Television The Propgropthrop

On one hand I find letting go of some the talent they have absolutely ludicrous, but on the other, they fecking hoard talent so it's not the worst thing.
Still... Letting them go when they are making huge huge profit (record profit) at a time when independents aren't running (again that might have changed recently) sucks

Saying that braun told others to get another job so yeah would be funny if he has to do it
The braun and black releases are bizarre.

If they’d released black a month ago, prior to him redebuting... it’d have still been a dumb decision, but it would’ve been a bit more understandable
There are 2 female tag teams on the main roster now.

Santana Garrett was one of the women who was supposed to be moving from NXT to the main roster and she just got fired. So maybe they'll throw up a bunch of women from NXT and stick them together
Braun can go back to strongman. Said he loved it but it didnt pay enough so he changed profession. Now if he can't get WWE money he might just do what he wants to do
Braun can go back to strongman. Said he loved it but it didnt pay enough so he changed profession. Now if he can't get WWE money he might just do what he wants to do
Pretty sure he has a long term injury that means he could never do it. Plus he has said multiple times he hated himself at the weight required to compete and was one of the lowest points in his life. So I can’t see him doing that to himself again.
Glad to see him. Don’t think partnering him with Vickie is necessary.
There are 2 female tag teams on the main roster now.

Santana Garrett was one of the women who was supposed to be moving from NXT to the main roster and she just got fired. So maybe they'll throw up a bunch of women from NXT and stick them together

Is she the one married to a pedo?
Is she the one married to a pedo?

I dont think so. Her marriage pictures from 2019 look like she married someone completely different. She was one of the people defending Chasyn Rance during the time's up speaking out stuff though
The kind of arithmetic Dave goes through to deflect from AEW hitting 400k viewers...

AEW needs that permanent move where they wont be changed around (and in a consistent timeslot)
Their show is much better than Raw. I like elements of SD and NXT but overall AEW Dynamite is better. Its more fun and not as dour and depressing as the WWE shows.

Saying that AEW missed an opportunity. A new show that brought lapsed fans back and so much interest. They had about 1.5m viewers for their first show but not being as 'sports based' as they promised has been an issue I think.
Meltzer has always talked about DVR numbers as well as live viewership. AEW has always been high with the DVR numbers. These are the details you get from the observer newsletter

Being moved to Fridays because of the sports on Wednesdays is obviously killing the live numbers. Not good numbers at all. And the new second show Rampage will be on a friday when it comes out.

The move of network is obviously because of this pre-emption so that it can continue being on Wednesday every week and not being moved around for bigger sports
Great main event for In Your House. Some people dont seem keen on Kross and the entrance does nothing for me, but I find him entertaining enough in his role as the bigger man especially in a match like this one
LA Knight is the best thing in wrestling right now. He's got a real old-school charisma about him. He's not at that level obviously but he reminds me of The Rock a little. It's a shame he's pushing 40.
Best wishes to Don West, who has been diagnosed with a brain lymphoma. Always loved his passionate brand of commentary.
Best wishes to Don West, who has been diagnosed with a brain lymphoma. Always loved his passionate brand of commentary.
Damn, that sucks. He was always enthusiastic for the job.

Him calling Tenay a selfish prick was great :lol:
Vice released their Chyna documentary including footage from the doc that was being shot in the weeks leading up to her death
Alexa Papa Shango in 2021 doesn't do it for me. Just doesn't have the character to make me suspend belief and believe something supernatural is going on. Should have stayed with Harley Quinn rather than going Enchantress
Charlotte flair kicking "John Cena" During her match with rhea was hilarious
Is it worth watching hell in a cell or is it another PPV where Ill begrudge the lost time afterwards?
Alexa Papa Shango in 2021 doesn't do it for me. Just doesn't have the character to make me suspend belief and believe something supernatural is going on. Should have stayed with Harley Quinn rather than going Enchantress
Generally they fecked something that was kind of interesting for a minute before they put in all this hoodoo rubbish. It’s gone on too long without any action in the ring and given she went from dominating Askua (womans champ) being jumped in the Rumble and dealt with to this is what is wrong with WWE. Never actually capture the right moment to do something.

I know they had to change the plans and stuff due to Brey’s mental health issues but feck me. At least the Play and Pain thing was kinda entertaining.

Just seems like they trying to fill the void of the undertaker with some trash.
Generally they fecked something that was kind of interesting for a minute before they put in all this hoodoo rubbish. It’s gone on too long without any action in the ring and given she went from dominating Askua (womans champ) being jumped in the Rumble and dealt with to this is what is wrong with WWE. Never actually capture the right moment to do something.

I know they had to change the plans and stuff due to Brey’s mental health issues but feck me. At least the Play and Pain thing was kinda entertaining.

Just seems like they trying to fill the void of the undertaker with some trash.

Oh is that what happened? Bray not doing well?