Television The Professional Grappling Thread


Thought I'd go back a bit further after last night, make sure WCW wasn't always shite. FALL BRAWL 93! WAR GAMES!!!

Pretty cool opening but these graphics don't age well. Good fireworks - better than Road Wild anyway.
Jesse Ventura dressed like Michael Jackson.
Eric Bischoff looking young and shouting a lot gives us a run down of what we will see tonight.
We got 2 rings and the raised ramp. Retro.
Regal is here looking all British with some guy who looks like this dude...

Little miniature British flags to boot. Here comes the Dragon. Usual dragon get-up. Used the run way early on. What you would expect, good wrestling match. Steamboat sells his injured ribs throughout. Nick Patrick's hair is horrific. Ventura says he must have won 1000 matches with a backbreaker. INTERFERENCE!!! Parker thinks Steamboat is Hood so smacks him with an umbrella-ella-ella 1-2-3. Regal won. New TV champ.
Bischoff shouting again, with the Nasty Boys. Its like TNA 2010. Awful glasses from these guys.
Heres some guy called Big Sky...looks like Kane. That's...that's gotta be big sky. Some guy dressed as a native american is here. He wins with a big boot akin to Sheamus' in about 2 mins.
Now there's some guy interviewing Bulldog. He might be disabled. The interviewer, not Bulldog. Seriously he must have won a chance to interview Bulldog in a cereal box contest.
Buff the Stuff looking stupidly young and 2 Cold Scorpio up against Orndorff and Equalizer who appears to be wearing Uggs. Scorpio with a beautiful 450 for the win.
Regal's back. Bischoff keeps shouting, somebody needs to sort the boys sound levels out. He runs down Steamboat.
Here's Shanghai with Mideon dressed as a cowboy. At least he is wearing clothes. Facing off against Ice Train who is basically Big E but not awesome. INTERFERENCE!!! Mideon gone fecked up. It's over, Big E wins. Another waste of time.
One of the Buffer's is here. Announces Arn & Roma vs Nasty Boys. Missy Hyatt is here with the Nasty Boys almost. Paul Roma looks a bit like Billy Kidman. Pretty standard power match to be honest. About 17 minutes of averageness. Nasty Boys win. That ending made Anderson look dumb. It's very cool to hear the commentators sell title changes like a big thing. Doesn't have the same feel to it nowadays. Missy Hyatt cuts a promo after the match, she actually looks like Miley Cyrus.

Anyway...Cactus Jack cuts his usual insane (both in the character and awesomeness sense) about Vader. Ok apparently someone has put a bounty on Jack's head. Vader apparently want the loot. Cactus enters. Some of the sound levels are atrocious as the crowd screams. No wait, the match is for the bounty and Vadar has nothing to do with it, its Jack against some guy called Yoshi Kwan. The feck? Harley Race has a bag, which I'm guessing is the bounty. Ok we are 4 minutes into this including the entrances and they have said "this is a bounty match!" about 6 times - no lie. His mustache looks painted on. Kwan, not Jack. Jack wins in about 5 minutes with a double arm DDT, despite INTERFERENCE by Race.
Still no clue what is meant to be in the bag. He challenges Vader to a match. Final "this is a bounty match!" count is 11.
We get highlights of Flair and Rude and how we got to this point. Rude attacked Flair. Some woman is dressed as a maid. My wife has that outfit! Some of the theme music is atrocious. Flair's is timeless. Rude comes out dressed like Flair and basically just mimicking him. Flair is here with the maid. World Title on the line here.
This guy in the crowd looks like the dude from Modern Family...

Back to the action...Some of Rude's pants are absurd. Rude audibly calls Flair "Fat boy" which is amusing. Flair works the leg. Can see where this is going. Flair was so good, seriously like so enjoyable to watch. I'm sure Nick Patrick has reffed every match so far, he must be knackered. Flairs titties were saggy in 93. INTERFERENCE!!! Fifi fecks up distracting the ref. Rude pulls his cock ring off and smacks Flair with it for the win at about 30 minutes. Decent match.
They advertise Halloween Havok, I bet that's shite too.
Here comes the cage. Fireworks go off all over the show. This is still an awesome concept. Ventura starts choking on the smoke from the fireworks.
Here's Harlem Heat, Psycho Sid and Sid. There opponents...Goldust, Bulldog, Sting and Shockmaster. :lol: Shockmaster came out dressed as a builder. He quickly gave up on that StormTrooper helmet. Rhodes & Vader first. Rhodes is dressed like Hulk Hogan. He takes his boot off and attacks Vader with it - why? just kick him! Vader just loves beating people up. They announce when each minute passes, which is annoying. They're gonna flip a coin any second now.
Stevie Ray is in. They're calling him...they're calling him Kane!!!! Booker is apparently known as Kole. They just abuse Rhodes for 2 minutes like Goldust circa 97 would have loved. Sting in!!! He grabs a mic. "Vader, Stevie or Kane...Imma let you finish, but Triple H is the greatest wrestler of ALL TIME!" That's enough from him. Rhodes is busted bad but he is fighting the good fight. Vader launched into the cage. Seriously the guy counting down for us is annoying.
Here comes Sid. Dustin nearly falls between the two rings as Sting gets decimated. Bulldog by Sting gets the biggest pop of the night. Sid boots Rhodes in the head then looks around confused so does it again. Bulldog in to even the numbers. Rhodes is still using his boot as a weapon - still not sure why. Double Coconut (as Schiovani calls it) by Sting. SId goes flying. Faces on top as Kole enters. He coming for you nigg...again sid gets launched into the cage.
Here comes The Shakermaker. The match beyond has begun. Submission or Surrender only apparently. Bearhug to Booker, Stevie Ray watches but doesn't want to help. Oh for feck sake that's it. Fecking hell Book, you were only in there 60 seconds nigg...and that's our lot. The Shakermaker takes the spoils. Sid demands satisfaction and doesn't understand the rules because he didn't give up.
Sid and Booker rant into the camera as we go off the air. That War Games didn't age well but the title matches delivered.

Another review coming soon...
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Possible, although its not clear in the gif Dreamer does drill it home and Francine takes it right down her neck. Giggidy.
Oh, there can be no doubt Dreamer's is much better, just Cena's wasn't always awful, like his Protoplex that used to be a class move.

In the gif it does look like she takes it in the shoulders and upper back, but I'll take your word on it.
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This will be fun. WWE Great American Bash 2004

We get a preview for the main matches. JBL/Guerrero Bull Rope, Cena defending his US title in a fatal 4 way and Taker vs The a erm, Concrete Crypt Match. Oh Joy.
Torrie Wilson is here dressed as Uncle Sam. Without the beard obviously. Fireworks!!!
Cole & Tazz welcome us. There is a cement mixer. Wonderful. Taz stole Edgar Davids glasses. Spanish announce table - see how long that lasts.
Here comes Cena. Basic Thugonomics was such a good theme...better than Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnappybags!!!!
His raps around this time were good too. Weid to hear Cena chants without a response of Cena Sucks! Angle masturbation joke, Angle gay joke, RVD getting high joke, Booker T transvestite joke, Booker T WCW joke, Prostitute joke, Dupree gay joke, WORD LIFE!!! Those retro WWE wristbands were ace. Ahhh, where did it all go wrong.
RVD arrives, high as feck. Booker T is here, black as feck. Renee is the 4th man, french as feck.
The dog Renee is walking is having none of this crowd. Name's Fifi apparently - obviously after she screwed Flair against Rude she changed her persona to a dog. Amazing what 11 years can do.
LOLCENAWINS!!! You knew it would end this way. 3.2 on the Dreamer-Driver scale for that FU. Must try harder.
Sable is in a hot tub. All the Divas will be in the tub tonight. Her boobs are so fake.
Luther Reigns vs Haas. Angle is in a wheel chair. Why did they split the world greatest tag team? They were ace. Reigns is such a meat head. Haas' wife Jackie runs around a bit.Reigns hits a nice finisher for the win after a few boring minutes.
JBL looking all smug. Talks about his Judgement Day match against Guerrero, mostly remembered for this...

Yeah, if you have never seen it, watch it, it's an absolute bloodbath. JBL slags off Americans. He's a WRESTLING GOD!!! Norfolk, Virginia looks a nice place. Nicer than Nolfolk, Egland anyway.
Ooooooh Chavo. Cruiserweight title on the line here. Mysterio is the champ who will defend. These guys know each other well. Quick paced match. Steel post comes into play. Gory bomb doesn't get it and soon after Rey wins.
Kenzo vs Billy Gunn. MOTY candidate right here. Gunn never seems to age. Damn...Sazuki wins after a dodgy low blow. Ugly Japanese girl at ring side.
Ok honestly who actually paid to see a card with Sazuki vs Gunn and Haas vs Reigns on?
Heyman has Bearer tied up in a dark room. Heyman promises Pauley B that he will bury him in concrete. Cannot wait.
Sable vs Torrie Wilson. I like me a bit of Torrie, I must admit. Its awful. The ref counts a pin when the shoulder wasn't even down. The commentators play it off like it was a ref mistake. It wasn't, it was a botch.
Undertaker is stood in a storage cupboard with the lights off. Dawn Marie is here wearing not a lot. Renee Dupree is upset he lost his match, starts hitting on Dawn and asks if she wants to see his French tickler. Nunzio turns up and tri...oh they just go on about dick size, I CBA recapping this shite.
Ok, wtf is this. Mordacai...Another place, another time, better theme music, this could have worked. As it is, pretty much everything on Smackdown was shite around this time. This was no exception. He beats Hardcore Holly after the Razors edge. Add that to the list of matches I really wouldn't pay to see.
Preview of JBL vs Eddie. Eddie messed up JBL's limo - failed to do this to it though...

Chimel with the introductions and rules. He says "Ponent" instead of "Opponent" about 4 times. He basically doesn't know the rules and didn't help us at all.
Bull Rope match here. WCW used to do these right in the 80's. Not much great since. I imagine Lucha Underground giving this a good spin given what the did to a Coffin Match.
Battle for a while on the announce tables. They sell getting hit by the rope like it is Rick Rude's cock ring. Claret from JBL half way through. Decent spot with Eddie going flying from ring to table via rope. Doesn't break so JBL just fecks him through it. 2 Hours 9 minutes tonight for the Spanish Announce table. Given the card I reckon it'd wished it was destroyed earlier.
The lights above the turnbuckles aren't working properly. Low blow by Eddie with the bell. A bell to the bell if you will. The lights are all over the show as JBL follows Eddie round the ring. Eddie wins, even though Bradshaw hit the turnbuckle first. BULLSHIT!!! Angle is rolling on down to the ring in his wheel chair. Angle awards it to JBL. He gets mercilessly booed - even though he did the right thing. I hate when Heels get booed for doing the right thing.
I miss Eddie.
Build up to the Crypt match. This is gonna be off the hook. I don't even understand why this is happening.
The match is dire.
Heyman is onscreen stroking a lever like a gay porn star throughout.
The Dudleys are cutting promos mid-match.
Any time Undertaker attacks, Heyman starts filling up the crypt.
Bearer is up to his shoulders.
Bubba...the heel...saves Bearer.
Back inside Undertaker wins with a tombstone.
Heyman is pissed.
Lightning hits the crypt.
Heyman has pissed.
His pants.
Paul Bearer is all like, "I'm shoulder high in concrete that has probably set by now. But save me!"
Undertaker is all like "Nah feck you, people need to tune into Smackdown to find out why..."
Paul Bearer is all like "Why what?"
Undertaker is all like "I have no other choice. feck it, concrete"

The crowd is like "WTF? What was the point? What kind of finish was that? Is Undertaker heel now?" and like "What will the Dudleys get up to next week?" and like "Cena still won though!" and like "Screwy finish to the title match!" and like "The Divas only got like 3 minutes on this card!?" and like "Yeah but Reigns won and is the future!!!"

Not a lot changes in 11 years.
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Found a pic of the Big E and Daniel Sturridge lookalike Ice Train. Also pictured, Teddy Long after apparently eating the original Teddy Long.
Whats with the NXT divas looking like they are forgetting to kick out? This week Eva got rescued by the ref it seems.
Whats with the NXT divas looking like they are forgetting to kick out? This week Eva got rescued by the ref it seems.

Yeah, Eva is just terrible and Becky was legit unaware of what was going on, drifting in and out of consciousness when the pin happened. She came round pretty soon after the pin.

You can see it on Becky's face after how annoyed she was, mainly because Brooklyn her parents who haven't seen her wrestle much since she got the serious head injury were front row. Apparently they were very somber when they met up backstage.
Cenas injured apparently after botching a Canadian destroyer on Owens. Also it looks like the lone wolf will soon be part of the main roster.
Cenas injured apparently after botching a Canadian destroyer on Owens. Also it looks like the lone wolf will soon be part of the main roster.

It was the Yoshi Tonic that he was trying.

WWE has said he's fine. Also i respect Cena for expanding his move set, but the Yoshi Tonic and Springboard Stunner are not fluid and look like crap. He's not great at the agility moves like Hurricanrana, someone needs to tell him to stop.

As for that picture, it was fake.
It was the Yoshi Tonic that he was trying.

WWE has said he's fine. Also i respect Cena for expanding his move set, but the Yoshi Tonic and Springboard Stunner are not fluid and look like crap. He's not great at the agility moves like Hurricanrana, someone needs to tell him to stop.

As for that picture, it was fake.
Ahhh fake it is.

Yeah I find it strange, almost as if he is just trying to be flash. He has the strength to integrate a number of suplexes or throws that would be more suited to him.
Rollins promo to start Raw.

Although not surprised he got a boring chant. Wish they would stop giving him 20 minute promos each week as he pretty much says the same thing every week (or just recaps what happened last week and what he plans on doing)

I dont even think Rock, Jericho, Austin got this much mic time during their prime.

Also with Lana injured (and maybe out for 4 months) hopefully they kill this Dolph/Lana/Summer/Rusev crap.

Also Ascension join Stardust on Smackdown and look good in the beatdown of Neville.
next Raw, no stardust and they get close to squashed by Roman and Bray.

Awesome job WWE!

Hoping Orton is partner to Dean and Roman at NOC. They all lose as it doesnt work. Meanwhile Seth is turning face and it lead to him going back with Shield to take out Authority and Wyatts.
Did someone in the crowd just jump the barrier and join Rollins entrance?



Hoping Orton is partner to Dean and Roman at NOC. They all lose as it doesnt work. Meanwhile Seth is turning face and it lead to him going back with Shield to take out Authority and Wyatts.

Hope it's not Orton despite tease, he's been beat down by the Wyatt's so probably will come back for revenge. Could of done it better, actually confirmed Orton as a partner only to have Wyatt injure him on the go home Raw and Seth or a new guy come back at NoC.
If you haven't seen last nights Austin podcast with Edge and Christian go and watch it. Possibly my favorite out of all his podcasts, absolute blast.
On the one hand, I think it's a shame that Xavier Woods doesn't get to wrestle anymore... on the other hand, the bloke is just so thoroughly entertaining on the outside of the ring, it'd feels like a waste to not have him there.

Also, greatest picture ever:

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Had one thought about the whole Reigns/Ambrose/? VS Wyatts. What if they throw Neville into the mix like this: Orton either backs off or gets a kayfabe injury, keeping him out of the matchup. They approach Neville instead and Stardust somehow gets his Cosmic wasteland into the mixer as well. 3-way tag team match at Night of Champions, which can result into ending both the Neville/Stardust feud and the Reigns/Wyatt feud. Maybe even have Stardust and the wyatts face off afterwards.
If you haven't seen last nights Austin podcast with Edge and Christian go and watch it. Possibly my favorite out of all his podcasts, absolute blast.

Loved it, so glad Austin has replaced Jericho again. So much better, and E&C were great guests.
Well, both make their own podcasts anyway.

The deal between the two was being showcased on the WWE Network and maybe having access to higher ups in the company.
Jerico's podcast is terrible though. I listened to one because I wanted to hear the interview with Bruce Dickinson, but all his commercials and stuff we're mildly put cringeworthy.
Jerico's podcast is terrible though. I listened to one because I wanted to hear the interview with Bruce Dickinson, but all his commercials and stuff we're mildly put cringeworthy.
It's funny because Austin's podcast is just as commercialised, it's just that he gets away with it because of his charisma.

I don't particularly like Jericho's podcast mostly because unless he's talking about backstage stories, I don't find his viewpoint particularly interesting. He tends to take the 'WWE line' a lot of the time which can get tiresome. At least Austin has a fairly unique viewpoint, even if some would call it somewhat old-fashioned, and he tends to call it as he sees it even to the detriment of his relationship with WWE (he apparently enraged Vince by asking HHH about Chyna during his podcast).
It's funny because Austin's podcast is just as commercialised, it's just that he gets away with it because of his charisma.

I don't particularly like Jericho's podcast mostly because unless he's talking about backstage stories, I don't find his viewpoint particularly interesting. He tends to take the 'WWE line' a lot of the time which can get tiresome. At least Austin has a fairly unique viewpoint, even if some would call it somewhat old-fashioned, and he tends to call it as he sees it even to the detriment of his relationship with WWE (he apparently enraged Vince by asking HHH about Chyna during his podcast).

This is why Im happy Austin has replaced Jericho again. Jerichos podcasts with Stephanie and Cena were terrible tbh.

I think Jericho was a good TE host, but for the podcast, he didnt ask any good questions. Theres no way hes asking HHH about Chyna if he did the interview.