Television The Professional Grappling Thread

R-Truth in the main event, A Bella twin as divas champ... Same old shit, even Bret Hart and The Rock's return cant turn this crap around. I think you can safely take "WWE is alive again!" out of the thread title.

Although it was nice seeing Sin Cara use the C-4 off the top rope. Its strange, the WWE wouldnt let Paul Burchill use that move (not off the top rope) as they feared people would get injured. But they'll let Mistico do it from 10 feet in the air.

:lol: When they messed it up and fell off the top though. That might just be the best moment of the night

Wait, what?

App... Appl... Wow.

This is ridiculous. For a while there WWE were using Daniel Bryan decently, but now this shite.
The only good thing about the show was that there was an Awesome Kong vignette. I missed it, so that wasnt good. But I know it was there, which is good.

She'll snap some Bellas in half and is a more credible main eventer than R-Truth

Edge retired, another one bites the dust. He had been getting slower the last couple of years but fair kop to him for going out before he does anymore serious damage to himself.

He was fantastic at playing the cocky heel, they've lost a lot of stars in the last few years. No wonder they had to get the Rock and Austin to come back, even if it is on a very sporadic basis.
Last nights RAW was classic. Made me proper laugh. Cole cracks me up. "The Apple" and some good top rope moves. It's something to watch with your mates and laugh at the absurdity of it all.
Last nights RAW was classic. Made me proper laugh. Cole cracks me up. "The Apple" and some good top rope moves. It's something to watch with your mates and laugh at the absurdity of it all.

I actually laughed at that. Santino played it very well. Hands in for the APPLE POWER!!!!
If you think about it, APPLE is actually a very well balanced team. You've got Santino as the talker, Henry as the powerhouse, Bryan as the technical guy, and Bourne as the high-flyer.
The Corre are just so annoying. Hate Wade Barrett's voice. And the other 3 can't even act, no wonder they just stand in the back and flex. And how the feck does that tag team have 3 titles already!?

APPLE :lol: 3:00

The show was basically a summation of everything thats wrong with the WWE these days. Lots of people enjoyed it but that only goes to further the point. The WWE has changed, the watching crowd has changed and thats how they get away with rubbish that Vince Russo would be proud of.
It wasn't much of a retirement speech from Edge on either Smackdown or Raw.

It also leaves them severely short on talent. Del Rio v Christian isn't exactly an exciting "feud" for the title.
Someone will go over to Smackdown, maybe CM Punk since for some reason they didnt give him any tv time on Raw. Either thats whats going to happen or its another example of why the last Raw was terrible.
I don't think Punk was actually at the show at all, was he?

They were already fairly short on talent, but now they're especially short on face talent. Seems like they're actually scrambling right now. Between Morrison getting punished for his behaviour and having to make up for Edge plans getting scrapped, they've somehow managed to throw R-Truth into a title match and water down the Smackdown title match (though I like Christian).
Get Sheamus over to Smackdown
Get Sheamus over to Smackdown

Actually a great shout

Mainly because every couple of months he has a squash match at the expense of Daniel Bryan.

With Seamus on Smackdown maybe D.B could finally be in the WWE title picture :D
Someone will go over to Smackdown, maybe CM Punk since for some reason they didnt give him any tv time on Raw. Either thats whats going to happen or its another example of why the last Raw was terrible.

Punk was fantastic on Smackdown as well. I'd like to see him over there.

Wade Barrett should be getting a singles push too. Get him out of Corre.
The draft is probably the most useless event

Anytime it suits them they send someone to Raw or Smackdown and come up with some excuse. Well the most useless events along with the cyber events where viewers can vote for the winner as the match will be shite and the winner wont get a push just a one off match win
As for sending a face over to Smackdown, surely thats the best way to use Morisson right now. I would have said R-Truth but now he somehow finds himself in a useful position, even though he's only there so that he can eat the pin at extreme rules so Cena doesnt have to.

As far as I'm concerned it takes all the fun out of the high number matches like 6 way matches, when its the same people every time. People who are never going to win because they dont have what it takes to be champ on Raw, they need to make like Swagger and have a title run on Smackdown first. So get rid of the likes of Morrison and R-Truth somehow and get a couple of people in there who look like they could hold the title at some point. People who might actually shock us and win
The only reason I'm suggesting a draft is because everyone seems to have an idea of sending someone different to the other roster. Naturally that's the purpose a draft accomplishes on a mass level. I don't know. It mixes the context up a bit. In the grand scheme of things practically everything WWE does is useless so I don't mind them doing a scripted draft to move a bunch of people around. It's around this time of year anyways and they're planning on several 3 hour RAW episodes soon enough.

I agree Morrison should move to Smackdown and get a title shot if Del Rio wins at Extreme Rules provided he quits giving WWE excuses to punish him. And I also agree that Bryan should get a shot at one of the top two titles. He's been around for about a year and done his time. He's clearly one of the best if not the best technical wrestler on the roster. A feud between him and Del Rio ought to be interesting.

I'm not expecting anything out of Truth because I don't think WWE is actually giving him a legitimate shot. He's only there because they needed a second face so it wouldn't just be Cena vs Miz again and there's no way Morrison gets a shot so soon after being a bitch to Trish. That said if he somehow manages to take advantage of this sudden exposure and surprises some people, he might get a shot at more time in the future.
Thing with Daniel Bryan is the WWE has so many good options for his path to a world title

Feud with the Miz. Miz was his pro on NXT, they didnt get on, he got beat up a lot. Bryan was picked for Team Raw instead of the Miz who thought it was going to be him. Bryan beat Miz for the U.S title. Miz is another who comes out and squashes Daniel Bryan regularly. Its all there, the charasmatic Miz vs the technical wrestler Bryan - the perfect elements to sell a pay per view with those two on it.

The other squasher of Daniel Bryan, Seamus who has gone over him about 15 times now. Nobody has fed him like Daniel Bryan, even gave him the U.S title. Time for Bryan to go over surely.

There's Nexus. Daniel Bryan was an original member before the incident where they released him because he used a cable to "choke" someone on that first night. As well they are headed by CM Punk another former indie wrestler, they've had good matches in the past in other promotions as well as the WWE.

Del Rio and Daniel Bryan have already had lots of good matches together. And pretty much anyone Bryan is against is raised to another level in the ring so that could help some of the less exciting main eventers like Orton.

Its hard to find many opponents that couldnt do a good world title programme with Daniel Bryan. Maybe Hornswaggle

As for Truth, I remember he actually did a pretty good job in the last few extreme rules events. He took some decent bumps and raised his game for the events. The problem is just that even with him diving out of the ring and taking bumps on ladders, people still dont care about him. He's still boring. And the likes of Bourne and Daniel Bryan could have put on a much better match, impressing just enough to make you think "ohhh.. no way, they might let him win?!" at the vital moments. With Truth its like... He could launch a tactical nuclear missile into Cena's ballsack and lay on a piece of his body for the pin and I still wouldnt believe that he's going to win the match. Because nobody cares about him
It's gone shit over the years, I still watch it but on fast forward, I can cram a 2-3hr show into about 10 mins, the attitude era was the high point for the , it's too coprate now, they have gone for the soft option so they can generate more Money off the sponsors, seeing stone cold and the rock at wrestlemania reminded me how good it used to be. If ya smeelllll what the rock is cooking
Punk was fantastic on Smackdown as well. I'd like to see him over there.

Wade Barrett should be getting a singles push too. Get him out of Corre.

i would say thats on the cards too, didnt Ezekiel Jackson go against him this week and didnt Justin Gabriel eliminate him in the Battle Royale too... i reckon the Corre's own pursuit for the title will break them all and you will see Punk go for Barrett now that his little feud with Cena is over
What actually happened was Ezekiel Jackson was facing Kofi Kingston with the three other Corre guys on commentary. Zeke and Kofi were out of the ring, and Zeke launched Kofi across the table into his teammates.

I like Zeke too, actually. Will never be a huge star, but I think he could be one of those guys that hovers around the main event looking threatening, like how Umaga used to be.
What actually happened was Ezekiel Jackson was facing Kofi Kingston with the three other Corre guys on commentary. Zeke and Kofi were out of the ring, and Zeke launched Kofi across the table into his teammates.

I like Zeke too, actually. Will never be a huge star, but I think he could be one of those guys that hovers around the main event looking threatening, like how Umaga used to be.

Zeke's the type of guy that's always going to be somebody else's muscle. It almost seems like 3/4 of the Corre shits bricks every time there's a mic in their hands. It would've been a pretty decent stable with Barrett in charge considering it had the three least idiotic guys from Nexus, but the whole "we're all equals" waffling ruined the whole thing. Barrett's pretty much outgrown the group by now.
I was on Wikipedia reading up on the wrestlers of old I used to watch and I stumbled upon this little gem on Gangrels page...

Adult film career

Heath signed a deal to direct 12 films for "New Porn Order" under his Vampire Warrior ring name.[1] His debut film, Miami Rump Shakerz 2, was released in 2007.[1]

So how do they decide who's going to be champion? By fan popularity or just random screenwriting? Maybe combination of both.
I've always wondered how they decide who's going to be the next big thing. I doubt it's got much to do with "wrestling skills" although of course you've got to be able to do some stunts and stuff.
Apparently Michael Cole will be knighted by the queen on Raw today.. where the hell are they going with this?

So how do they decide who's going to be champion? By fan popularity or just random screenwriting? Maybe combination of both.
I've always wondered how they decide who's going to be the next big thing. I doubt it's got much to do with "wrestling skills" although of course you've got to be able to do some stunts and stuff.
They have to be able to cut a promo.
So how do they decide who's going to be champion? By fan popularity or just random screenwriting? Maybe combination of both.
I've always wondered how they decide who's going to be the next big thing. I doubt it's got much to do with "wrestling skills" although of course you've got to be able to do some stunts and stuff.

Not necessarily fan support but fan response. If you're going to be a good guy champion, people have to really like you. If you're going to be a bad guy champion, people have to really hate you. Either way people can't think you're an absolute joke. Not only do you have to be good on the mic so you can entertain and draw emotion out of fans, you have to be able to wrestle well enough that you're not doing the same damn thing every match.

The problem with about 80-90% of the roster is that most of the fans think they're a joke. So even though it's storytelling, just like any other form of drama, it has to be believable or people don't take it seriously as entertainment. You can't take what you're trying to portray as a championship and give it to any old joke or else it cheapens it.
The show started with R Truth celebrating that he has a title shot, Morrison tricked him into a match for his place in the PPV, Morrison won, then R Truth turned heel and kicked the shit out of Morrison. You didn't miss anything else.

I can't believe how long they managed to drag that segment out. Actually on second thought, I can totally believe it.