Television The Professional Grappling Thread

I don't think WWE ever recovered from the losses of wrestlers such as Austin, The Rock, Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero (amongst others) - huge personalities and capable of evoking huge amounts of heat or sympathy with ease. Jericho, Angle and to a lesser extent Eddie were also very capable of putting-over new talent - how many new careers has Jericho helped start within the WWE?

I think this is the issue Cena has - he's got to the point where he cannot really lose any small matches without things like interference, whilst retaining a persona that is hugely annoying.

Dont forget Flair, Benoit and to an extent, Booker T

two of the most entertaining feuds for me was Benoit v Angle and Austin v Booker T. The fight in the supermarket was hilarious. "Price check for a jackass!"
Dont forget Flair, Benoit and to an extent, Booker T

two of the most entertaining feuds for me was Benoit v Angle and Austin v Booker T. The fight in the supermarket was hilarious. "Price check for a jackass!"

I just watched that for the first time a few weeks ago and it was awesome.

Booker is actually back on Smackdown as a color commentator but they've made him practically a parrot of Josh Matthews, though he's only been there two weeks or so. The few moments where he threatens Michael Cole though are worth a chuckle. Booker T and Goldust were pretty awesome together as well.

Cactus Jack vs Triple H, hell in a cell. After that, everything was downhill.

Christ, when they split up Raw and Smackdown it was dire. And when they brought in fecking ECW/WCW and had a feud it was cringeworthy.
I bought Jericho's new book today (just released this very day on Kindle). Quality so far, much like his last one. I like how he mentions the incident on TV where he told Mick Foley that the only reason he read his book, was to see if he died at the end. :lol:
Goldust was the truth!

I'm pretty sure Ron Killings is The Truth.

For all the John Cena hate, I think he is probably one of the most well-rounded wrestlers WWE has. He's got the mic ability and the look, and he can put on some good matches now and again (see his hour-long match against Shawn Michaels and his matches against Umaga for some examples). Probably the closest thing to The Rock in WWE right now, so it makes sense that they'd want to get them in a storyline.

Ideally you'd have Cena vs. The Rock, during which Cena turns, all the little kids weep, and the PG rating is abolished forever. What you're probably going to get it Rock "passing the torch." :mad:

Oh, and you can't have a best wrestlers discussion without mentioning Eddie Guerrero.
i enjoyed the early days of the ECW/WCW feud, then it turned rubbish

That was actually pretty fun to watch, but in hindsight I think they botched it a bit. Would've been the perfect chance to put the best wrestlers in each brand up against each other, and I guess they did that for the first PPV, but after that they just internalized it into a McMahon feud and almost buried the rest of the incoming talent. By the end they had 1 WCW wrestler and 1 ECW wrestler on the 5 man Alliance team and at the end of the Survivor Series match the last 4 men involved were all WWF wrestlers.

The Rock making his return during that though was very well done IMO.

They messed up the Invasion storyline badly but they did have to rush it in because of HHH ripping his quad. We could have had something great with the likes Hogan, Flair, Sting, Nash, Hall etc being involved but 'twas not to be.

For me this is one of the Rocks best dissings!! On perry Saturn and his crooked eye :lol:

Or the time Booker T called Hulk Hogan a "Nigga" and you see the instant regret once he says it :lol::lol::lol:
That was actually pretty fun to watch, but in hindsight I think they botched it a bit. Would've been the perfect chance to put the best wrestlers in each brand up against each other, and I guess they did that for the first PPV, but after that they just internalized it into a McMahon feud and almost buried the rest of the incoming talent. By the end they had 1 WCW wrestler and 1 ECW wrestler on the 5 man Alliance team and at the end of the Survivor Series match the last 4 men involved were all WWF wrestlers.

The Rock making his return during that though was very well done IMO.

The very beginning of the Invasion was superb. That night with the 1st appearance of Rob van Dam and Tommy Dreamer who then teamed up with the rest of the ECW guys (Dudleys, Rhyno and Paul E Heyman etc...) was one of my all time favourite moments.

But within a month they ruined the whole WCW/ECW thing. Could and should have been a million times better.

I really used to like WWF but they have cocked it up so badly. Cant remember when the actual turning point was for me. Perhaps the split? Also Cena annoyed the shit out of me and their storylines became increasingly bad.

Does anyone remember that story line thing with Kane and Triple H. Were he suggested Kane killed his girlfriend and fecked her dead body?
WWE went through a time when they just used the same story line over and over again. They could be still for all I know. When they're bringing in people like The Great Kahli, The Boogeyman, Umaga etc. that just appear as a heel, are scripted to be unbeatable up until a PPV where they get a title shot or a No. 1 contender match, where they ultimately get beat by John Cena or Rey Mysterio after kicking seven shades of shit out of them for 10 minutes before getting hit by a shitty finisher that for some reason floors them for an hour.
They have been doing that since the 80's. Killer bad guys including Andre, Earthquake and Yokozuna (And Undertaker) all were made look unbeatable until the faced Hulk and one big boot later had their image ruined
I'm amazed that anyone would openly admit to watching, much less enjoying, the pantomime that is WWE.

I think we call them losers. Can't believe how into it some are on here when it's so clearly aimed at kids, and even they find it a bit cheesy by the time they turn 10.
Now if we have stone cold steve austin back, I may start watching again.
I was going to move this to the other sports forum but then realised that it wasn't actually a sport and just as I was about to move it to the entertainment forum I realised the obvious irony of such a move so I suppose that it had better stay here.
Stone Cold > The Rock

It's hard to argue between the two of them, although Vince McMahon has gone on record in saying that Stone Cold is the greatest WWE superstar of all time.

Personally, I prefer The Rock. Although, I do like Stone Cold. He can be very funny on his day, that fight with Booker T in the supermarket was comedy gold.
I think we call them losers. Can't believe how into it some are on here when it's so clearly aimed at kids, and even they find it a bit cheesy by the time they turn 10.

:lol: Fantastic.

Look if you dont understand, you dont understand so I wont blame you for it. But nobody who posted here comes across as one of the kids you're talking about, who see it as a real thing. Everyone is posting from behind the curtain and talking about whats going beyond behind the scenes in the industry or their favourite times when they were younger and WWE was better.

Its not okay to look at it and think "Well I think it would be better like this"? Or to appreciate the athletisism of some of the things they are able to do at times? Or have a chuckle at some of the bad acting and feckups - I'm sure you've never ever had a chuckle at someone doing some really bad acting or messing something up

I guess if you talk about the animation industry you're a loser too. Afterall these days most of it is clearly aimed at kids.

I'd choose to watch mma over it 10/10 but the few times it isnt boring a year, this can be entertaining too.
It's hard to argue between the two of them, although Vince McMahon has gone on record in saying that Stone Cold is the greatest WWE superstar of all time.

Personally, I prefer The Rock. Although, I do like Stone Cold. He can be very funny on his day, that fight with Booker T in the supermarket was comedy gold.

I think it's hard for Vince to be objective since the rock sold out

whilst Austin gave his all to the company
The WWE's comeback in 99 was built on the back of Stone Cold 316. Before then WCW was the dominant company for a few years and the WWE had problems. The Rock had to play second fiddle at this time, Stone Cold and the attitude era is what saved the company from its downward trend. There's not much between them but Stone Cold is the more significant.
Stone Cold for me, he's just a funny fecker, his whole personna

The Rock is probably the best on the Mic though
For me stone cold helpted the wwf get to the level that main them the monopoly in wrestling, leaving wcw behind

but the rock took them far and beyond that level

the match they had in wrestlemania was just beautiful, and you see the Rock whispering at Stone Cold thanking him for everything when he won

it was iconic
I think it's hard for Vince to be objective since the rock sold out

whilst Austin gave his all to the company

Apart from the two times he walked out on the WWE in 2002 because he felt he was too big a star to lose a match to the up & coming Brock Lesnar (who coincidentally went on to become a big star in the WWE). What ever happened to putting over younger talent?

This for me is why The Undertaker is the greatest ever in my eyes, he's the consummate professional.
Apart from the two times he walked out on the WWE in 2002 because he felt he was too big a star to lose a match to the up & coming Brock Lesnar (who coincidentally went on to become a big star in the WWE). What ever happened to putting over younger talent?

This for me is why The Undertaker is the greatest ever in my eyes, he's the consummate professional.
Spot on. 'Taker's been the cornerstone of the WWE for the past few decades.
I just love the man, sorry but I do. I'm not exactly into the WWE the way I used to be years ago, but he still keeps me interested. He's back on 21st February I think, and I can't wait to see him back.

Yeah he'll be back then, i'm still holding onto the slimmest of chances that Sting will turn up as well.