Television The Professional Grappling Thread

Yeah there was a midget division already. Epic WWE fail.

Steph doesn't need any help looking big, butch, out of proportion and ungainly, that interview did her no favours at all.
I enjoy both these teams. Both are great.

There was ... On Smackdown. It was, as you expect, a joke! :/
What? This must be during the years where I flat out refused to watch smackdown, which would have been around the time they headlined a Ppv with Bob holly vs the big boss man (for any younger readers, yes this actually happened)
WWE bringing New Day in as faces with their gimmick was the greatest unintentional move for a while. It reminds me of Bo in NXT. So goody, that it got the fans to hate them and turn them into fantastic heels.

Also, Titus when hes tagged in for the hot tag is awesome.

What? This must be during the years where I flat out refused to watch smackdown, which would have been around the time they headlined a Ppv with Bob holly vs the big boss man (for any younger readers, yes this actually happened)

They had Super Porky. But instead of making it a competitive division, they made it into a "comedy" thing, where they stole bits from Harlem Globetrotters and other things and it was done within a few weeks. Was called the "juniors" division.
WWE bringing New Day in as faces with their gimmick was the greatest unintentional move for a while. It reminds me of Bo in NXT. So goody, that it got the fans to hate them and turn them into fantastic heels.

Also, Titus when hes tagged in for the hot tag is awesome.

They had Super Porky. But instead of making it a competitive division, they made it into a "comedy" thing, where they stole bits from Harlem Globetrotters and other things and it was done within a few weeks. Was called the "juniors" division.
That just sounds awful
WWE bringing New Day in as faces with their gimmick was the greatest unintentional move for a while. It reminds me of Bo in NXT. So goody, that it got the fans to hate them and turn them into fantastic heels.

Also, Titus when hes tagged in for the hot tag is awesome.

They had Super Porky. But instead of making it a competitive division, they made it into a "comedy" thing, where they stole bits from Harlem Globetrotters and other things and it was done within a few weeks. Was called the "juniors" division.

Weirdly enough, that WeeLC match they had about a year ago was actually very very good. El Torito is obviously a phenomenal athlete anyway, but Hornswoggle went all out as well. It was enjoyable. If they treated it seriously, it would be a good 5/10 min sideshow. Better than "earlier tonight, the authority..." recaps anyway.
Weirdly enough, that WeeLC match they had about a year ago was actually very very good. El Torito is obviously a phenomenal athlete anyway, but Hornswoggle went all out as well. It was enjoyable. If they treated it seriously, it would be a good 5/10 min sideshow. Better than "earlier tonight, the authority..." recaps anyway.

Agreed. That would be a really fun element to add to Smackdown. Just something different, not everything has to be slapstick comedy.
See, if Sting had beaten HHH like he really should have, I wouldnt have had a problem if he had come after Bray.
Reigns has to beat Bray. Bray for me is a main event jobber and has been since he lost to Cena. I cant take him seriously as a top guy.
See, if Sting had beaten HHH like he really should have, I wouldnt have had a problem if he had come after Bray.
Reigns has to beat Bray. Bray for me is a main event jobber and has been since he lost to Cena. I cant take him seriously as a top guy.
They put him over so strongly in the rumble match too, creative give me a headache....also while I write this that bird noise I just heard sounded spoileringly familiar
They put him over so strongly in the rumble match too, creative give me a headache....also while I write this that bird noise I just heard sounded spoileringly familiar

Until that ending where Kane and Big Show just dumped out everybody the crowd likes, like they were yesterdays trash :lol:
PTP and New Day are great, hope it continues with them as I'm not really bothered of any other tag teams.

Titus is great at the hot tag / cleaning house business and Xavier is fantastic talker.
The one I actually liked from the 90s was Max Mini. I remember thinking he was the best one and was allowed to wrestle and was rapid in the ring. Im sure that was the case lol
So whats everybodys thoughts? Sting vs Bray at Summerslam? Id prefer it to be a multiple man match though. Might as well throw Taker. Kane and Rowan/Harper in, if thats where they are going...
JoJo is legit 5ft tops and does interviews in bare feet to make wrestlers look taller. Why the feck does Steph have to wear mega heels next to her? Everything about the women this week has made me so angry with how bad it is (except the NXT match).

New Day are the absolute greatest.
More comfortable than poor Tom Philips who has to do a half split every time he does an interview...

So whats everybodys thoughts? Sting vs Bray at Summerslam? Id prefer it to be a multiple man match though. Might as well throw Taker. Kane and Rowan/Harper in, if thats where they are going...
I'm thinking wyatt reunion and a six man at summer slam, wyatts vs reigns, ambrosia and sting
Would not mind that. Given that ending, looks like were seeing the reuniting for the family. At last!


Alicia Fox seems out of place...

Rowan is out for 6 months. There was talk of them vs the Dudleys which sadly won't come to pass due to the injury

Damn. When did this happen? Must have missed that.