Television The Propgropthrop

Other than Edge's entrance was anything on this show worth watching? A lot of the matches seem either terrible or dissapointing.

Also where's Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn? I also thought Keith Lee was back too.

Keith Lee is only doing dark matches as a heel, to figure out a new direction for him, cos Vincent killed him.

I thought I saw KO on twitter at Summerslam?

Build a star in Bianca to then have her squashed in 5 seconds ruining not only all the hard work they put into her but also the return of one of their biggest stars.

They did exactly the same to Kofi when brock came back and pinned him in about 10 seconds, they also did it to Bray/Fiend with Goldberg who the hell thinks this shit is a good idea? having part timers wrestle once every 3 months and when they do it’s a squash match against somebody who‘s carried the belt for 6 months prior.

Probably won’t be a squash but we’re getting the same stuff with Broc vs Roman (again) the world title picture always features part time wrestlers its daft.

I don’t care about this WWE vs AEW stuff the truth is I’ve rarely watched anything for 12 months but damn is WWE fecking rubbish.
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Brock looked a million bucks with his new look. Will we see face Lesnar for the first time since.. 03?
I’d like to apologise to Bray Wyatt for everything bad I said about The Fiend. It was a rubbish gimmick, but I’d watch it for hours before I’d watch five minutes of the replacement.

Of course the moment they’re fighting over a fecking doll is the moment my dad pops into the room. Thanks WWE, now I look weird.
Brock looked a million bucks with his new look. Will we see face Lesnar for the first time since.. 03?

He sort of was a face in 2015, especially during the buildup to the Undertaker match at SummerSlam, when Taker was the one playing the heel with the low blows on Lesnar, whom he couldn't handle.
Just seen Becky’s return. It’s great to have her back, but why do they need to bury Bianca and Carmella? The simple fact that Becky is back is enough, you don’t need to belittle two of your other wrestlers to get her back over, she couldn’t be more over!

It’s so frustrating.
Carmella is shite, who cares about her being buried? The crowd reaction to her said everything. She got an anti-pop.

I don't like Bianca anyway so I don't care if she's buried to be honest but the criticisms are at least valid. It shouldn't have been a 10 second loss.

I hope Becky leans into the inevitable internet whinging and turns heel.
I don’t really care about Carmella, and from the commentary neither do WWE, but everything she did on SummerSlam was pointless. Just have Becky come straight out!
Keith Lee is only doing dark matches as a heel, to figure out a new direction for him, cos Vincent killed him.

I thought I saw KO on twitter at Summerslam?
Keith lee is shite. Like a lot of nxt wrestlers, beyond decent entrance music and good wrestling not much going on with the charisma and mic skills.
They are going to have Goldberg beat lashley in Saudi aren't they? Ugh

Brock coming out to go face to face with lashley would have been awesome but I guess Roman has no opponents
It's funny in 2021 the main challengers for the top titles are Brock and Goldberg (and Cena for a month)

Cena/reigns was decent but I guess WWE were more interested in the 'moments' of Becky and Brock coming back
Wonder what prompted that ?

Keith lee is shite. Like a lot of nxt wrestlers, beyond decent entrance music and good wrestling not much going on with the charisma and mic skills.
Never thought I'd see Keith Lee being described as having no charisma
They are going to have Goldberg beat lashley in Saudi aren't they? Ugh

Brock coming out to go face to face with lashley would have been awesome but I guess Roman has no opponents
It's funny in 2021 the main challengers for the top titles are Brock and Goldberg (and Cena for a month)

Cena/reigns was decent but I guess WWE were more interested in the 'moments' of Becky and Brock coming back
Wonder what prompted that ?

Never thought I'd see Keith Lee being described as having no charisma

Classic Vince, ruin everyone and have no Top contenders that matter.

Only thing they can do with Lashley or Brock is have Big E take the title from them.

Orton only other guy maybe who is viable as a world champion.

Also, I hope Fin Balor feuds with Cena after he stole his title shot.
Classic Vince, ruin everyone and have no Top contenders that matter.

Only thing they can do with Lashley or Brock is have Big E take the title from them.

Orton only other guy maybe who is viable as a world champion.

Also, I hope Fin Balor feuds with Cena after he stole his title shot.

AJ Styles could get that level of push, with a bit of work to reestablish him as a main eventer, but right now with Omos I can’t see him turning face.

feck it, just make the Extreme Rules main event Lashley vs Akira Tozawa in a deathmatch. It’s what the fans want.
Classic Vince, ruin everyone and have no Top contenders that matter.

Only thing they can do with Lashley or Brock is have Big E take the title from them.

Orton only other guy maybe who is viable as a world champion.

Also, I hope Fin Balor feuds with Cena after he stole his title shot.
Recent WWEs top title challengers (or who could be if they moved out of tag teams):

Roman - 36
Cena - 44 (part timer)
Brock - 44 (part timer)
Lashley - 45
McIntyre - 36
Orton - 41 (tag)
Rey - 46 (tag)
Edge - 47 (part timer)
Seth - 35
AJ - 44 (tag)
Kofi - 40

And Big E has MITB and hes 35.
Just watching Rampage now. Christ, I don't think I've seen WWE elicit anything close to that sort of response to someone in years.
Miss Flair will become the first 17 time World Champ
Looking like it.

I always felt that they'd get randy to 16 and have him face off with Cena for 17.

But looking like flair will be the first to do it regardless.
Recent WWEs top title challengers (or who could be if they moved out of tag teams):

Roman - 36
Cena - 44 (part timer)
Brock - 44 (part timer)
Lashley - 45
McIntyre - 36
Orton - 41 (tag)
Rey - 46 (tag)
Edge - 47 (part timer)
Seth - 35
AJ - 44 (tag)
Kofi - 40

And Big E has MITB and hes 35.

If only they had a show that was developing younger guys, honing their gimmicks so when they moved up they were already very over. Then it's just a matter of bulding them a bit more before challenging for the top titles.

Surely at this point those who held out hope because of NXTs possible influence on the main roster will start the give up. At least I have. Really feels like it's all come to a head with WWEs mass releases including guys like Andrade and Black, rumoured direction changes in NXT and guys getting released without HHH even knowing beforehand whilst AEW appear to be going from strength to strength and pulled off a move even WWE couldn't.
NXT Reboot happening

During a sit-down interview with Ariel Helwani, WWE President Nick Khan confirmed's report that WWE was seeking to completely change and shift WWE NXT going forward.

"In terms of an NXT rebrand, look for it in the next couple of weeks," said Khan. "It’s going to have a whole new look. It’s going to have a whole new feel, and we believe because a lot of the "indy wrestlers", if you will, have come through our system and are in our system with Smackdown and Raw now, we don’t want to just keep doing that same thing, we want to look elsewhere for great young talent.”
NXT Reboot happening

During a sit-down interview with Ariel Helwani, WWE President Nick Khan confirmed's report that WWE was seeking to completely change and shift WWE NXT going forward.

"In terms of an NXT rebrand, look for it in the next couple of weeks," said Khan. "It’s going to have a whole new look. It’s going to have a whole new feel, and we believe because a lot of the "indy wrestlers", if you will, have come through our system and are in our system with Smackdown and Raw now, we don’t want to just keep doing that same thing, we want to look elsewhere for great young talent.”
This should be... Something

Big young guys. Wwes future Is saved
So is tonight going to be the last proper Takeover? Worth watching just for Walter vs Ilja.
The takeover run has been amazing
Obviously the pandemic ones weren't the same due to the lack of crowds

But takeover always felt special. Is tonight's one in front of a proper crowd or what?

Edit: ah just read performance centre
Thats a shame
Banks / Lynch news

Although it was well known Lynch would be at Summerslam (as we broke she would be at the PPV several weeks ago), she was hidden all day in advance of her ring entrance in an attempt to prevent her return from leaking. The Carmella appearance was to swerve fans before unveiling Lynch.

The Banks issue led to Lynch returning weeks ahead of schedule as she was originally slated to return full-time in October.

The quick Lynch victory was designed to pop the fans who were expecting Banks vs. Bianca and instead give them the return of a major name. We are told it was 100% a Vince McMahon call and the title switch to Lynch was specifically designed to make her return even more spectacular. It should be noted that the quick nature of the match (27 seconds) was seen by a number of fans as taking the wind out of the sails of Bianca Belair, but we are told that even though some in the company expressed that concern beforehand, the idea was that the moment was about Lynch per Vince McMahon's vision for the PPV.

The current plan is for Lynch to be on the Smackdown brand going forward.

For those who have asked about Belair's push, we are told last night's PPV match was not an indication of Belair being taken down a notch. It was simply how WWE decided to react to the Sasha Banks situation and the need for a substitution on one of the biggest shows of the year.

For those wondering why WWE kept promoting Sasha Banks vs. Bianca Belair when they knew it wasn't going to happen, we are told that the decision was made to keep promoting the bout as a way to make the Lynch return a "bigger" moment, feeling it was a suitable substitution that would catch the fans by surprise.

I still think that advertising a major match, knowing it was never going to happen, was a really poor decision by Vince and Becky could still have been used and perhaps gained more interest by promoting it within those last 7 to 8 days.
Banks / Lynch news

Although it was well known Lynch would be at Summerslam (as we broke she would be at the PPV several weeks ago), she was hidden all day in advance of her ring entrance in an attempt to prevent her return from leaking. The Carmella appearance was to swerve fans before unveiling Lynch.

The Banks issue led to Lynch returning weeks ahead of schedule as she was originally slated to return full-time in October.

The quick Lynch victory was designed to pop the fans who were expecting Banks vs. Bianca and instead give them the return of a major name. We are told it was 100% a Vince McMahon call and the title switch to Lynch was specifically designed to make her return even more spectacular. It should be noted that the quick nature of the match (27 seconds) was seen by a number of fans as taking the wind out of the sails of Bianca Belair, but we are told that even though some in the company expressed that concern beforehand, the idea was that the moment was about Lynch per Vince McMahon's vision for the PPV.

The current plan is for Lynch to be on the Smackdown brand going forward.

For those who have asked about Belair's push, we are told last night's PPV match was not an indication of Belair being taken down a notch. It was simply how WWE decided to react to the Sasha Banks situation and the need for a substitution on one of the biggest shows of the year.

For those wondering why WWE kept promoting Sasha Banks vs. Bianca Belair when they knew it wasn't going to happen, we are told that the decision was made to keep promoting the bout as a way to make the Lynch return a "bigger" moment, feeling it was a suitable substitution that would catch the fans by surprise.

I still think that advertising a major match, knowing it was never going to happen, was a really poor decision by Vince and Becky could still have been used and perhaps gained more interest by promoting it within those last 7 to 8 days.
They could have said Sasha is out and they will name a replacement on Sunday at the ppv
Then they could have done their scenario
Yet again, NXT has been delivering a great Takeover. What a match that was between Walter and Dragunov!
You could drop Walter in any era of wrestling and he'd be a standout. Amazing match.
Well I guess good bye Adam Cole. Hopefully the destination is AEW. Basically anywhere but Raw or Smackdown.
So long NXT. It great while it lasted. They had the greatest run of PPVs that any promotion had ever produced and it came to an end tonight with a very good TakeOver. Thank you Vince McMahon for destroying NXT.
Kross will move to RAW full time now and will be released within 18 months.

It feels like WWE is on the cusp of the end, churning out constant shit and closing the doors to the one good thing they had with NXT.

Obviously I know this isn’t ‘the end’ for WWE. But more so than ever before, they need a change at the top and a new direction.