Television The Propgropthrop

If WWE are smart they make him look like an absolute star
Would tempt people like mjf then
The commentators saying no one in the arena can believe this, despite them all chanting his name before the match :lol:
Ok I will give this, that was a great presentation. Never been a huge cody fan but this could woek if wwe is invested in him.
People can hate him but big props to Cody
Left WWE with a shit gimmick. Took things into his own hands and is a big part of why aew happened, and now returns (for now) as a bigger star, and probably on several times the money
Ok I will give this, that was a great presentation. Never been a huge cody fan but this could woek if wwe is invested in him.

They won't, tonight will be a great night. In 12 weeks he will be solid mid-card.

Really hope I'm wrong but can't see Vince wanting a founder of AEW to be one of the main guys in WWE.
"Did @CodyRhodes always have that birthmark on his neck?" - @VinceMcMahon

:lol: :lol:
They won't, tonight will be a great night. In 12 weeks he will be solid mid-card.

Really hope I'm wrong but can't see Vince wanting a founder of AEW to be one of the main guys in WWE.
By all accounts it's the complete opposite. Bare in mind the past year in particular has had legit draws leave WWE for AEW, it's a win for Vince to have an EVP and founder coming the other way for once.
By all accounts it's the complete opposite. Bare in mind the past year in particular has had legit draws leave WWE for AEW, it's a win for Vince to have an EVP and founder coming the other way for once.

No way he is winning title soon if they are unifying titles tomorrow
This is a big reason why I don't get why people are against a second promotion
Or third

Moments like this, helps the wrestlers and are great for fans
Surprised they had a kick out off the cross rhodes in the first match.
Unless Cody has a new finisher for this run
No way he is winning title soon if they are unifying titles tomorrow
I don't agree with the trail of thought that, if you've not got the title what are you really doing? You can be a big deal without being in the title picture. The undertaker for example did that for the majority of his career.
Surprised they had a kick out off the cross rhodes in the first match.
Unless Cody has a new finisher for this run
I think it's become more of signature move than a finisher. He was using a double hook pile driver type move as his finisher before left AEW
I hate to say it... But it's actually a really good show so far. Only disappointment billing Drew Vs Corbin really.
They certainly gave Seth a lot of offense and trash talk in this one.

Will be interesting now to see where next for Cody.
I hate to say it... But it's actually a really good show so far. Only disappointment billing Drew Vs Corbin really.
Why do you hate to say it?

I think the last two matches have been great.
Wm worthy

Before that it was quite average imo
Why do you hate to say it?

I think the last two matches have been great.
Wm worthy

Before that it was quite average imo
The matches they gave proper presentation to have delivered, if they bothered to care about the others, outside the Paul match it would have been brill top to bottom
The matches they gave proper presentation to have delivered, if they bothered to care about the others, outside the Paul match it would have been brill top to bottom

I don't disagree at all. They had enough time to do so as well
Legend says Hillbilly Jim is still giving his hall of fame speech.
Why do you hate to say it?

I think the last two matches have been great.
Wm worthy

Before that it was quite average imo

Well I don't hate to say it, more pleasantly surprised. I just didn't have much hope for modern WWE.

Women's title match and then Rollins/Cody were great. I think the women's match was the best women's match there has been at wrestlemania. I enjoyed the Logan Paul march for what these matches tend to be when they bring in celebs.