Television The Propgropthrop

The best thing about raw right now is that I genuinely don't know what's going to happen next week.

The way WWE Creative usually eases up after Mania, there's every chance they dont know what's going to happen next week yet either.

I think it's accepted that Rock won't be there for a little while now, Brock will be making 2 appearances a month minimum so I believe he'll definitely be there and we'll get the follow-up. They HAVE to open with Brock next week. I expect Punk will cut one hell of a promo on Jericho after that angle last night, I can't wait for that too.
tbh in the attitute era, the wrestlers were so juiced and writers so coked up that they didn't know what was happening either. What made it so exciting probably.

Jericho/Punk should go to a new level of brilliance though, though Punk winning clean at WM makes this continuation kinda iffy really, but they can't just drop it, its too good.
Just watching Raw now, the YES chants for The Rock :lol: Bryan better not be getting buried!
Ziggler selling the toss into the turnbuckle :lol:


What a man!
I knew it was coming, but my god I marked out big style when Brock's music started.

Decent Raw, crowd was immense, and Henry vs Punk was just ridiculously pointless, also I am very surprised that they acknowledged A-Trains previous tenure, even if they didn't mention who he was.
Finished Raw, crowd made it entertaining.

Are they just using Cena vs old wrestlers now. Kids cheer Cena and everyone else cheers the returning wrestler?
That would require The Rock to actually spend some time in the WWE, not gonna happen.

tbh in the attitute era, the wrestlers were so juiced and writers so coked up that they didn't know what was happening either. What made it so exciting probably.

Jericho/Punk should go to a new level of brilliance though, though Punk winning clean at WM makes this continuation kinda iffy really, but they can't just drop it, its too good.

The writers in the attitude era absolutely knew what was going on, the big picture was planned out way, way in advance. They started building to their WrestleMania main event 6 months out.

I knew it was coming, but my god I marked out big style when Brock's music started.

Decent Raw, crowd was immense, and Henry vs Punk was just ridiculously pointless, also I am very surprised that they acknowledged A-Trains previous tenure, even if they didn't mention who he was.

Funny night to debut Tensai because the live crowd acknowledged who he was! :lol:

Henry vs Punk wasn't pointless. It put over Laurinitis as the dastardly authority figure (not that wrestling needs any more of those!), made Henry look stronger than he has in months by laying out Punk, and set up the Jericho angle which was excellent.
The writers in the attitude era absolutely knew what was going on, the big picture was planned out way, way in advance. They started building to their WrestleMania main event 6 months out.

Probably was, but you still gotta get there....and most Raws were full of endless improv back then, Nitro was even worse for it's writing, which ultimately was both the reason is was utterly fantastic for a bit and why it ended up dying a terrible death, no order whatsoever, unlike Vince. I mean no writer "created" Austin, Rock and Jericho, they all made themselves when the writing for them was failing them.
Speaking of Nitro

is still the greatest ending to any wrestling show, ever....ever ever......ever ever ever.
06:20 onwards. The cheer gave me goosebumps.
He got an absolutely incredible pop. After the F5 you see him mouthing 'I've been waiting a long time.' I wonder how they'll make this angle work.

I was gunning for a Stone Cold return at some point with either Punk vs SCSA or Lesnar vs. SCSA (i.e. the match that never was) at the next Wrestlemania!
He got an absolutely incredible pop. After the F5 you see him mouthing 'I've been waiting a long time.' I wonder how they'll make this angle work.

I was gunning for a Stone Cold return at some point with either Punk vs SCSA or Lesnar vs. SCSA (i.e. the match that never was) at the next Wrestlemania!

He did, which is funny because he got absolutely slaughtered when he left in 2004 but that's WWE smarks for you. Fickle, bandwagon jumping nonces.

It'll be a tough angle to work due to Lesnar's lack of charisma, mic skills and personality. The last Cena/Lesnar rivalry was decent though, but it was basically just Cena ripping Lesnar every week with a rap and saying he was the next big thing not Lesnar, can't really go along those lines now.
Cena effectively took Lesnars place as the main guy on Smackdown when he left so they could run with that or something.

I'm just dealing in facts.
"Fickle, bandwagon jumping"

Sounds like 95% of fans in any sport tbh.
One of my all time favourite matches :lol:

HBK buried Hogan by losing, genius.
"Fickle, bandwagon jumping"

Sounds like 95% of fans in any sport tbh.

Rooneys leaving: cnut, wanker, over rated, shit
Rooneys staying: Genuinely world class, we need him etc.
Probably was, but you still gotta get there....and most Raws were full of endless improv back then, Nitro was even worse for it's writing, which ultimately was both the reason is was utterly fantastic for a bit and why it ended up dying a terrible death, no order whatsoever, unlike Vince. I mean no writer "created" Austin, Rock and Jericho, they all made themselves when the writing for them was failing them.

A lot of the undercard was improved, the main event angles were always set out week by week. I miss the days of long stories that would follow up each week. Like the Kane/Undertaker feud really started in the Summer of 97 with Bearer promos and climaxed at Mania 14. Or the Rock vs Austin main event at 15 stemmed from Vince stealing the Smoking Skull belt 6 months earlier at Breakdown. Awesome booking!

These days WWE don't seem to have a clue where they're going from one month to a next and if someone isn't drawing ratings right away that theyre trying to push they assume its not working and yoyo them out of the picture.

I remember that :lol: Wasn't Michaels overacting because he was booked to lose or something?

They were meant to do a 3 match series, but Hogan cut it to just the one match so he didnt have to put Shawn over. Hogan is an asshole but given Shawn's past of doing the same thing, I cant say my heart bleeds for him.
Rooneys leaving: cnut, wanker, over rated, shit
Rooneys staying: Genuinely world class, we need him etc.

It's not the same thing.

These people getting their dicks out for Lesnar seem to have serious short memories. He was rightfully booed out of MSG in 04 because he fecked off in a completely unprofessional manner(that match with Goldberg). He doesn't give a shit about the WWE. Ran down WWE fans when he was in UFC. Bit like The Rock when he tried to distance himself from anything WWE related during Benoit's death etc.
Brock wanted more money, Rock wanted more money, Rooney wanted more money.

Rich egotistical people will be rich egotistical people bro. Need to stop letting it get to ya and just enjoy the ride.
Is there even the smallest possibility that Goldberg could return to the ring?

I loved him nearly as much as I loved Rocky :(

look at his and lesnars last match, you can hear the crowd chanting 'goodbye', 'you sold out' to both of them etc

He's older and hopefully wiser now, I think he'll be more settled this time. His travel schedule can't have been THAT bad before anyway, he was flying on the WWE jet for crying out loud.

he says hes a family man, he said he would like to 'live in the woods' in this modern age. so he probably was annoyed at the fact he couldnt be with his family.
he says hes a family man, he said he would like to 'live in the woods' in this modern age. so he probably was annoyed at the fact he couldnt be with his family.

I quite like that about him, he's very basic and not a typical celebrity jerkoff. Besides who wouldn't want to live a quiet life having lots of sex with Sable? :lol:
I wonder if the fecker watched the Blackburn game... bet he didn't.

Also, I've decided... I'm going to go to Wrestlemania next year. Whose with me?!