Television The Professional Grappling Thread

Yeah, I'm seeing posts on FB saying it was a great RAW.... Where?

The stuff with Rusev was absolutely woeful. Dear god the man is well an truly buried at this point.

Wasn't too bad of a show. Not great but not too bad either. Banks over Paige completely clean and Rollins tapping out clean didn't work what so ever for me. A couple of other little things here and there too.
Wasn't too bad of a show. Not great but not too bad either. Banks over Paige completely clean and Rollins tapping out clean didn't work what so ever for me. A couple of other little things here and there too.

Looks like Banks and Charlotte are the 2 to be pushed from this 'Revolution' angle. I personally hope Sasha wins the Divas belt from Nikki once she breaks AJ Lee's record.
I actually think Becky has the ability to naturally get the crowd behind her the best, if given a chance.

Her mug is on today's Indo...about half way down their internet page -->

Same with Breakingnews, The Journal and a few other media outlets.

He really is a complete and utter goon!

He should just vanish for a while. Any statements needed from him should be via an attorney or PR Team.

So is "Mia Goth". if somebody uses twitter with her profile pic, I wouldnt think twice.
I havent watched wrestling seriously for donkeys years but I came across this earlier on youtube. Was this a work or a shoot?

Not much of either I'd say. Just something that came up and Austin ran with it brilliantly. It's not gonna happen but fecking hell I'd love to see that match.
So Alicia Fox is out for the foreseeable future after taking a reckless knee to the face from Charlotte, throwing this entire angle into disrepute.

It must be said, so far Charlotte is absolutely drowning in this angle. She looks lost whether it's in ring or on a promo. Becky on the other hand looks to be totally at home, which is funny given how she's the one that they clearly don't actually have any kind of plan and was the one that no one (even me) really saw this coming from. It's great to see her finally looking so comfortable in her own skin. Sasha is getting there, and letting her just wrestle through whatever nerves she has is certainly the best way of going about it.

It is infuriating how they need to make sure that everyone knows that this revolution is Steph's though, totally takes away any organic feeling.

EDIT: Also, I'm so excited for tomorrows G1 it's unreal. Shibata vs Ibushi is the match I've wanted since the brackets were announced. Hopefully Nakamura's elbow is alright by weekend or the entire tournament will collapse like a house of cards.
It doesn't make sense to me the story/decisions are getting worse by the week. Why is Cena still US champ when he's obviously going to be going up against Rollins (The world champ who just tapped out to Cena.........)?

It's even worse when Owens and Cesaro are fighting with nothing on the line, it would have been perfect for Owens to start his US title reign against Cesaro.

Seth Rollins isn't even booked at Summerslam yet, he's the world champ ffs I've never seen anything like it, the tap out on RAW wasn't even surprising it's ridiculous how he's being used.

On a side note Rollins' super-plex into a brain buster is fecking amazing, its nice to see him pull some of his old move set out of the bag!
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I think Sasha is the one who has settled with no problem...


Stealing taunts and kicking Paige out of the ring after she won. She's such a bitch!
I think Sasha is the one who has settled with no problem...


Stealing taunts and kicking Paige out of the ring after she won. She's such a bitch!

I love Sasha, she's not been as fluid(?) as she was on NXT, she's been taking forever to set up the double knee, some really forced delivery of scripted lines etc... there was one point in that match last night where they seemed to just stop and stare at each other for about 20 seconds wondering who was going to do what. She'll manage, she's improving week on week and still only 23.

It just goes to show what indie or general touring experience can give to wrestlers, Becky has been there and done that everywhere so this step up hasn't effected her at all.
It doesn't make sense to me the story/decisions are getting worse by the week. Why is Cena still US champ when he's obviously going to be going up against Rollins (The world champ who just tapped out to Cena.........)?

It's even worse when Owens and Cesaro are fighting with nothing on the line, it would have been perfect for Owens to start his US title reign against Cesaro.

Seth Rollins isn't even booked at Summerslam yet, he's the world champ ffs I've never seen anything like it, the tap out on RAW wasn't even surprising it's ridiculous how he's being used.

On a side note Rollins' super-plex into a brain buster is fecking amazing, its nice to see him pull some of his old move set out of the bag!

Rollins is great, it's a shame the way he's been booked. He's one of, if not the best guy on the roster for me.

Unfortunately due to ratings he'll drop against Cena. Which is a shame.

Need to give him another finisher though, shame they won't let him do Paroxysm or Gods last gift.
Sasha is defiantly my favourite of the new divas to come in, she just has the charisma and attitude, Becky has great ring work but is just short on the charisma. Charlotte is athletic but her character is boring
Ambrose losing to Big Show was *puke* Why would Big Show be getting a push over Ambrose?

I thought that was pretty good actually. Made Big Show look like a badass (Which, granted, would be better if they always made Big Show look like a bad ass... which should be the case) and didn't hurt Dean at all... made him look hard as nails.

Also, it was actually a creative ending to a match on RAW for a change... which I won't turn my nose up at.
Sasha is defiantly my favourite of the new divas to come in, she just has the charisma and attitude, Becky has great ring work but is just short on the charisma. Charlotte is athletic but her character is boring

Plus she is fit aswell, always helps.
I thought that was pretty good actually. Made Big Show look like a badass (Which, granted, would be better if they always made Big Show look like a bad ass... which should be the case) and didn't hurt Dean at all... made him look hard as nails.

Also, it was actually a creative ending to a match on RAW for a change... which I won't turn my nose up at.

It wasnt the worst since he didnt pin him and ambrose kept getting up for more, and actually out smarted him in the end. Im wondering if they are building to a match where Ambrose actually beats him as that would make sense.

Also remember when his chokeslam was a finisher? haha
It wasnt the worst since he didnt pin him and ambrose kept getting up for more, and actually out smarted him in the end. Im wondering if they are building to a match where Ambrose actually beats him as that would make sense.

Also remember when his chokeslam was a finisher? haha

Seems WWE is switching players around to accommodate Cena's injury. Ambrose / Cesaro vs Rollins / KO at SD. Would do KO good to be with Rollins and when Cena returns they could pick up on the feud. I think Rollins may retain the title at SS with interference from KO.

Rusev is back with Jack Swagger *yawn*
As much as I wanted Ambrose to beat Big Show I thought the ending was cool. Different. Nice to see something different from the typical "reverse opponents finisher, hit finisher" ending.

Really cool to see how Cena has added started using new moves - his STF even looked tight. Now if only he goes tidy up that spin out slam he does before the 5 knuckle shuffle he'd be kosher.
Seems WWE is switching players around to accommodate Cena's injury. Ambrose / Cesaro vs Rollins / KO at SD. Would do KO good to be with Rollins and when Cena returns they could pick up on the feud. I think Rollins may retain the title at SS with interference from KO.

Rusev is back with Jack Swagger *yawn*

Expect that was only due to SD being in Swagger's hometown.
As much as I wanted Ambrose to beat Big Show I thought the ending was cool. Different. Nice to see something different from the typical "reverse opponents finisher, hit finisher" ending.

Really cool to see how Cena has added started using new moves - his STF even looked tight. Now if only he goes tidy up that spin out slam he does before the 5 knuckle shuffle he'd be kosher.
Yeah, Ambrose/Big Show wasn't bad, and I liked the after match bit with the missed spear.

As for Cena, you mean the Protoplex? Live that move, but he hasn't done it well in years. Should start doing the Emerald Flowsion again too, though to be fair, he has a well varied moveset now.
Yeah, Ambrose/Big Show wasn't bad, and I liked the after match bit with the missed spear.

As for Cena, you mean the Protoplex? Live that move, but he hasn't done it well in years. Should start doing the Emerald Flowsion again too, though to be fair, he has a well varied moveset now.

Yeah I can vaguely remember when he first started doing it it looked really good and was more of a blue thunder bomb than whatever it is now.
Yeah, it was awesome when he spun them all round into a side powerbomb, this half spin into a slam isn't near as good.

Remember when he used to do the Throwback? I think the real name for it is Overcastle. Was cool, and a bit odd looking seeing someone of his massive frame somersaulting across the ring.
Remember when he used to do the Throwback? I think the real name for it is Overcastle. Was cool, and a bit odd looking seeing someone of his massive frame somersaulting across the ring.
Oh yeah, that was an odd one, strange that he has a few moves that are normally done buy the cruiserweights, the hurricanarana too.
So Katsuyori Shibata vs Kota Ibushi was everything I hoped for and more. Seriously everyone should do what they can to find and watch that match. Just incredible stuff.

Where abouts could I watch NJPW?

I'm looking on watch wrestling and some links work others don't.
Where abouts could I watch NJPW?

I'm looking on watch wrestling and some links work others don't.

Japanese wrestling has hit a really weird spell where it's become quite difficult to get hold of, New Japan used to be really easy to find but between them setting up New Japan World (their Network basically) which is super cheap so people who would put shows online largely stopped, now one of the tv stations that runs a load of wrestling (aptly named Samurai TV) has started ripping everything they can off Dailymotion and YouTube, which is a shame as there was some great hidden gems on there.

With it being the G1 I wouldn't be surprised if most sites just can't keep up with uploading the shows at the moment too.
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The strongest thing Seth's done as champion.

Agreed. I absolutely hate his WC reign, and can't stand this cowardly little bitch Rollins. He had so much promise when he was with The Shield, and was great at first, but it's just getting very, very tiresome now.

Fair play to Cena for carrying on with the show after his nose break. He recovered quite quickly and kept going for a while before the match was stopped, but only a couple of minutes early. The man really is a legend and literally bleeds WWE. I honestly found it really difficult viewing as he was obviously in agony and also severely disorientated. His nose was pissing blood everywhere, he was dizzy and yet still continued to dive around, take some serious slams and dish out his own too. Much respect.