Television The Propgropthrop

Randy Orton Night in his hometown....... So gonna lose :lol:

Ellias is becoming the new Luger / Warrior hybrid :lol::lol:
Randy Orton Night in his hometown....... So gonna lose :lol:

Ellias is becoming the new Luger / Warrior hybrid :lol::lol:

Sooo.....about Randy getting beat....

Great to see soo many people coming back, it was a cracking episode I thought.
One of the better RAW's for a while, that...

The constant changing and shortening of names has to be one of the weirdest things about the current WWE product.

How long before Ciampa loses his Tommaso?

Rumours on twitter that internally, he's just Ciampa now. So to answer myself, about 2-3 weeks.
Raw I think has been pretty good for a while, I don't see what the supposed issues are about it, I have been enjoying it, plenty of storylines being developed, & good matches, what more do people want??
Raw I think has been pretty good for a while, I don't see what the supposed issues are about it, I have been enjoying it, plenty of storylines being developed, & good matches, what more do people want??

I do still think it's a bit of a drag. 3 hours every week is a long time
Sooo.....about Randy getting beat....

Great to see soo many people coming back, it was a cracking episode I thought.

I guess Vince wasn't gonna be too cruel on his big night.

Even Bianca won in her home town.
Sammy doing Sammy things again on Dynamite. Somebody really needs to have a word in his ear before he seriously injures himself or someone else. Don't blame Sky for thinking "feck that" on that spot.
Don't know which one was worse. Nearly killing himself with a Phoenix Splash or no selling crashing into a ladder wrapped in barb wire.
Don't know which one was worse. Nearly killing himself with a Phoenix Splash or no selling crashing into a ladder wrapped in barb wire.

Which was ultimately pointless as all he did was climb back on the ladder and get pushed off again to lose the match. Weird.

In other nutter news, it was nice to see Ray Fenix back.

One day we'll get a Sammy v Fenix v Darby 3 way and I will end up watching through my fingers.
Clash at the Castle would be a great name if it was actually at the fecking castle.

Either way, a WWE PPV on my door step, never expected that in my lifetime.

You want to hope us Welsh don’t snap up all the tickets or you’re gonna get three hours of Delilah and Bread of Heaven as standard.
Terrible name, but good to have a PPV over here, even if it's a made up one rather than one of the big ones. Hopefully a successful show will lead to over of the proper PPVs being held over here.

As for Sammy, he's gonna hurt himself one day. I really enjoyed the match, but that landing from the ladder looked horrible. Hopefully Sky now gets a run with the title and it doesn't bounce around again for a while.
Pro graps UK-style.

Leeds man sick of people 'laughing' at him when he tells them he's a wrestler

The footage of the AEW game looks awful. Let's hope they aren't actually going to release in 4 months.
Big Cass in AEW now.
I think it was a one off as hes with Impact. It was basically just to put over Wardlow.
Him and Enzo were fantastic act in NXT

Speaking of Wardlow and AEW, they really gotta slow things down in general. Wardlow pulled off an impressive top rope move but it was so random for a random match. They could have done something like MJF basically calling Wardlow a one move person, and without the powerbombs hes nothing, and then Wardlow pulls that off against MJF?

Anyway, I like AEW and their shows, but sometimes less is more in matches. Too many times they use a piledriver and its a standard 2 kickout or a lead up to a move that looks less devastating.

I do think that was the Cowboys best promo. But they should have Punk beat him and become champ. Possibly lead to a heel turn for him? Dont think AEW has done a good job with him as champion or given him the right opponents for the most part.
Then Punk should hold it and lose it to MJF after MJF Wardlow finishes?
AEW has done a terrible job promoting their Champions, both the men's and women's top title holders have been playing second fiddle to RoH Champions in terms of TV time, nd TV matches, it is utterly bizarre.

When was Thunder's last match on Dynamite??

The issue with Tony is he seemingly gets bored of people, and likes shiny new things hence why so many people make their debuts, then soon disappear.

Big Cas and Deonna this time around, probably Cesaro in the Owen tournament next, before he is replaced by a new flavour of the month.

Remember when they signed Tony Neese...yeah me neither. ...
Trios title is now getting made by Tony so that's 14 (?) titles in a 3 hour week on his programming.
Its mind boggling, its coming to the point when Dynamite needs a reset.
Trios title is now getting made by Tony so that's 14 (?) titles in a 3 hour week on his programming.
Its mind boggling, its coming to the point when Dynamite needs a reset.

It goes with his childish mindset, his only need to try to pop a rating, then get on with something new.
Titles are fast becoming meaningless there now, especially with all of the RoH ones.
It is like boxing, there are so many.

At least with WWE there is a clear reason with them all, the Raw ones are on Raw, Smackdown on Smackdown, NxT 2.0 on NxT 2.0, and NxT UK on NxT UK.
You don't see NxT UK ones on Raw etc.

Tony just gets board easily it seems, and has to have a big announcement, a new debut, or something every week, there is no stability there.

How often has Thunder been on Dynamite defending her title? Or even in a match recently??

It is fast becoming a farce now.
Its all dumb to me. AEW is a show that needs two separate rosters and has one, and instead of addressing this they buy out another another wrestling company so now have another extra roster of wrestlers. Is there even a plan?

WWE has two rosters when it barely has enough wrestlers for one, and instead of addressing it just invents excuses for certain wrestlers to flit between the two. Someone said RAW had been good recently but I tried watching it this week and it was completely boring. I actually can't remember anything that happened.
Its all dumb to me. AEW is a show that needs two separate rosters and has one, and instead of addressing this they buy out another another wrestling company so now have another extra roster of wrestlers. Is there even a plan?

WWE has two rosters when it barely has enough wrestlers for one, and instead of addressing it just invents excuses for certain wrestlers to flit between the two. Someone said RAW had been good recently but I tried watching it this week and it was completely boring. I actually can't remember anything that happened.

Technically ROH had no wrestlers under contract, so zero roster, they have been using people as one off's whilst they sort everything out and don't forget the New Japan deal also
I think it was a one off as hes with Impact. It was basically just to put over Wardlow.
Him and Enzo were fantastic act in NXT

Speaking of Wardlow and AEW, they really gotta slow things down in general. Wardlow pulled off an impressive top rope move but it was so random for a random match. They could have done something like MJF basically calling Wardlow a one move person, and without the powerbombs hes nothing, and then Wardlow pulls that off against MJF?

Anyway, I like AEW and their shows, but sometimes less is more in matches. Too many times they use a piledriver and its a standard 2 kickout or a lead up to a move that looks less devastating.

I do think that was the Cowboys best promo. But they should have Punk beat him and become champ. Possibly lead to a heel turn for him? Dont think AEW has done a good job with him as champion or given him the right opponents for the most part.
Then Punk should hold it and lose it to MJF after MJF Wardlow finishes?
Punk will win at Double or Nothing. Can see him holding it for a year and then losing to MJF.

Hangman's reign has been underwhelming. The chase is always better than the win. I don't think the problems lies so much with AEW, it's more of a face champion issue in general.

Hopefully the build up with Punk and Hangman gets ramped up now.
God Smackdown was bad.

This whole Lacey Evens stuff for example is surely just to make you brain dead.
Punk will win at Double or Nothing. Can see him holding it for a year and then losing to MJF.

Hangman's reign has been underwhelming. The chase is always better than the win. I don't think the problems lies so much with AEW, it's more of a face champion issue in general.

Hopefully the build up with Punk and Hangman gets ramped up now.

They have already done the putting the world title on an old timer with Y2J, so to put it on yet another old timer would seem very odd.
CM Punk should be no where near a World title shot, nevermind winning it.

This would be exactly like Goldberg coming in and winning the WWE title.

Let the top title be for people who are actually long stay members of the company.

Use the older members to put over the younger members.
Yes, Goldberg winning the title after three squash matches is exactly the same as Punk having a bunch of competitive and lengthy matches (except the one against Spears) and earning a shot.
Yes, Goldberg winning the title after three squash matches is exactly the same as Punk having a bunch of competitive and lengthy matches (except the one against Spears) and earning a shot.
And also putting over mjf in a big way (despite winning the final match)