Television The Professional Grappling Thread

JR: I can simulate it. I'm in slow motion most of the time :lol:

Trish and Michelle McCool :drool:
See, jveezy, i bet you regret banning The Rocky now don't you? The newbie WWE thread would have been a hoot with him tonight!
What madness was that? Snooki doing athletic moves?

Trish still looks amazing, even brunette and with a breast reduction.
Another joke of a match. Though the ending was impressive-ish
The great thing about Trish is that besides being sexy as hell, she is pretty good in the ring.
How worse can this get?

Only The Rock can save this.

And wtf am I doing awake at 3 30 am to watch wwe!!! Hahah
Morrison should have done some mental parkour stuff of that funny hangy cube thing.
Rock to end up helping Cena out and it will end with them being all pally. Passing the torch type stuff.
Rock to end up helping Cena out and it will end with them being all pally. Passing the torch type stuff.

Stone Cold comes out and bashes them both over the head with the torch, then stunners for each

Undertaker has another sleep in the ring
Stone Cold comes out and bashes them both over the head with the torch, then stunners for each

Then Goldberg comes out and is crowned Undisputed Champion.

Shut up, it's my fantasy. :(
Goldberg was immense. One of my all time favourite wrestlers

I used to watch WCW on Channel 5, my introduction to wrestling. He was my first ever favourite, so him coming out would be even more nostalgic joy for me than Rock.
More shite

I dont mind these extra bits on the entrances, they could be outstanding and memorable. But that was shite. Worse than Triple H's
I like Cena, but I could do without the "God will help me win" business.

I mean, God no-showed a tag team match with Shawn "most religious guy in wrestling ever" Michaels. What hope does Cena have?