward to. There's been some stuff, like I said, that's been announced. But there's also going to be some other really exciting things on the show that have not been announced yet, more than one exciting thing on the show that have not been announced. So I'm really looking forward to this."
It’s probably going to be Keith Lee.

Who I like, but not worth this amount of hype.
It’s probably going to be Keith Lee.

Who I like, but not worth this amount of hype.

I was just about to post Keith Lee is a strong contender and would be a disappointment given the hype.

Tony Khan


The Forbidden Door can be opened for anyone from any wrestling promotion in the world, whether or not it’s a company
is on good terms with, even if it’s someone from a company that’s open for business. They’re also welcome to slam the door in the face of their prior company.
I think it will be Jeff Hardy is announced, he deffo can't appear in person.
Seems now there are likely 2 new signings tonight.

One has been mentioned for sure and it isn't JH
I'm not really all that bothered about it all but this is definitely silly. It's no different to people who talk about TV shows, music, movies etc. Definitely doesn't make anybody a weirdo for discussing somebody possibly signing for a company or something related to the topic. Why wouldn't they discuss something to do with wrestling in a wrestling thread and care about it if they're wrestling fans? if anything it's a bit weird to get your back up and be bothered about people having an interest in something.

Are you sure though because you seem a little bit bothered?

There's a constant undertone in this thread that reminds me of a football rivalry whatever side it's coming from and I just find it kind of pathetic. If you like wrestling then really why do you care what promotion it is? You either enjoy or you don't surely?

I agree it's a forum and you should feel free to comment on anything but I get tired of coming into this thread and reading pages of weird fanboi nonsense from the same posters over and over again. I mean it's sad enough that grown adults still watch it never mind argue about it surely?
Jeff Hardy can appear and sign, its just WWE has legal rights to sue which TK could also deal with legally and with money. Its just the 90 days, rather than an active contract and a poached talent breaking it so it wouldnt be anywhere near as big a deal.

Anyone building it up to being someone "bigger" than that is being disingenuous. TK's comments even tell you, Punk was built up so you knew it was him and the event was named to suggest him. People like Cena, Batista, etc will be advertised ahead of time to make sure they get the biggest rating using their name value.

Jeff Hardy is in a different tier. He can still do some stuff in the ring and the fans still reacted to him as a big deal in WWE even when he was losing. He's a bit closer to that Christian tier that had the similar build up to this one.

It does sound like more than one person will show up so I'm going to go with Jeff Hardy signs in the middle of the ring and Keith Lee is also on the show maybe in a match
Are you sure though because you seem a little bit bothered?

There's a constant undertone in this thread that reminds me of a football rivalry whatever side it's coming from and I just find it kind of pathetic. If you like wrestling then really why do you care what promotion it is? You either enjoy or you don't surely?

I agree it's a forum and you should feel free to comment on anything but I get tired of coming into this thread and reading pages of weird fanboi nonsense from the same posters over and over again. I mean it's sad enough that grown adults still watch it never mind argue about it surely?
Literally wtf are you on about? Point out exactly what posts about the debut tonight have an undertone of rivalry? From what I can see everyone is excited! Literally who's arguing?

Are you that bored in life you have to go on internet forum and tell everyone they're sad for watching something they like?

If you find it so sad and pathetic, you literally have no obligation to come into the thread. Absolutely no one is forcing you to read or comment. I find it more pathetic (and somewhat cnuty) that you come in to post that nonsense cus you've had a bad day.
Because i'm not a weirdo who thinks pro wrestling is an actual sport? You're acting like AEW is City and WWE is United. These two things aren't the same. It's just a couple of companies run by very rich men with no attachment to towns, cities or the people that follow them.
Genuinely not sure if you meant this to have a double meaning, but you could easily be referring to City, United, Abu Dhabi and the Glazers here.
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Literally wtf are you on about? Point out exactly what posts about the debut tonight have an undertone of rivalry? From what I can see everyone is excited! Literally who's arguing?

Are you that bored in life you have to go on internet forum and tell everyone they're sad for watching something they like?

If you find it so sad and pathetic, you literally have no obligation to come into the thread. Absolutely no one is forcing you to read or comment. I find it more pathetic (and somewhat cnuty) that you come in to post that nonsense cus you've had a bad day.

:lol: I can't believe you typed that.

Especially in a post that wasn't even replying to you. Who's had the bad day here again?
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Prediction for tonight.

Jeff Hardy is seen staggering around outside the building throwing up. Back in the arena, Keith Lee comes out, suddenly Ryback attacks him out of nowhere, destroys him, then suddenly John Cena runs down, throws his little towel in Rybacks face, hits the FU and is handed the title.

Oh wait, sorry, it isn't Vince's Show.
Well that was underwhelming :rolleyes:

New Japans Switchblade aka Jay White & Keith Lee
Despite people going over the top with their suggestions to ridiculous suggestions like Cena, Shan, etc. Khan did build it up to the same sort of level he did before with Christian. That was a let down and you would think he'd have learned his lesson, but turns out he did it again. I guess the excitement building for a one off higher rating is seen as worth it, but now people will think twice the next time he builds something up. He did have credit after Punk and Danielson.

While both probably able to have better matches and longer careers with AEW, Jeff Hardy is a much bigger star and would have been far more talked about. Not delivering someone with that exposure after the buildup isnt good. Technically Jay White is the forbidden door, he's contracted to NJPW. The strange one to me is the way TK talked about someone turning their back on WWE. Lee was released.

At least he admits it

Jay White storyline with Cole and the Elite, could lead to the Elite vs White and G.O.D which... we'll have to see. I like White but the Bullet Club hype is long past with the current day members.

Keith Lee another big guy who can have a good match, guess hes around the TNT title mix

Now all that said about the surprises, because its what people will talk about. But other than the surprises not being as big as I had expected, I did really like the show. Thought it was a great Dynamite and very entertaining. Just didnt have the fireworks of a big signing like was advertised...
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Are you sure though because you seem a little bit bothered?

There's a constant undertone in this thread that reminds me of a football rivalry whatever side it's coming from and I just find it kind of pathetic. If you like wrestling then really why do you care what promotion it is? You either enjoy or you don't surely?

I agree it's a forum and you should feel free to comment on anything but I get tired of coming into this thread and reading pages of weird fanboi nonsense from the same posters over and over again. I mean it's sad enough that grown adults still watch it never mind argue about it surely?

Mate I can promise you I’m not bothered in the slightest. My love for wrestling or at least for today’s product is lower than it’s ever been if I’m completely honest.
Despite people going over the top with their suggestions to ridiculous suggestions like Cena, Shan, etc. Khan did build it up to the same sort of level he did before with Christian. That was a let down and you would think he'd have learned his lesson, but turns out he did it again. I guess the excitement building for a one off higher rating is seen as worth it, but now people will think twice the next time he builds something up. He did have credit after Punk and Danielson.

While both probably able to have better matches and longer careers with AEW, Jeff Hardy is a much bigger star and would have been far more talked about. Not delivering someone with that exposure after the buildup isnt good. Technically Jay White is the forbidden door, he's contracted to NJPW. The strange one to me is the way TK talked about someone turning their back on WWE. Lee was released.

At least he admits it

Jay White storyline with Cole and the Elite, could lead to the Elite vs White and G.O.D which... we'll have to see. I like White but the Bullet Club hype is long past with the current day members.

Keith Lee another big guy who can have a good match, guess hes around the TNT title mix

Now all that said about the surprises, because its what people will talk about. But other than the surprises not being as big as I had expected, I did really like the show. Thought it was a great Dynamite and very entertaining. Just didnt have the fireworks of a big signing like was advertised...

I agree with all of this. I can only speak on Lee because I’ve never watched NJPW, but Lee is a good, solid signing, who has a lot of supporters. But the hype was unjustfied
Overhype and under deliver because he couldn’t act like an adult on Twitter.
Yeah, Keith Lee leaked about 2 hours before the show and then the JW was a surprise, but this whole forbidden door stuff is just stupid.

Makes no sense and it was stolen from someone who used that to describe a big Royal Rumble surprise that never happened either.

At this point, there are literally no big surprises that can be had.

Wrestlers are under contract today unlike in the early days of the attitude era where wrestlers could switch overnight at free will.