Television The Professional Grappling Thread

Half the battle to become something in wrestling/sports entertainment is provoking a reaction from the fans.

Tough Enough / NXT allow lots of fans to build some kind of relationship with them before they even take up your time on a real show like Raw. So instantly the faces get a good reaction and the heels get a bad reaction, and the people on NXT have already wrestled in front of lots of people (I believe they tape NXT right before Raw is put on live)

Thing is that's kind of what ECW was there for wasn't it? The newer version I mean. This is just the same thing redressed in a different context with only new people. So I guess it's not the same. Full-time wrestlers that would've been on ECW before are now on Superstars I guess so they're not exactly getting buried by the noobs.

Season 1 did start some of the major storylines, and they were able to make use of every single person on that roster, but in three years I doubt that anyone besides Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryan will still be with WWE. Maybe Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel if they stop getting buried as a tag team. Season 2 only brought Kaval, Alex Riley, and two throwaway Nexus members, one of which has already been sent back down to developmental. Kaval's been buried and fired too. Riley's been playing his role pretty well. Season 3 was the divas, but since the main divas hardly draw any reaction now, it's hard for any new ones to make an impact.

Tough Enough is at least partially real so you get to see some wrestling.
Tough Enough was real, as far as i was aware, the majority of the people on there had little to no wrestling experience. There were a few incidents of the main guys giving them a proper dressing down

There was another one backstage at some event where Big Show basically throws a guy across the locker room for not being respectful.
Tough Enough was real, as far as i was aware, the majority of the people on there had little to no wrestling experience. There were a few incidents of the main guys giving them a proper dressing down

There was another one backstage at some event where Big Show basically throws a guy across the locker room for not being respectful.

According to wiki, in an unscripted challenge Kurt Angle nearly had his arm snapped by a competitor in Tough Enough when he got put in a real submission hold.
According to wiki, in an unscripted challenge Kurt Angle nearly had his arm snapped by a competitor in Tough Enough when he got put in a real submission hold.

This is it. Angle was legitimately pissed off with Puder because he felt this lad embarrassed him in front of millions, and Angle being a great wrestler obviously, didn't take too kindly to this. It was admitted that the refs helped Angle from his embarrassment by counting to 3, even though Puder's shoulders weren't completely on the mat.
It wasnt just that. It was meant to be freestyle wrestling (iirc) but Puder put a MMA move on him which was a silly thing to do. Puder won Tough Enough in the end (I remember he took a cheap shot on the miz in the boxing contest they had as well hitting Miz after the buzzer). I remember the net going crazy with "MMA guy makes angle tap out" etc. He could have legit hurt Angle there and considering he was trying to get into the wrestling business, not a smart move.

Either way, silly by both sides to be in that situation (WWE/Angle for issuing the challenge to allow for that situation and by Puder for almost breaking Angles arm/ hand)
It wasnt just that. It was meant to be freestyle wrestling (iirc) but Puder put a MMA move on him which was a silly thing to do. Puder won Tough Enough in the end (I remember he took a cheap shot on the miz in the boxing contest they had as well hitting Miz after the buzzer). I remember the net going crazy with "MMA guy makes angle tap out" etc. He could have legit hurt Angle there and considering he was trying to get into the wrestling business, not a smart move.

Either way, silly by both sides to be in that situation (WWE/Angle for issuing the challenge to allow for that situation and by Puder for almost breaking Angles arm/ hand)

They had some fun with him though at the Rumble, 5 minutes onwards

His chest must have been on fire, he didn't stay around long after that and was sent down to developmental before getting released.
This could end up as fantastic writing, with The Rock, Triple H & Undertaker confirmed and Austin showing up next week, seems too much to be coincidental, unless they are hoping it looks that way.

They are seemingly doing everything possible to remove the PG for/after wrestlemania.
This could end up as fantastic writing, with The Rock, Triple H & Undertaker confirmed and Austin showing up next week, seems too much to be coincidental, unless they are hoping it looks that way.

They are seemingly doing everything possible to remove the PG for/after wrestlemania.

Austin? REALLY!?!
I didn't actually make it through all that RAW, was terrible, apart from Rock's promo.

Triple H basically went out there and said "lol, the entire RAW roster is shit, so I may as well face Taker." Then Sheamus comes out, says and does nothing, but gets destroyed by H, and then loses to a guy half his size in less than a minute. Did he piss in Vince's coffee?

and Cena...Jesus Christ! I think the guy's a good wrestler, and he can cut a good promo, but this was just embarrassing. Alex Riley eats toilet paper?

and they didn't even have the decency to give us a good match to make up for it. :mad:
Have you seen 'The rise and fall of ECW' DVD? It's really good.

Yep man, I had it on DVD but I gave it a lend to someone and it was never seen again!

I used to love ECW, hardcore fans and hardcore wrestling. Some the matches were epic! I've never winced at watching wrestling so much as the Tommy Dreamer and Sandman in a caning match! Tough to watch was that!
Is hardcore wrestling where they're actually allowed penetrate each other?
:lol: No pops!

It was pretty crazy stuff at ECW. (in comparison to what else was around at the time).

Sabu is a genius!

This was when I first noticed The Rock, back in his Nation days. I loved everything about it - The Rock, the group itself and this is a great theme song. The beat is awesome.

I know around that time, DX were the hot thing but me personally I loved The Nation.

Wow, that video reminded me of D'Lo Brown. I'd forgotten all about him, but he was one of my favourites back in the day. Always wanted him to get a bigger push than he did.
It makes sense. They want people to buy WM for Rock so they should be limiting his appearances before hand. But one or two more within the next 4 weeks is a good thing as it will hype people up.

Just a shame they insist on wasting sooo much time elsewhere
Everyone should be livid if Roidtista is back. I dont think he is coming back though

Last I heard he was training in MMA. Hopefully he bombs like Lashley if he ever has a fight
Fake poster is fake.

This could end up as fantastic writing, with The Rock, Triple H & Undertaker confirmed and Austin showing up next week, seems too much to be coincidental, unless they are hoping it looks that way.

They are seemingly doing everything possible to remove the PG for/after wrestlemania.

Too predictable, the whole series of events was obvious as soon as he gave JBL the contract.
I hate Michael Cole.

Why the big build up with the HHH v Undertaker thing? Both have mentioned previous matches the Undertaker has been in in Wrestlemania. Yet they are both conveniently forgetting that Undertaker already beat HHH at Wrestlemania.
I found it predictable soon as I heard the glass shattering, I really should have worked it out form the "whoever signs the contract" comment but it's 3am and I'm a bit slow right now.
I hate Michael Cole.

Why the big build up with the HHH v Undertaker thing? Both have mentioned previous matches the Undertaker has been in in Wrestlemania. Yet they are both conveniently forgetting that Undertaker already beat HHH at Wrestlemania.

It's leading to a loser leaves match, there have been several "subtle" hints, most notably undertakers "if I lose the streak I die, if I don't you die in the process"
I hate Michael Cole.

Why the big build up with the HHH v Undertaker thing? Both have mentioned previous matches the Undertaker has been in in Wrestlemania. Yet they are both conveniently forgetting that Undertaker already beat HHH at Wrestlemania.
People hating him means his doing his job well

And I reckon one of HHH or Taker will retire so they want to make this a good way to say goodbye. The whole "Either the dead man dies or HHH dies trying" suggests one of them won't wrestle again.
I found it predictable soon as I heard the glass shattering, I really should have worked it out form the "whoever signs the contract" comment but it's 3am and I'm a bit slow right now.

It was as soon as he got the contract out for me, historically Austin has interrupted/stole the show at contract signings, that and the camera cutting to include the main stage a few seconds before the glass smashed.