Television The Propgropthrop

Can anyone send me a good quality link please? Struggling to find one.

But on the crap one I am on now, it said "Homecoming" and showed the Rock, Stone Cold but also Lita, so I take it she's making an appearance?
Apparently the dark match was ruled a no contest after the lumberjacks got involved and they turned it into a battle royale so that match was useless.

Wow. Fantastic spill by Del Rio.
anyone have a working sopcast stream? the myp2p streams are starting to go down already, probably most of them offline by the end of the first hour
In an update to the story we just broke, the Lumberjacks interfered in the US Title Dark Match between Sheamus and Daniel Bryan, Teddy Long came out and made the match a non-title Battle Royal with Sheamus, Daniel Bryan and all the Lumberjacks involved. So it appears that Sheamus vs Bryan could still take place on the main PPV card.

Could still happen
Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio - Late but would have picked this anyway.

The Miz vs. John Cena

Triple H vs. The Undertaker

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

Bit late, but those are mine. I'm also going to say that Cole goes through the announcers. That would make my day.
I preferred Edge when he was meant to be a heal character. Well I actually preferred him when he was mid carder when there were actually good characters
Proof that Smackdown is utter bollox.
Cody Rhodes out now. This guy has been brilliant these last few weeks on Smackdown.
Booyaka booyaka. Sounds like a crap storyline.