Television The Propgropthrop

Recently I have been watching a load of old wrestling shows I remember from when I younger, (Stone Cold getting hit by a car etc) and I have been really enjoying it. I also listened to quite a few podcasts, again mostly about the attitude era and the years which followed it.

But while I have found that I am really interested in reading and hearing about the past of WWE, I watched some more recent videos and it just isn't doing anything for me.

There is a recent video of the entire Smackdown lineup having a brawl and some of it just looked pathetic, without even a vague suggestion that there was actual contact. Which is fine, but it feels an awful long way from the glory days of Stone Cold, Undertaker and Triple H. The fault is probably with me, rather than with modern WWE
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The fact Meltzer still has Benoit in his HoF means it has all the prestige of a little flag in a pile of dog shit.

It actually shows how legit it is.

They had a vote for taking him out of the hall of fame in 2008, but the same majority needed to vote someone in (60%) wasnt reached. So against his own wishes Benoit is in the hall of fame.

He got 53% which is the majority but not enough and not even within a few percent of the number needed to make it happen.

So despite his own feelings that he shouldnt be in the hall of fame, he has to keep him in there and face the backlash for it

WWE hall of fame Vince just decides someone should go in, nobody else gets an opinion and theres no criteria other than WWE saying you're going in.

Meanwhile WON sends ballots to people who he doesnt even get along with, who hate him and they have the chance to send their vote and Meltzer himself has to have people in there he doesnt want in there. For example Cornette has hated Meltzer for a while now, since the first few months of AEW and he was still sent a ballot to have his say because he's still a respected opinion in wrestling even if there arent too many who agree with him.
NXT Takeover is shaping up nicely. On paper, some very good matches to come.
NXT Takeover is shaping up nicely. On paper, some very good matches to come.
Takeovers miss fans. Used to be part of what made it electric. Last few had some fun matches, but its not the same with wrestlers pretending to be fans.
A lot of ruthless aggression guys going into the HOF this year. Starting to feel a little old.
A lot of ruthless aggression guys going into the HOF this year. Starting to feel a little old.
Think RVD is going in as well

After praising WWE with what they were doing with the Hurt Business bit annoying that they had Benjamin & Alexander drop the belts and lose a 2:1 handicap match, looks like that those two are going to be removed from the Hurt Business in the coming weeks the Alexander will go back into obscurity rather than slowly building him to become the one to take down the Almighty.
Hurt business should have held the tag titles longer than a week after lashley won the main title
Was a great visual and would have been good them going into wm as champs before the eventual tag team break up @paulscholes18
Smackdown main event build up is on point. Just like that Edge feels like the big heel in the match and Bryan the big face.

Genuinely want to see Bryan do it again!
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I’m kinda getting a bit fed up of them inserting people in to matches that a Rumble winner is in. Feel like it makes the rumble pointless. Maybe I’m still pissed off from them inserting Charlotte in to the Becky vs Ronda match but basically seems like the same thing.

No way Roman is taking the Pin If they going to take the title off him.
I’m kinda getting a bit fed up of them inserting people in to matches that a Rumble winner is in. Feel like it makes the rumble pointless. Maybe I’m still pissed off from them inserting Charlotte in to the Becky vs Ronda match but basically seems like the same thing.

No way Roman is taking the Pin If they going to take the title off him.
I'm ok with it as the story has built to this. Edge is a better heel but WWE does a shocking job of knowing what makes a good guy a good guy.

McIntyre is the only one theyve done a good job with (and that includes a loss to the miz)

Wm looks like it's got some really good matches now
The two world title matches
The two women's title matches

Those 6 have me really interested
I’m kinda getting a bit fed up of them inserting people in to matches that a Rumble winner is in. Feel like it makes the rumble pointless. Maybe I’m still pissed off from them inserting Charlotte in to the Becky vs Ronda match but basically seems like the same thing.

No way Roman is taking the Pin If they going to take the title off him.
Don’t think it happens that often to be fair and it’s always reasonably explained except for Charlotte. I remember HBK/Triple H and some other bloke being in the triple threat at wm20 basically because HHH and HBK had a double count out at the Rumble. And Cena cashing his Rumble match early at no way out in 2008. And Bryan cos he was screwed basically. I actually have no recollection of what the reason was for Charlotte two years ago though :wenger:
Mick Foley got in..... for no reason whatsoever in what's considered the worse ME ever? And I've just watched the promo for that match, goddamn they did epic match promos back then, sometimes I kinda forget how utterly bonkers 99-01 was, mostly because of how normal it was.

Oddly enough, I really wanted Punk to gatecrash Once Twice in a lifetime for a triple threat.
I went into youtube darkness, and came across Deadly Game Survivor Series. Is that thebest booked wrestling long term storytelling thats ever happened in WWF? The whole thing from Austin being the corporate champ to being screwed out by Vince (then eventually shane after he got him his contract), to Foley the gullible corporate wannabe to a top face feuding with the Rock, who left the nation, was number 2 face and became top corporate heel champ (and thats not even counting Kane and Taker who were involved with the main event and usedby Vince but were smart enough to know he was using them because they both wanted the title)

The whole thing was brilliant. And I look at the ages of the guys involved around 98, and the oldest was Taker at 33.

I look at the ages of the main eventers now and the youngest is Rollins at 34. And for WM, reigns and mcintyre are 35, Bryan is 39, Lashley 44, Edge 47. Even KO/Zayn are 36 and AJ and Orton are 40+
out of all the top matches for WM, they are touting that this might be the first time in ages theres no part timers / old guys, but the regulars are still oldies. Bray is turning 34 in a month after WM as well.
In an interview with Lucha Libre Online's Hugo Savinovich, Andrade stated that WWE pulled Charlotte Flair from WrestleMania plans and advertising after she was mistakenly told by a WWE-affiliated doctor that she was pregnant.

After conducting home pregnancy tests and getting an ultrasound and blood work, Charlotte determined that she was not pregnant. The doctor then came to the same conclusion, but Andrade stated that WWE had already moved forward with plans without her.

In a statement credited to Charlotte Flair's camp, released to talkSport's Alex McCarthy, the camp said that Charlotte was medically suspended due to elevated HCG levels, which can indicate pregnancy.

The statement from Charlotte's camp reads in full:

"What Manny [Andrade] said about the pregnancy test in today's interview is true, but a significant amount of context is lost in translation and we'd like to clear that up as best we can.

A few weeks ago, Charlotte received a call from WWE medical telling her that her HCG levels had come back high and she was medically suspended for pregnancy.

That day, she took several home tests that all came back negative. A few days later, blood work and ultrasound confirmed there was no pregnancy.

This was before any issues with Covid (she is currently medically clear).

This put a lot in context for her, mainly how small a woman's career window is. The men are able to work well into their 50s while the women are seen as "older" in their early 30s even. For an athlete in her prime, these years mean everything.

Her issue was with the process and how the information was relayed as opposed to the information itself."

Of course, the possibility that Flair could still be added to WrestleMania in some form still exists.

Andrade also stated that in addition to Flair's positive COVID-19 test, he too tested positive for COVID a week before his WWE release.

He also went into detail about the infamous airplane incident in Saudi Arabia after the Crown Jewel show in October 2019, stating that he opted out of future trips to Saudi Arabia after the incident and skipped a follow-up meeting where WWE addressed the situation with talent.

Andrade sad that he spoke directly to Vince McMahon about the airplane issue and McMahon told him that it was an isolated incident.
I can't tell if he actually forgot or it was planned...

I think he actually forgot because Asuka is like "What the feck?"
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I can't tell if he actually forgot or it was planned...

I think he actually forgot because Asuka is like "What the feck?"

He looked straight at the camera (or the person behind the camera) when saying that, which makes me think that he actually forgot. With that said, this may probably become a part of his character now, so expect a bit of more this to come through.
I can't tell if he actually forgot or it was planned...

I think he actually forgot because Asuka is like "What the feck?"

Asuka looking at the camera is great.

I heard they broke up Hurt Business so they can bring in Corbin. So glad I dont watch.
Asuka looking at the camera is great.

I heard they broke up Hurt Business so they can bring in Corbin. So glad I dont watch.
Read someone saying that they're worried about Lashley getting cheered over Drew so they're sticking Corbin with him in an attempt to stop that from happening.
Read someone saying that they're worried about Lashley getting cheered over Drew so they're sticking Corbin with him in an attempt to stop that from happening.
They're shockingly out of touch with the audience if this is true.

They brought in Bryan and turned edge heel because they though Roman would get cheers over Edge.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm here for heel Edge, but what a bizarre reason.

It's first crowd back, he's still gonna get cheered :lol:
Remind me what he did?
Don't think Ive ever particularly rewatched the match, but Vince wasn't happy with it. Not sure what exactly he was unhappy with, but he did not like the match. It wasn't exactly memorable, but I didn't come away from it thinking it was a bad match, personally. It was initially going to be for the Universal title aswell, until they fecked it with Goldberg.
Don't think Ive ever particularly rewatched the match, but Vince wasn't happy with it. Not sure what exactly he was unhappy with, but he did not like the match. It wasn't exactly memorable, but I didn't come away from it thinking it was a bad match, personally. It was initially going to be for the Universal title aswell, until they fecked it with Goldberg.
Apparently, according to Jericho, Vince wanted KO to portray a certain kind of heel. But the match had him doing stuff off the top rope and that wasn't how Vincent had envisioned it going. I don't think it was anything actually to do with the match being bad at all even though Vince proclaimed it the "worst match in wrestlemania history". Seems he just decided to give KO a hard time for a bit. Jericho himself said he was shocked to hear vince didn't like it.
NXT is officially moving to Tuesdays, thus ending the Wednesday night "wars".
Apparently, according to Jericho, Vince wanted KO to portray a certain kind of heel. But the match had him doing stuff off the top rope and that wasn't how Vincent had envisioned it going. I don't think it was anything actually to do with the match being bad at all even though Vince proclaimed it the "worst match in wrestlemania history". Seems he just decided to give KO a hard time for a bit. Jericho himself said he was shocked to hear vince didn't like it.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

To quote meltzer:

"The Bad Bunny reaction is going to be interesting too. He's a celebrity... He's a celebrity to an audience and a giant celebrity to that audience but most people don't know who he is or some people might have seen him on the Grammy's or whatever. It's like a different.. he's an ethnic celebrity. He's a giant ethnic celebrity but a lot of people at Wrestlemania are not of that ethnicity... It's not like a celebrity that is a big celebrity but everybody in the culture knows. It's a completely different situation."

Dunno where to begin with that.
Read someone saying that they're worried about Lashley getting cheered over Drew so they're sticking Corbin with him in an attempt to stop that from happening.
Probably the reason why they making him look like a coward as well, so frustrating, take 1 step forward then 2 back

To quote meltzer:

"The Bad Bunny reaction is going to be interesting too. He's a celebrity... He's a celebrity to an audience and a giant celebrity to that audience but most people don't know who he is or some people might have seen him on the Grammy's or whatever. It's like a different.. he's an ethnic celebrity. He's a giant ethnic celebrity but a lot of people at Wrestlemania are not of that ethnicity... It's not like a celebrity that is a big celebrity but everybody in the culture knows. It's a completely different situation."

Dunno where to begin with that.

The culture he's referrring to of course is wrestling. A lot of the wrestling audience especially the one that will be at WM will know of him and his name, and know him from being on WWE tv but thats not the same as being huge fans of his music and seing him as a huge star. We'll see what the reaction is. It could be much better than he expects, it could be worse.

The anecdote with his son is obviously a tiny sample size

To quote meltzer:

"The Bad Bunny reaction is going to be interesting too. He's a celebrity... He's a celebrity to an audience and a giant celebrity to that audience but most people don't know who he is or some people might have seen him on the Grammy's or whatever. It's like a different.. he's an ethnic celebrity. He's a giant ethnic celebrity but a lot of people at Wrestlemania are not of that ethnicity... It's not like a celebrity that is a big celebrity but everybody in the culture knows. It's a completely different situation."

Dunno where to begin with that.

Not the first time Meltzer has posted something idiotic and racist.

To quote meltzer:

"The Bad Bunny reaction is going to be interesting too. He's a celebrity... He's a celebrity to an audience and a giant celebrity to that audience but most people don't know who he is or some people might have seen him on the Grammy's or whatever. It's like a different.. he's an ethnic celebrity. He's a giant ethnic celebrity but a lot of people at Wrestlemania are not of that ethnicity... It's not like a celebrity that is a big celebrity but everybody in the culture knows. It's a completely different situation."

Dunno where to begin with that.

He was itching to say "He's not a white celebrity" but he oh-so-elegantly tiptoed around that.

Even if he does appeal to certain demographics more (He hosted SNL so presumably he's plenty well-known anyway) last I checked WWE stood for World Wrestling Entertainment.

Meltzer is the same guy who equated using "mark" and the n-word, saying both are derogatory words. A few months back he was saying "Indian fans on YouTube are worthless to TV advertisers."

At worst he's a racist, at best he's a classless twat with zero tact.
:lol: You guys working so hard. Nobody has studied the demographics and data at least when it comes to tv numbers more than Meltzer at least outside of WWE. I'm sure WWE have people doing the exact same thing and coming to similar conclusions about who watches the show based on the numbers. WWE and NXT's tv audience is mainly 50+ white males... In America.

He's giving reasons for why he believes the fans might not see him as a huge deal contrary to how WWE obviously thinks of him and pushes him as a huge deal. And to do that you have to look at it from the perspective of the people who are watching. 50+ males in America

Having heard the show before seeing the twitter nonsense and the write up I know the context and how it was said, so I cant really put myself in the shoes of someone reading the words as has been typed out by the whiners. Maybe it does come across bad. But because I have listened to the show and know what he means, when I read it now it looks like people are getting out their pitchforks and trying to pretend its something it isnt.

Again he could be wrong and BB might get a huge response from the live fans, but what if he doesnt? I bet nobody gives credit for predicting it.
Again he could be wrong and BB might get a huge response from the live fans, but what if he doesnt? I bet nobody gives credit for predicting it.

Im confused, what is his actual prediction? That hes gonna be boo'd? Or that its gonna be silent?

From what ive both read and heard, he just said it will be interesting (to be honest, its so hard to listen to Meltzer because he cant formulate a sentence correctly and goes off in tangents then goes back to a point. Alvarez is so much better to listen to).
So how can somebody give him credit for something hes not sure about himself?

Unless he did actually give a prediction and outright say the reaction is going to be one way or another?

Thought the Hurt Business was looking good, just makes no sense to get rid of them now. Especially for the likes of Corbin.

Annoying right? Especially as Lashley just got the title, then within a week they lose the tag titles, and then the break up.
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Im confused, what is his actual prediction? That hes gonna be boo'd? Or that its gonna be silent?

That WWE think he's a huge deal/Superstar but he wont get the reaction of a huge deal at wrestlemania when the fans are back because to the fans in attendance he wont be a huge deal

From what ive both read and heard, he just said it will be interesting (to be honest, its so hard to listen to Meltzer because he cant formulate a sentence correctly and goes off in tangents then goes back to a point. Alvarez is so much better to listen to).
So how can somebody give him credit for something hes not sure about himself?

Unless he did actually give a prediction and outright say the reaction is going to be one way or another?

Annoying right? Especially as Lashley just got the title, then within a week they lose the tag titles, and then the break up.

So I guess you're right that its more of a feeling/suggestion than a "quote me" prediction. But still if he turns out to be right then he should get credit for his feeling/suggestion being true right? And if he gets it wrong and Bad Bunny gets a huge reaction and is the talk of the night then his feeling/suggestion was wrong.
Its a really really weird take. The whole thing is WWE is 50+ white male fans. So if Bad Bunny doesnt appeal to them, maybe he will appeal to people who may end up watching WM and thus attracting new fans? I mean, isnt that the goal.

Isnt that why AEW used Shaq? Or why WWE used Tyson years and years ago?

They want to attract people and hope some at least stay cos they like something else whilst waiting for BB? BB will probably boo'd, thats my prediction anyway.
:lol: You guys working so hard. Nobody has studied the demographics and data at least when it comes to tv numbers more than Meltzer at least outside of WWE. I'm sure WWE have people doing the exact same thing and coming to similar conclusions about who watches the show based on the numbers. WWE and NXT's tv audience is mainly 50+ white males... In America.

He's giving reasons for why he believes the fans might not see him as a huge deal contrary to how WWE obviously thinks of him and pushes him as a huge deal. And to do that you have to look at it from the perspective of the people who are watching. 50+ males in America

Having heard the show before seeing the twitter nonsense and the write up I know the context and how it was said, so I cant really put myself in the shoes of someone reading the words as has been typed out by the whiners. Maybe it does come across bad. But because I have listened to the show and know what he means, when I read it now it looks like people are getting out their pitchforks and trying to pretend its something it isnt.

Again he could be wrong and BB might get a huge response from the live fans, but what if he doesnt? I bet nobody gives credit for predicting it.
What does this have to do with being an "ethnic' celebrity?

That's literally not a thing.